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My Light...Is Darkness

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5/1/2013 20:22:09   

The echoes of our blades resonate in every corner, echo through the halls. His edge grazes my nose before I step back and rotate my blade behind my back, shifting from right hand to left hand, then bringing the blade upward. The "SPLICH" of my sword connecting with his throat marks my victory.
"Such filth. Gravelyn has no right to keep sending her doomknights to the paladin's tower," I snarl at my preoccupied ally.
"It can't be helped Arch. No treaty can wash away her true nature. Rumors have it even Alteon's next heir has plans to purge everything undead. Which means we will be the ones executing his plans if he succeeds the King soon." Cobal breathlessly explains while dodging a bonelike spear.
In a split second he ends the battle. Shining light explodes through the entire corridor, and I immediately make a mad dash to the room nearby to escape the light. Through every crack in the castle wall raw light magic ripples.There is no doubt Cobal is Gravelyns worst nightmare, she should pray they never meet. Assuming prayer could save one such as her.
"Why do you always chose to take cover from my attacks, remember light magic is nearly useless against another light magic user, like us paladins and highlords." Cobal reminds me, just like he does every time he uses that light attack.
"Sorry." I mumble, "Old combat habits die hard."
"Oh yeah. You did say you were a warlord before you bowed to Alteon for your first time. You must have been the most dangerous warlord in Lore for Alteon to prmote you so quickly. You didn't even have to produce you own weapon of blinding light to be placed in his highlord guard."
"I figured he was just old and senile."
After the battle, all guard members report to the king for a briefing of the aftermath. Today it seems we are to guards short of the meeting. The young girl who is known as the "Angels Cure" for her healing powers, and a young boy that was always around her. I assume friend of younger relative.
"Today we skip the briefing of the aftermath and go straight to the next mission. I Need a squad of 5 to hunt down a rouge member of the Guard." Alteon's voice rumbles like thunder through the room, "then assist him in securing a captured member of our guard. Young Amythis, the healing prodigy of swordhaven academy, also known as "Angels Cure" for her legendary feat, curing a celestial warrior of light. Gravelyn has taken her, for reasons unknown, and it is our sworn duty to save her. If we cannot save one then how can we hope to save all of lore?"
Anxiety begins well up within me. There is no doubt, I will be his first pick. Cobal will be his second, likely another healer will be sent as well. I may come face to face with her again. This time i will do what I couldn't before. Gravelyn, This time I will secure your head on a silver platter. I look around, Every knight's armor has a slight shiver to it, like the same anxiety is surfacing in each member. A few can be heard trying to catch their breathe within their helmets. The idea of facing sepulture's daughter and her undead army is most certainly frightening. I'm not sure why they would be so scared, they aren't strong enough to face average undead without sustaining deep damage to their armor, they won't be picked that is for sure. It is CObal who should feel the most emotion to this, yet he is the calmest amongst us all. He knows he has the power to defeat her, she is a mere spark of her father, and Cobal is know for power equaling that of Alteon in his prime. If he became king I would follow him to the depth of the void, there is no knight more noble, no soul more pure. Even a battle scarred man slayer like me can appreciate that quality to it's fullest.
"Arch...Cobal...Revain...Lira, and even you young Saul. You are my loyal protectors, now a fellow protector of all that is good is at the mercy of evil. This cannot be ignored, nor postponed.Go to your quarters and prepare to leave at dusk. Tonight our light will wash her dark night in a holy vengeance.".

< Message edited by Knoodlesguy -- 7/17/2017 1:09:34 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 1
5/1/2013 21:14:16   

Chapter 2. Fireflies.
There is a chill in the air tonight. An ominous calm that immediately reminds me of that night i stood alone with her. The night I should have done what I will do tonight. It feels like she is watching me even now. This feeling, fate has gave me the same kind of night. Perhaps the great bard who rights our lives was feeling dramatic tonight. At the gates of Swordhaven I wait for the remains of my group to arrive. Cobal was first to arrive, shortly afterward a small boy with short matted brown hair arrived. He could possibly be the youngest Highlord I have ever met, he was Personally picked by Alteon for a top priority mission. I have to watch this boy, Saul, very closely. Something is not normal about him. Finally, the healing archer Revian and Lira of the twin blinding light arrived with a look of determination. That look is a far cry from the sheer surprise on both of their faces when they were chosen.
