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Another Convenient Suggestion (Informative Tooltips)

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11/20/2013 18:09:22   

Have you ever been strapped for time, clicking a player's status page to check how much Defense they have, so you can calculate how much damage you will do if you use a weapon or skill like Bunker Buster, for example? Well, with informative tooltips, you do not have to click their page anymore! The tooltip will calculate the small stuff so you can sweat the big stuff, like which action you will take next turn.

In battle, when you scroll over your moves, all you will see is the description of the move unless the move is a skill. The box that pops up to show you this information is called a tooltip. This suggestion takes advantage of them, and makes tooltips evermore useful.

Normally, when you scroll over something, you see a box like this: http://i.imgur.com/eWtwv3U.jpg

But, with improved tooltips, you might see something like THIS: http://i.imgur.com/BVGS34I.jpg

Now you do not have to load those pesky character pages and make those trivial calculations that you can do in your sleep, these tooltips will show the most important information pre-calculated for your convenience! No more adding 11 and 29 and subtracting 17 and multiplying the total by 1.1, it is done for you!

Things that tooltips can show, are: net damage range, net Resistance, stun chance, critical chance, connect or success chance, energy gained, rage gained, net rage damage, etc!!!

Optimize your strategies with informative tooltips.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 11/20/2013 18:10:38 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
11/20/2013 22:40:06   

200% supported :P

One thing this game struggles with is skill stat information.

Something like this would be perfect because you can quickly decide which will give you the best luck odds as well.

And when you consider things such as cores effecting luck then it becomes extremely difficult to calculate the best option in terms of luck and this tool tip should be a necessity for for this game, especially if it considers becoming more complex in terms of battle mechanics.

The too tip should also be added to duration effects such as shields, stating the remaining turns if it doesn't already.
Their should also be a tool tip which appears if you hover over an opponent, which indicates their chance of citting, connecting with blockables and connecting with deflectables against you (with possible core bonuses separated out and conditioned)

For example you hover over an opponent with a Celtic cleaver then it will say this:
Chance to connect with blockables 85% (+7 Clectic cleaver Strike) and possibly even say the max connect chance next to that.

NOTE: since calculations for 2v2 is based on who you attack and you chose after you pick an attack then perhaps they will need to switch the order, as in you pick the player then the skill effecting them.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/20/2013 22:42:18 >
Epic  Post #: 2
11/20/2013 23:30:26   
Teufel Hunden

I enjoy this suggestion very much, great job and keep up the good work :)

Supported ^^

~Da Bomb Expert
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/21/2013 8:26:01   

Glad you guys like this suggestion! I like anything that makes long tasks happen in a short amount of time.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
11/23/2013 19:46:17   
ED Divine Darkness

good idea.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/23/2013 20:18:16   

Want this.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
11/23/2013 22:03:46   

clicking the lvl bubble thing lags so i totally support this !!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
12/22/2013 12:23:07   

after the update of 10x multiplier this sugest is extremly needed, the numbers now is huge
Post #: 8
12/22/2013 16:30:28   

yes I don't want to do the math anymore
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
12/22/2013 16:30:33   

If there was a button to support I'd mash it like Chairman Platinum did the release monster button :D
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
12/23/2013 0:21:33   
Tri Phoenix

1 000 000 000 % supported bro
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
12/23/2013 0:30:41   

Epic  Post #: 12
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