And by rares I'm referring to, not just holiday rares, but also rare items in general. Cause so far, we have six variants of robots to choose from (talking cores, not dmg type), not to mention half of these are going rare soon (not sure about bunny robots) I mean, if a game only releases rare items, there will be nothing left for those who sign up right after an event has ended. There's not even anything special to buy out there, unless there's an event going on, and that's a shame imo. Obviously, cores play a big role in Epic Duel atm, and there aren't a whole lot to choose from. You have the promo cores, which sooner or later will be switched out with newer promo cores, and then we have a SLIGHT amount of cores (permanently put IG) that do what? Steal a little energy or give you a 3 % stun chance. I'm not saying I expect cores to make a big difference between those who have them and those who don't, but I'd like to see some more alternatives in game, that are STAYING.