"Guess the group is all here. When the horn sounds and the gate opens every person drink their potion of swiftness. We need to arrive at her doorstep by midnight, and be back here by morning." I speak as if I were the leader. No one objects thankfully.
We all pull our potions out and prepare to drink on a moments notice, hoping to swallow the last drop before that taste registers. Just as I anticipated the horns blew in a mighty "HARRROOOMMM" and the gates begin to open. Before the gates have reached their fullest opening We explode in like glowing ghosts leaving no trace except dust trails. This feeling, is like no other. Moving effortlessly like an arrow through the land. My hatred begins to grown and my speed begins to further accelerate.
"Whats the Hurry Arch? You seem distracted, even lost in though" Cobal speaks softly, "You even left poor Saul behind to try to keep up. I think he just left the swamps a second ago."
"I apologize. Just anxious" I begin to decelerate as my mind begins to refocus on the true goal. To save Amythis, not enact much needed revenge, "Sorry, It's easy to be anxious with such an opponent waiting for us."
"True, but stay focused. I won't let a single one of you down. That is a promise on my honor."
I look back to see the other members who also heard his moving speech. It seems Revain has began to blush, and Lira doesn't seem slightly moved. I seriously doubt Saul could have him a country away. He really has no place here.Just dead weight we will have protect, I hope he gets lost in the forest without us, that way he doesn't get in the way. When I take a particularly large jump, I see something beautiful, poetic even. Every one of us is glowing radiantly from the potions affects, like fireflies flying to war, yellow streaks mark our last steps. Then I see it. This is insane! from over a thousand meters away a golden wildfire is following us! It's Saul. The child is at the center of that miniature sun!
"You see it to don't you?" Cobal asks
"What...what is he?" I stumble over my own words
"He is a purebreed Highlord, decendant of the legendary Kaim. HE has had stories and epics written just from his presence back thousands of years ago. He had many nicknames, Gods Wrath, Solar King, but his most threatening would be Banisher fo the Sythe." Cobal speaks far to matter-of-fact for someone who is near a legend, "He was the one who supposedly reduced the entire nation, a full armada of shadowsythe, to dust in an instant in his final moments. Gravelyn will certainly like this surprise."
Just when I feel confident in his presence, I watch as the young boy lets his vision trail off to a small butterfly. Face-first he impacts against a tree, uprooting it. Suddenly I feel like our fate might rest on a clumsy bomb that could take us or gravelyn any second. Before I can feel a moment of recovery from my anxiety of our reunion, I see it. A giant dragon of bone, a gothic castle. On the balcony stands my nightmare. I knew it, she saw us from across the map. There next to here stands another figure, draped in black. I can't see who it is, but the figure is feminine. We all stop short of her gate, the dragons jaw, when another figure lunges from my peripheral vision. My body reacts on it's own accord, and my sword stops mere centimeters from his throat. It's the boy!
"Whoa easy there i'm on your side!" The boy squeals for his life, "It's me Zayne. You came to help me right? I've been hiding in a nearby forest for over an hour now before I saw your holy light."
"So. Are you fully prepared for the fight at hand?" I ask, but but before he can answer a glow wraps his body and the tattered cloths and cuts vanish.
I look behind me to see Revain holding her left hand in target of him. I forgot she was a healer, and for a moment forgot she even existed. Her quiet demeanor could make her a fearsome assassin should she ever develop a certain bloodlust she lacks now.
"It doesn't matter if he was before, he is now." She speaks calmly, "I will now enchant all of you."
"I don't necessarily need it" I reply
"It's not for you, it's for me. This enchantment will allow me to heal you more, for the more damage is you inflict."
"I understand now. Do as you please," I sigh.
Our glows have begun to fade slightly, the potion is wearing off ever so slightly. Before us the gates open. There stands Gravelyn in battle armor, surrounded by liches. Under her hand is the shoulder of the black cloaked being. Amythis.

< Message edited by Knoodlesguy -- 5/6/2013 2:40:34 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 2
5/6/2013 4:09:13   

Chapter 3. Evil Among Us

The humming in my head clouds my thoughts. The only sound I can hear is the sound of my heart behind my ears, and the occasional crack of teeth forced to hard together. My hands have begun to numb, from only the iron grip they keep on my sword. Gravelyn looks to me with a certain blank stare, before suddenly smiling. Then Laughing.
