We have two basic reasons we prefer to lock threads instead of moving them: Firstly, if a thread is locked for being in the wrong place AND it contains rule breaking (becoming spammy, being inappropriate, going off-topic, etc...) then moving it to a new forum just transfers that problem to a new set of AKs and Moderators rather then actually fixing it. It's often better to let the thread just start fresh in the proper location. The second reason is best illustrated by an example. Let's say I start a thread in OOC to show off my artwork. This thread should be in the Gallery, so the OOC AKs would lock it/delete it and tell me to re-post in the correct location. I would then know to re-create the thread in the proper sub-forum and also make sure it follows the rules of that sub-forum. If they just move the thread, it may not follow the rules (we don't expect AKs to know the intricacies of the rules in forums they don't moderate or aren't otherwise active in), which means that now the Gallery AKs will have to warn me for an incorrectly formatted thread. This causes issues for both the moderating staff and the forum user, who now is getting warned twice for the same thread by two different sets of moderators. It actually ends up working better for everyone (moderators and forum users) and being less confusing if the thread is just locked/deleted...