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=ED= September 06 2013 - Yaaaaar Design Notes + Patch Notes 1.5.30

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9/6/2013 17:38:54   


September 06, 2013
Yaaaaar Design Notes

After a brief hiatus for DragonCon and other important real-life events, the EpicDuel team is finally assembled at full strength. The problem is we only had 3 day to build a release (technically one full day and 2 half-days if you include planning and release testing)! We were so tight on time that I just got around to the Design Notes now. It's like I'm typing live! Anyway, no more wasting time...let's get down to it!

Administrator 10
Fighting in the Dread Plains has gotten so heated that Alydriah has ordered Administrator 10 to oversee battle operations directly. Normally content to manipulate events from behind the scenes, the Administrator has a nasty battle record that keeps his troops loyal and his enemies in a constant state of fear. He is also an extreme hypochondriac and wears a gas mask constantly to prevent himself from breathing in the irradiated vapor and toxic dust that blows across the Dread Plains. This, combined with his notable paranoia and disrespect for authority makes him an exceptionally unpredictable and dangerous foe.

Mission Organization
This week we've also made improvements to mission organization. Completed, pending, and unavailable missions are now color-coded and sorted for easy navagation!

Talk Like a Pirate Again!
Yaaaaaaar! Since we've fixed the error with the seasonal rare scheduler, we are able to reintroduce the Talk Like a Pirate Day-themed rares! It turns out that the error was due to a single misplaced letter among the dozens of lines of code -- like finding a needle in a needle-stack! Visit Big Tuna in the West Naval Yard to check them out!

Also, the Talk Like a Pirate achievement will also be returning!

Because of this error, the Titan weapons were removed early. We have returned them for one more week! Thanks to Rabble's hard work on this system, we will now be able to add and remove items to merchants without rebooting the server, making it easier to get the right gear into the right hands!

Bye, Bye, Botanical Gear!
Since Fall is on the horizon (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, anway) we felt it was time to retire the Botanical Gear and the Botanical Borg promotional packages.

If you managed to snatch them up, good job! If not, you'll have another go at them next year around Springtime to add them to your robust arsenal.

Coming Soon
All the battling in the desolate Dread Plains has begun to stir the local wildlife. Normally shy but curious Dire Wolves and Goat Lizards have begun to creep into the warzone. Will they align with Legion or Exile forces?

I hope they're on my team!

Patch Notes 1.5.30
  • Arborgeddon and Botanical Battlegear promo packages removed from the shop
  • Mission List now sorts and displays mission groups in a more intuitive way

  • Seasonal item sheduler fixed -- TLAPD and Titan items now showing properly on merchants
  • When purchasing battlegear weapons (legion or exile) the passive core slot shows a “-1”
  • Cores included with Promo Package items were not showing up properly until relog
  • You were able to see the opposite alignment assets for a brief moment when you joined the Bazaar.
  • Reward from “Not a Good Reason” still result in a loss when you finish the mission. Should now give you a net profit of 1000 credits
  • Limited quantity Concussive Shot now working correctly
  • If you attempt to use the Strike button right after your opponent leaves, you would see an error message “You must select an enemy character to use the null.”
Tags: Nightwraith Pirate Achievements Toast Titan RabbleFroth charfade Administrator 10

Tagged ~Therril Oreb
Formatted. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 9/6/2013 18:08:22 >
Epic  Post #: 1
9/6/2013 15:31:11   

Well, I didn't have this cheevo already, so I'm glad I could get it now

Other than that I've started to not expect too much every Friday as in anything game-changing, cough new cores cough.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
9/6/2013 15:39:36   

We've never seen Admin 10 have we?

This could get interesting.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
9/6/2013 16:12:12   
Bionic Bear

Sounds like another 2v1 boss in our near futures...
Post #: 4
9/6/2013 18:26:12   
Dual Thrusters


Normally content to manipulate events from behind the scenes, the Administrator has a nasty battle record that keeps his troops loyal and his enemies in a constant state of fear.

Well this guy sure puts the "wreck" in "record."


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
9/6/2013 18:39:39   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Grabbed the cheevo, getting so, so close to my 2nd blue star <3
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
9/6/2013 19:01:43   
King FrostLich


we felt it was time to retire the Botanical Gear and the Botanical Borg promotional packages.

After trying to farm this bot, now I'll have to wait next year to get it again..... Good thing I didn't sell the key.

The Botanical Borg is STILL AVAILABLE at Xraal. Honestly, this bot doesn't need to go so that players can choose bots. The Botanical Hazard too shouldn't have been made seasonal rare.

< Message edited by King FrostLich -- 9/6/2013 20:30:43 >
Epic  Post #: 7
9/6/2013 20:16:50   

i still have the egg key so ill get the bunnybot next year

finally awesome update for such a short time !
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
9/6/2013 20:29:49   

Does Admin 10 drop a cheevo?
Epic  Post #: 9
9/6/2013 20:31:42   
King FrostLich

^He can't be battled atm.
Epic  Post #: 10
9/7/2013 9:13:22   

@King FrostLich, I couldn't agree more, the amount of bots that went rare is ridiculous as the choices you have for bots currently availbile in game are so limited.
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
9/7/2013 15:39:17   

I wanna battle him.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
9/7/2013 15:46:22   

Hopefully they will put in some war missions next update along with making admin 10 challengable.
Epic  Post #: 13
9/7/2013 17:56:29   

i want him to be as hard as george lowe back in gamma

and it better be 1vs1 not 2vs1
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
9/7/2013 18:07:34   


and it better be 1vs1 not 2vs1

I don't mind as long as he drops a nice cheevo.
Epic  Post #: 15
9/7/2013 18:09:12   


and it better be 1vs1 not 2vs1

Go to Dread Plains -> click Administrator 10 -> read "Ally required"

You're welcome.
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
9/7/2013 18:10:41   

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
9/7/2013 19:23:11   

@ Cn2025

I am glad he isn't 1 vs 1 the last 1 vs 1 boss was annoying enough for me as it was.
Epic  Post #: 18
9/7/2013 19:29:05   
Dual Thrusters

If it is a 2v1 boss then you have to worry about who wants to link with you...in my case all my buddies are always grinding
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
9/7/2013 20:31:16   

Finally a new boss, to bad it's a 2v1 boss, Solo is best for me.

I Just hope there's a way to battle him solo like the Elite Yeti or Dravax, it was fun to battle these 2v1 Boss NPCs Solo, To bad they didn't dropped a cheevo when you solo them.


Well, I don't have to worry, I always have someone to help me when the bosses need ally link to battle.

And theres also the Party thread where people can ask for help.
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
9/7/2013 20:40:39   

@ Rayman

When I went up to him it said ally required meaning it is a 2 vs 1 fight with two human players just like the old bosses (with the exception of George Lowe)
Epic  Post #: 21
9/7/2013 20:57:33   

It's 2v1? Ouch, too bad I don't know anyone in this game, hopefully some stranger will help me out.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
9/7/2013 21:36:43   

i will help you just pm me
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
9/7/2013 22:07:46   


I know it's a 2v1 Fight I said it myself on the post, and I only said (I Hope there's a way to battle him solo)
AQW Epic  Post #: 24
9/7/2013 22:12:41   

there is ask your ally to leave

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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