"Hahahaha! So The mighty Alteon has sent his elite to my doorstep, and this is what I see!" She cackles with her hand over her mouth, pretending to have dignity and composure, "I certainly never expected to see this!"
"Silence Liche queen. Fall in your grave with dignity and be silent." I mumble, "This is your final hour."
"My grave..."Her voice has fell into a quiet hiss, "I AM the grave. None can escape my darkness. The only people who can escape my wraith are those who bow to me! You should know that Archedge Van Solomon!"
Beneath our feet the sickly green glow erupts! Hands of bone claw their way to the surface, bringing horrors of all shapes attached to them from the earth. Hundreds...Maybe even thousands of undead begin to rise at nothing but her whim.
"Prepare Yourselves proud warriors!" Cobal screams, "To war!"
In response, all chaos breaks free. Lira lunges into battle with a savage cry. Golden flashes in numerious combos dance around her body, as undead limbs fall to the ground by the dozens. Her power is undeniable. She is like a meat grinder walking through the battle field, mincing everything in sight. Cobal begins to shimmer in preparation for his coming attacks and I immediately realize there are no walls, no barriers, no shade from his power. I immediately back-step to escape ground zero of his massive attack, before seeing Saul walking up behind me. His mere presence burns! I feel my life begin to fade from the vicegrips of these two powerful highlords, when a warm glow wraps my body. Revain has begun her healing already.
"What was that Arch?" Revain screams from a small distance away, "Your lifeforce just bottomed out all at once! I never saw you get attacked!"
"I don't know!" I Lie, "Beware there may be dark casters amongst the armies"
"Right" she replies shortly.
Suddenly a worn iron sword cuts the air mere inches from my nose. The army isn't going to ignore me, and the Highlords aren't going to stop using light. If I want this to end, now is the time. I focus my power into my legs and my swords edge. I must reach Gravelyn before Saul decides to incinerate me. Wait for a slight opening...Wait...Now! In a moments notice, a straight line of undead fall in half. My sword cuts through all the undead like one massive stroke is cleaving all the bones in half. Almost there! I can see the venomous smile of the empress. My sword strikes fast and true to bring vengeance down her skull. Slowly she raises her front finger in front of my strike, and the force of my sword hitting an immovable object quakes through my entire body. She stopped my strike with only her bare finger!
"Ohh, my dear Arch. Have you learned nothing from our countless decades together? Has that soul you found within you made you weak and stupid?" Her amusement is obvious, "You could never slay me. I MADE YOU LITTLE BOY!"
"Silence wench!" I scream in rage, "You made me a demon! A heartless killer! I committed a genocide just to appease you! All so you wouldn't hurt her!"
My blade slide from her finger, and I thrust it hard to her abdomen, hoping to pierce her core. Just as my last attack, her open palm absorbed the blow as if I were trying to stab her with a feather.
"It was because you decided that Archedge the Demon wasn't who you wanted to be that she died" Her voice was edged with a prideful condescending tone, as if the memory was so tasty she was still savoring it, "You killed her. Just like you killed everyone here today. You knew This ragtag band of misfits, A traitor, A Child, A Demon pretending to be a human, and two mere Highlords and a scare little brother could stop the Queen of darkness itself!"
"What is she talking about!?" Cobal's voice rattles in disbelief "Your Arch right? The warlord Highlord that I sit next to in noobshire farms at night and ponder the endless universe with! The friend who always laughed when I ran into Alteons throne room with a bedhead!....Aren't you?"
"I am that person. I am Arch, and all those things we did were genuine." I plead with him, almost forgetting the empress before me.
"Then who is this Archedge Van Solomon. Aren't you Archie Lanes?
"Cobal. Who I am now is not who I have always been" truth begins to fill my mouth, and pour from my tongue "I was born in Swordhaven. That was never the lie. The lie is, Swordhaven is also where I died."
"Don't you dare play right now Arch!" Cobal's confusion has grown into a frenzy of unknowing
"I am not lying. Over 70 years ago, I fought under a small Warlord group for control over the small territory of Swordhaven. Home of the Canads, a warrior race that followed the warlord who called himself Byron....Byron the Balanced. Grandfather to king Alteon. There I made my last stand against A being simply known as Valoth. A Demon who survived the calamity of the shadowsythe and began his rebuild of darkness here in lore. It was there I died, but not before I mortally wounded the being. I never got the pleasure of seeing him take his last breathe, but history tells he died in that battle."
