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Penalty for Faction Kicking

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4/23/2013 0:06:18   
  Exploding Penguin

Took opportunity of the glitch to kick some lazy people who donated 1k tokens or so to the flag, then just got like 1 1v1 win every day afterwards. A month is an awful long time, and it can easily be worked around, so here are some suggestions:

-Require a set number of influence per day to be counted as "active" (you will still get the status noted as being logged on, but it won't count toward being active. For example, if I don't meet the quota, it will say I haven't been active since yesterday, but it'll say I last logged on today) based off of the faction's level. Additionally, to prevent people from just meeting the quota the day before they're a month inactive, every ten days you are inactive you must meet the quota for an extra day consecutively. For example, in order to count as being active after not being active for the past 5 days, I only need to meet the quota for 1 day. However, if I'm inactive for the past 2 weeks (14 days), I will need to meet the quota 2 days in a row. While a player is busy redeeming themselves from their inactivity, the token penalty will still apply unless they fail to meet the quota during their streak (If I'm gone for 29 days and I just started meeting the quota on day 29, I need to do it for 3 days in a row. If I meet the quota on days 29 and 30, I cannot be kicked on day 31 without a token penalty). A bit complicated, so I apologize if this is hard to digest.


-Reduce it to 2 weeks, 1 week, etc... this really wouldn't solve the problem with people who get 1 win and just log off each day
Epic  Post #: 1
4/23/2013 0:28:05   

i understand some people dont like to be kicked, but i think its unfair for the leaders if you join a faction knowing well before hand that theres win requirements and that you would be kicked if you didn't meet such requirements.

you should have no room for complains if you were told before joining.

i understand what they tried to do when they implemented this, but this doesn't help the active factions of ED.

so in a way, i support a solution to this problem.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/23/2013 11:36:15   
Retired ED Guest Artist

If a player joins and just donates without meeting requirements or is inactive for an extended period of time, then the leader has the right to remove the player, but is not entitled to the donated tokens. Although 30 days may be a long time, I think the penalty is fair.

I would suggest that faction leaders be given the ability to set their own inactivity period, with 30 days being the default. This will allow serious faction leaders to better manage their team. Players should also be aware of these changes/requirements. An alternative to this would be to allow faction leaders to set a daily, weekly, or monthly influence/donation requirement. If the criteria isn't fulfilled, the leader reserves the right to remove the player without penalty. Players should also be aware of this and any changes made to it.
Epic  Post #: 3
4/23/2013 11:55:24   
Sensei Chan

Yes But The Player Who Donated The Tokens Will Lose Them And So Will The Faction.
Epic  Post #: 4
4/23/2013 17:51:30   
King FrostLich

^Unless that player has 30 days inactivity then the faction loses nothing other than the kicked player. I'm agreeing about lowering the days needed to kick people who are inactive to 10-14 days once the 30 days faction glitch has been fixed.
Epic  Post #: 5
4/23/2013 18:06:04   
  Exploding Penguin

@drekon: A member should not donate tokens unless they're devoted to the faction. It would be their own fault if they donated tokens but failed to stay active in a faction, and thus got kicked as a penalty for it. Also, members who know they can't make a quota should self-advocate and try to find a solution for the faction leader. While this could sometimes lead to situations where the player simply isn't suited for the faction since they can't meet the quota, they shouldn't have been invited in the first place. Basically, a faction should have total control of its members, but supposing people are mature and open-minded, compromises can hopefully be made most of the time.
Epic  Post #: 6
4/24/2013 10:29:48   

When the faction loses the battle tokens, where do they go?

Shouldn't the person who got kicked out get them back instead of them disappearing into Oblivion?

Post #: 7
4/24/2013 10:34:13   

No, because they were still invested and gave the faction an advantage. If they'd return to the player, it'd be abused easily.
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
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