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=HS= A dynamic duo!

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3/11/2013 13:40:20   
Legendary AK!!!

Don`t know if you guys are team players or like to fight crime/spread misery on your own but if you would have to pair up with some other Super being, who would it be? Would you go for a sidekick with lesser powers you could dump all the less glamorous parts of your super life on, like getting you an ice tea in the middle of a battle or use as bait in a dangerous hunt?

Would you go with a full partner, someone who would complement your powers with his/her own and help you to gain an edge in battle?

Also, how would you see it if a sidekick system would be implemented in HeroSmash? Maybe similar to the way battle pets are used in AQW? Like sidekicks attacking for you if you use a power or maybe something different, like a damage reduction or Damage over Time dealing silent partner?

As for myself since I like beating up bad guys with my earth/smashy smashy powers (heh), I would choose a partner with water powers to help me fight crime.

Together we would synergize and protect the innocents with...mud. Don`t laugh, mud is awesome! :D


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
3/11/2013 19:31:27   
Crystal Lion

Are you making mud golems, Balu?

As for me, if it were possible to get npcs or one's alternate characters as temporary sidekicks, I'd finally make that dream team of American Lions come true: Artisa, Atroxia and Hera.

Why an npc? I'm still liking the idea of having Demolicious as a temporary sidekick.


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 2
3/12/2013 0:08:32   
Twighlight Sky

Sidekicks would be a fun idea. I'd prefer to see super-vehicles, bases, and secret identities, though.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
3/12/2013 0:11:46   

A partner in crime has always been a necessity for those great crime lords. I do believe the same philosophy works here, for both heroes and villians.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/12/2013 15:00:17   
Legendary AK!!!


Are you making mud golems, Balu?


Also, nice idea with an already ingame NPC becoming our sidekick. A small quest chain regarding that would be cool to see.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/12/2013 22:31:10   
Crystal Lion

Glad you like the idea, Balu. I'm no good at elaboration, but here's how I see this temporary sidekick situation:

If you've already gained reputation as either a hero or villain, and completed story-related quests, you can hire an npc to be a temporary sidekick. Some npcs won't be recruitable, of course.

Example: Completing the Park War and Franklin Apartments by helping Demolicious all the way will allow a player to hire her, if said player also has rank 8 Good. If you did both quest chains by helping Luigi, she'll snarl at you to get lost; if you completed both quests but don't have the reputation, she'll tell you to come back later as she doesn't trust people easily.
If you assisted Luigi during the Park War and have rank 8 Evil, the player might get a relatively strong Destroyer as a temporary sidekick, instead of Luigi. He'll make fun of you if you don't have the appropriate evil rank and/or did not help him in the Park nor the Apartments.

Miscellaneous npcs would need their own quests to be done before you can hire them, like Balu said. Most animal sidekicks won't so particular about one's faction, as long as the player treats them nicely.

Thank Drakkoniss for coming up with the idea of characters saying different things depending on what you did ingame in the first place.
Post #: 6
3/12/2013 22:52:19   
Twighlight Sky

If they're NPCs, does that mean people would be hiring out clones of me to help them with stuff? Mind = blown.

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
3/13/2013 9:32:49   

If I could have a sidekick, I'd prefer to have a really attractive battle nurse to aid me.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
3/20/2013 21:29:35   

If I had a sidekick, it would be a pokemon..... preferably an Umbreon
DF AQW  Post #: 9
3/28/2013 13:23:45   

If I had a Battle Partner, it would be probably Twi. Twi is awesome! He could probably handle all the battles we fight by him self!


If Only I Had A Piece Of Pie To Go Along With This Comment.
Post #: 10
3/28/2013 13:35:22   
Twighlight Sky

@Above: Why thank you for those kind words.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/3/2013 4:23:55   

Heck, I'd gladly choose blackshock. He's one bad dude! Just look at his character page one of these times!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/3/2013 9:19:51   

Lol, I'm plenty flattered mate ^_^
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
4/3/2013 9:27:43   

My sidekick? Someone who has a lesser/grater/same amount power of me but since I like to use fire and ice maybe my sidekick could use light and shadow?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/4/2013 22:47:17   

If I ever do become someone's side kick, My regeneration would probably come in handy as a meat shield sometime. XD On a side note, I finally finished a draft of my personal character and will submit this in the suggestions XD
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
4/5/2013 7:38:16   
star screamer

Star wouldn't have any sidekicks.

Trivial would probably have a henchman dressed in green wielding a sub-machine gun.

Dread wouldn't have any either.

Night-Owl would probably be a sidekick if that was an option :P
AQW  Post #: 16
4/19/2013 7:11:52   

Sidekick, eh?

I'd most likely choose Antithesis, Tally Nokoribi, Astroman, or Drakkoniss. Although I can pretty much handle it by myself, a sidekick may make things that much easier.
AQW  Post #: 17
4/21/2013 9:50:46   

Oh, Drakky. We wouldn't be sidekicks, we'd be partners.
We could destroy so many things.
Or help a lot of people.

Or we could dance. That's a possibility, too.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 18
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