Gravelyns proud smile has been engulfed in a look of disgust "I don't see how a little brat like you could have slain my grandfather!"
"But then how are you here?" Cobal is beginning to adapt to the sudden influx of questions in his head and knowledge he could have never fathomed before today.
"30 years ago, sepultures daughter heard of the legendary battle, and foolishly thought she could become as strong as sepulture by merely bringing back the mighty warrior who slew her grandfather, then owning him. Back then, 40 years pasted like a blink of the eye. The chaos of the last fight was fresh in my head, and my power as a warrior combined with the undead power of the shadowsythe was like ecstacy flowing through my veins. My power was undeniable. She discovered that instantly, and pulled her power from me. I was reduced to being less than I was before just so I couldn't slay her to. But she didn't want her first big surprise for her father to be a useless stable boy, but a Mighty warrior to serve the undead, so she needed a way to motivate me. She let me roam freely in the open world of lore, but always watching my through my own eyes. No matter where I went, I would never be free. Eventually I met a young girl in the large city that loomed over the plot of dirt I died in. I quickly fell in love, like a blind child. She immediately noticed I was seeing this girl to much, and I was beginning to smile. Gravelyn knew I was In love, and in that filthy place in her skull gears began to turn, plotting her way to control me. It was only a matter of time before she could have me, own me, use me like a weapon."
Suddenly a blow impacted against my ribs, flipping me backwards in an acrobatic form.
"Bite your tongue worm. It was a courtesy to let you roam free for those months. Your the only undead that ever roamed Lore freely, you should have served me just because I gave you second life!" Gravelyn hissed indignantly, "But instead you resisted, fought back! Even to the point you attacked me, you impudent brat!"
"You killed her! You lying filth! you killed Ireen when you realized I had been contacted by another being offering me even greater power! I didn't want it! Even refused it!" I yell like a child in a tantrum, "I only wanted to be free with Ireen. To hold her in safety, far away from you!"
"And that treachery cost her and you your very lives!" Her smile has reformed again, "You gambled everything on being a guardian chosen by an element, just to give her safety!"
"I may not be some chosen guardian. But I can tell you exactly what I am." A smile begins to surface on my grim face.
"And...whats that?" Her smile fades, like concern has actually creeped into her
"A Doomknight Overlord. Exactly like I was those days I bowed to you." Darkness has now begun to shiver around my sword, "And now I am more than just that. I am Archie Lanes. Made a highlord Highlord and created an Overlord! I am a Spirit of vengeance!"
Golden aura has begun to leak under my shadowy energy, and began to merge. Neither golden nor black. A Grey smoke like aura has began to flow from me, like a polluted fog. Around my sword a green energy has begun to surge, like lightning. Even on my body, green shimmering energy engulfed by a smoke like cloud reflect my metamorphosis. From good to evil, and from evil to good, my sould is neither black nor white. I am grey, and my soul is the soul of all things wicked and all things radiant.
"Gravelyn....When you created me, you created your undoing. You created the second of its kind. You created a Soul Redeemer."

< Message edited by Knoodlesguy -- 5/8/2013 23:05:50 >
MQ AQW  Post #: 3
5/9/2013 0:39:58   

Chapter 4. The Second Queen

"A Soul Redeemer huh?" Gravelyn's smirk shows her concern, "Such a hefty title for some upstart to claim. Your power can never be that of a redeemer."
"Allow me to show you then....this power I have been granted. Light, and darkness together." My confidence glows in my eyes, and I possess every reason to be now, "Allow me to show you what you studied in Necropolis history books your whole life."
I rose my sword, until my body resembled the position of a clock during it's noon chime, sword perfectly vertical. A smoke-like cloud has begun to spiral from the blade, flowing from tip to hilt.
