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Juggernaut must be eliminated

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5/7/2013 22:31:06   
Noobatron x3000

You want to know why people were leaving the game at a certain level titan that's what you said was the reason for omega. Well you were right part of the reason was lack of balance with enhancements and all ( not that balance has been addressed in any way shape or form with omega ) . But the other part of the problem yes yes I'm well aware that juggernauts aren't as strong as they were at the level cap. But at lower levels their pretty much invincible you find yourself with very very few options going into 2v2 build wise. Because theirs only certain builds that stand a chance against a jugger unless you like being slaughtered in a fight you never had a choice to enter. And most of these builds require rage and a skill to stand a decent chance of winning which is very easy for the jugger to counter.

IMO there are two options here.

1) Leave juggernaut the way it is and many people will rage quit when they get to la certain lvl 15ish and find them selves facing lvl 24s 25s
or lvl 22 facing 31s. And this game will loose more players then it already has.


2) make juggernaut optional let the ones who want the free wins whine . And maybe hold on to some of your new players joining the game ? God knows this game needs them now more then ever turning into a ghost town.
Post #: 1
5/7/2013 22:34:28   
Angels Holocaust

What we need to do is restore juggernaut back to the way it was when it was first released. Problem solved.
Post #: 2
5/7/2013 22:36:26   
Noobatron x3000

^ That would leave the free win mode for the juggers no not problem solved at no point since its release has that mode been ok . It needs eliminating , That modes problems are worse then the issues with 2v2 and i never thought i'd say that.
Post #: 3
5/7/2013 22:59:24   

@ noobatroon

you forget when jug mode was released enhancements were still around but now they aren't. So if they did indeed restored jug mode to the way it was it wouldn't make a difference since it was enhancements and extra stats that made jugs hard as it has been shown in omega.

Epic  Post #: 4
5/8/2013 0:20:51   
Dual Thrusters

Please, Juggs are easy to kill at lower levels unless you are a bounty hunter without smokescreen.

I would not agree with number 2, for then almost no one would enter jugg. It is already hard to find a match even when players are forced to fight juggs.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/8/2013 3:41:48   

my solution would be to make juggernaut a premium mode (varium only / member only)
this gives more gameplay (not unfairness) over non payers.

then restore juggernaut to something similar like it was before (game balance is different now so the "free win mode" isn't such a big excuse now)

at the same time, dont count the losses for the low levels (enemies of jugg) but count the exp, and give them a bigger credit pay out for fighting a jugg.
if they win, the credit pay out is x10 and exp is doubled.

having jugg matches give losses/wins for the lower levels is a big problem. and i think this is what's causing some of the ruckus with the low levels.

at the same time, the match making system needs to be remade.
having enemies be only 6-10 levels lower is a TERRIBLE match making system.
because the enemies for jugg will continue inflating as levels get higher and stats get bigger.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 5/8/2013 3:44:04 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/8/2013 6:08:38   

Mostly agreed with your points, except for

at the same time, dont count the losses for the low levels (enemies of jugg) but count the exp, and give them a bigger credit pay out for fighting a jugg.
if they win, the credit pay out is x10 and exp is doubled.

How would one motivate lower level players to fight back? I can only see juggernauts begging to get a win: 'Guys let me win, you lose nothing'.

< Message edited by Drianx -- 5/8/2013 6:09:12 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/8/2013 7:46:53   


How would one motivate lower level players to fight back? I can only see juggernauts begging to get a win: 'Guys let me win, you lose nothing'.

the point is the lower level didn't choose to go into the juggernaut fight.

he goes into the 2 vs 2 battle (dont give me the "team" excuse) and ends up going 2 vs 1
while the battle affects his 2 vs 2 record.
i just dont find it right in this sense.

thats why i also suggested that the credit pay out should be much more rewarding for winning than when you lose.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 5/8/2013 10:53:13 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/8/2013 13:09:47   
Noobatron x3000

See i don't buy into this whole idea now that enhancements are gone its all ok someone 9 levels higher is going to be far better then most of the lower levels most of them will be new to the game have awful builds and [probably non upgraded equipment if they have all their gear. Making juggernaut a slaughter for the lower level and screwing their 2v2 record also . I have all my equipment a good build but even sometimes on the very rare occasion i get a partner with a good build and all his equipment its still virtually impossible to win . All this mode serves to do is encourage rage quits.
Post #: 9
5/8/2013 13:16:37   

@ noobatron

Well in the beginning of omega Juggernauts were getting destroyed big time at all levels. It got to the point where I remember lower levels telling me that juggernauts are now free wins for us. Then the players complained to the staff and they increased the level gap in hopes of balancing it out.