Gravelyn immediately draws her sword and prepares to block. All chaos has been quieted, the battle now waits in hush for this one fateful encounter. Everything is on me. Everything rests on her corpse. "SHHHRMMM" Our movement's leave vacuums behind us. My blade impacts against the broadside of her sword, and her left leg flies high, reaching it's target against my cheek. Unblinkingly, my right arm releases grip to my sword to chop down on her shoulder armor like ancient martial artists once exhibited on wooden boards and bricks. Her shoulder armor shatters like clay pottery, and green energy surges from my hand the second our skin touches. She immediately back steps, before lunging back at me with a sword swing in retaliation. "CLLLIINNG" The sound of our swords impacting against each other creates a rhythm similar to aluminum chimes hanging high in a windy valley. Each clash, small sparks are lighting the darkness. Every spark is nothing more than super heated metal chips, one, if no both, of our swords may give out before our bloodlust subsides.
Undead have begun to form a circle around me, and my allies who once vowed to fight by my side until the death have begun to falter. Cobal is slowly processing the information, Revain has no desire to heal a traitor like I, Lira watches us carefully, like learning either of our combat styles may benefit her in the near future, Zayne stares hopelessly at Amythis while she hollowly watches the empress, and Saul seems to have vanished. None would chose to save a wretch like me, i'm so half way. Neither a Highlord, nor an Overlord. In this battlefield I am merely one undead who has chosen to die rebelling for the second time. Maybe my place was ment to be her servant, to live and die like her puppet. Irene would still be alive, and maybe I would have been slain by now by Artix. My body seems to be fighting on its own while I watch and ponder. Occasionally I will feel a sting of pain, feel the warmth of fresh blood, before lunging back at her. Every attack she throws impacts me, yet only scratches me, while I take each blow to deliver one back to her. The grey smoke seems to have ran up my arm now, and flowing lightly over my body. The sword point that is emitting this aura is strangely black instead of grey. Perhaps the aura is densest where it flows, perhaps that could the focus point for my power. In my next attack, gravelyn prepares to block when I decide to test my new theory. The sword point passes easily through her sword, hacking directly into her shoulder. Did I just cut her sword in half!?
As I pull the sword back I notice the darker aura didn't break her sword. It effortlessly passed through it. The look on her face shows the pain she's in, but even better, it shows the fear of what is to come. Her eyes stare widely into mine, shaking slightly. It's seems I have almost defeated her, with her sword arm damaged and her fears eating her from the inside out, there is no better opportunity for victory. A wild smile creeps onto my lips.
"Prepare the scraps of your soul liche empress, your judgement is nigh." My presence looms menacingly over her pained stance, "This is the end. You will die, and I will return to dust."
My sword's tip strikes fast and true, straight to her throat. A black shape stands between me and gravelyn, but my attack was to fast to slow. The sword pierced through a body before it reached Gravelyns throat.
"Wha....why?" It's all I can do to mumble now
" What an *cough* obedient servant you are. Amythis" Gravelyn coughs and gurgles from her own blood.
"Lend me your strength my lady, I shall heal you and me both. Together we will smite him" Amythis asks, with her hand reaching to Gravelyn.
Gravelyn agrees, and reaches to touch the young girls hand. The moment she touches Amythis, darkness blacker than tar and equally dense erupts. My body is knocked meters from both of the two. Apparently gravelyn was also hit with the wave. Whats happening? Weren't they allied? Maybe Amythis never betrayed us! She was only pretending to help gravelyn! It all makes sense.
"What an amazing trick you pulled Amythis. I never ep-" Darkness from her gazes cuts the ground itself into a canyon before hitting me, stopping all faith I had in her
" Do not dare approach me. I look to eradicate you. With my bare hands." Her voice is different somehow, familiar.
"I didn't know you knew me before we met" I answer to her dangerous warning.
"You don't know me, but I know you. It was because of you I lost everything. If It wasn't for you I could still be with mother!" She screams
"What did you do wench!" Gravelyn snarls from the dirt she lay helplessly on.
"I merely took your power. I control the ties of life and death. As a healer no one is closer to raw life force than I. When you offered me the spark of your power, I gripped it tightly, then reeled all of it in. You are no longer owner of these undead. I am. I, Amythis Cartel! Daughter of Irene Cartel!"
My heart! I can't stop it! My whole world is spinning around me. Everything I once knew is so wrong. I have only been a cog in deaths cycle. I was so blind on my revenge against Gravelyn I never considered, maybe I was slightly to blame. It never occurred to me that I wasn't the only one suffering. This whole time I thought that this quest was for me, but now I understand. Amythis was prepared to use Gravelyn and this entire attack as a set up for her revenge. All for me only though!?
"Your free to claim vengeance against me, and Gravelyn. Both of us are to blame." I drop to my knees and hang my head over for execution, "Take you hatred upon me. Let us be done with this vile business."
"With pleasure"
She walks up to me, pouring darkness from her entire body. My sword, once embedded into her abdomen now hangs over my head. Dejavu. I stood over Gravelyn just before the fight, just like that. Nobody will take this punishment for me sadly. My life has been miserable, and in the end, I feel so bittersweet about the entire thing. These last 30 years have been nothing but a waste. It's time to say good bye to the only friend I had.
"Cobal. I'm sorry at the end you had to see the real me. Please always remember Archie Lane. Not Archedge Van Solomon." I notice him staring blankly at my execution, "Cobal? I understand if you ha-"
"Shut up already!" Cobals face burns bright red, tears flowing down his eyes, "It's not that easy! You can't suddenly apologize and die! I don't know who you are yet! DO I cry over my best friend or carry on over the death of another overlord! I'm not letting you go that EASY!"
Gold rage cuts the air at Amythis's core, blowing her backwards.
"Saul! Now" Cobal raced to grab me and continue to escape, with me on his shoulders, "Incinerate her! burn this entire area! She is undead now!"
Somewhere in my heart, I remember Gravelyn. I can't live any longer like I am alive for only me. Besides, I'm not sure if Gravelyn dies I die to. If I must live to repent, then so will she. I kick my knee into Cobals back until his grip loosens I can already see Saul preparing a small sun above us, as he stands at the castle top. I use all the power left in me to take Gravelyn by the hand, and sweep her into my arms. We haven't times to admit how much we hate touching each other, so both of us silently agree with a nod to never acknowledge this romantic scene straight from one of Shakesword's plays.
"Come on Cobal!"
What! What are you doing!" Cobal is screaming frantically, almost comically, "That's our ENEMY! Gravelyn the EVIL!!!"
"If she dies I may die to....Besides If I must make amends for my sins, she isn't getting the easy way out either."
"Alteon my have my head along with your for this!"
"Then lets not tel-" I look back to see the giant sphere of raw light sink deep into the earth, leaving an ever growing crater behind us, "On second thought lets discuss this later"
"Your first wise decision in 30 years" Gravelyn mumbles.
Before I can consider throwing her back, The light from the mini-nuke begins to close in on us, so we run faster. Eventually the blast stops expanding, before fading away. All the Highlords begin to draw closer to see the remains of Amythis, as if there could possibly be such a thing. Two silhouettes stand in the center somehow. Zayne! Amythis's brother stands over her, his body burned severely from the massive blast. As he falls quietly to his feet, I here him mumble something to his sister, barely audible. I still heard it.
"I don't care if you weren't my real sister, I never did. Your all I have left," His charred arm reaches to touch her leg, while he lay defenselessly on his back, "I Love you sister."
I could feel it in the air. We all can. A powerful life force has just vanished. Amythis stands over her brothers body, looking into the faded eyes of her savior. Immediately Saul lands near her. His nonchalant attitude has yet to fade, even in this morbid scene.
"Oops. I should try again. I forgot about your brother interfering." He smiles childishly, then raises his hands over his head, preparing for another light burst, "There's nobody left now to save" you."
I only saw her arm twitch. That's all Saul did either. For all his power, his body was still mortal, and his reflexes were immature. My sword pierced straight through. I look away, but the haunting image remains. A young child, no older than the children still in school, a corpse still standing. The sword piercing his skull was holding him up. Saul had no business in this field of battle. Now he rests here. I pray a silent prayer for the boy, afraid to look back, when Gravelyn interrupts.
"You can either set me down or start running. I don't plan to die just yet."
"She is right." I can tell Cobal hates admitting this, "We must move. Otherwise Saul's sacrifice is all for naught."
I nod and we begin to move. The The highlords, One undead and one powerless liche woman. The sun has begun to rise, and after some distance away I see Amythis hasn't sent a pursuit force. She knows eventually we will be back. We have to be. The darkness within her is to deep to leave in control of an army. Very soon Swordhaven will fall under her hand if we do not act fast. My redemption will have to wait. There are innocents to save, and I cannot leave them undefended. It's as Cobal said. I must live now, so we can understand who I am.
MQ AQW  Post #: 4
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