Enhancements and extra stats did make a difference back in delta and Jugs took a huge nerf because of their removal as well as having cores with different effects available cheap.
Epic  Post #: 10
5/8/2013 13:37:05   

juggernaut was never balanced, before omega the low levels tortured by juggernaut, in omega juggernaut tortured by low levels. The battle mode needs some balance after all the big changes in omega.
Post #: 11
5/8/2013 13:37:54   
Noobatron x3000

I fought a jugger recently me and my partner both had about 8-10 primary damage 21-26 def 22-27 res. 5-6 aux dmg and around about mid 70s hp now in my eyes this isn't a bad arrangement for level 20. both of us had all our gear maxed. We couldn't hit above a 3 on standard attacks and the minute we used a skill he emped us so we couldn't do anything else if we tryed to hold for rage still emped. There was no way of beating him i tried a few various different tactics in fight after fight it wasn't possible. If ED continue with this their player base will suffer more then it already is as a result. The only way of hurting most juggers is with a skill and skills are so easy to counter.

Too many people making it sound like the juggers are the ones having the hard time at 35 that may be the case lower down the food chain its the other way round.

< Message edited by Noobatron x3000 -- 5/8/2013 13:39:09 >
Post #: 12
5/8/2013 13:45:13   

@ noobatron

I have alts at the lower levels as well, and I have faced quite a few jugs at these levels as well. I haven't had a single problem putting up a good fight or beating a jug myself and my alt is level 18. Also if a jug uses good tactics to disable your build who's fault is that? Certainly not the jugs since they want to win and they are going against 2 opponents. when battling you have to make sure you are prepared for these things so you can counter and take advantage of situations.
Epic  Post #: 13
5/8/2013 13:54:44   
Noobatron x3000

Ok then its all me that's in the wrong my mistake . This game has plenty of reasons for people to quit whats one more huh all juggernaut is doing is ensuring this games end comes sooner. But whatever everyone disagrees it totally is possible a fair amount of the time not a complete slaughter. Keep believing that whilst your older players leave due to omega . Your newer ones will leave as soon as they hit the juggernaut wall. Ignore this problem at your own demise. Mark my words leaving juggernaut in the game without making it more fair is a suicidal move and you will regret it when the game closes.

I was right about omega i said before it came things would go down hill players would leave on mass its happening. I'll be right about this to

< Message edited by Noobatron x3000 -- 5/8/2013 13:57:21 >
Post #: 14
5/8/2013 14:17:02   

@ noobatron

Why do you think they never made this optional in the first place you are suggesting? Because they know that it would destroy this battle mode. Not to mention unlike 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 you had to either pay to play this mode with either real money or time (20K credits) to unlock this mode.

You are playing with real money for some and destroying a battle mode would make anyone who brought this card feel a way.

While I can agree this mode needs some balancing (since higher levels are getting clobbered while some lower levels are owning) destroying the mode isn't the answer either.
Epic  Post #: 15
5/8/2013 15:57:28   
Noobatron x3000

The lack of balance since omega and the completely wrecked2v2 mode balance wise and the 1v1 mode everyone play 3 different builds or have a awful win % I've the reason I've quit playing my 35 and any of my higher alts since omega not to mention the complete lack of content. Its also the reason many others are quitting.

I could live with all these things on my lowb really not that big of a deal lowbs are just for fun . But being forced into a battle i don't want to enter with less then halve a chance of winning is no fun. I'm just glad i have not bought any varium for a long time. Honestly devs i honestly believe if this game is to be saved from death you need a miracle and a lot of work to be done . I shall no longer be playing full stop .
Post #: 16
5/8/2013 16:02:40   

Good for you, I hope you enjoyed the game. Business-wise, you stop being a customer once you stop paying. <_< Then people wonder why Devs "hate" true posts about how their game oh-sucks so much and what people do is complain rather than post something constructive. Way to go.
AQ Epic  Post #: 17
5/8/2013 18:42:54   

What happens to the factions such as mine, HAX, who have won so many dailies? What happens to us?
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
5/8/2013 18:58:27   
Noobatron x3000

^ won't matter about your faction if 75% of people getting the the juggernaut wall just flat out rage quit. their will be no game.
Post #: 19
5/8/2013 19:06:53   

@ noobatron

Coming up through the levels what annoyed me more was not the fact that I had to face juggernauts, but the fact that my partners would run from the jug. Heck some of the jugs at the time felt the same same way as I did.


Epic  Post #: 20
5/8/2013 19:11:08   
Noobatron x3000

^ if i see a jugger now i look a my partners build his and just leave if his build is unbeatable or my partners is awful . I refuse to waste time in a battle Ive been forced into . Or that was what i was doing as i've quit now.
Post #: 21
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