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Dragon Nation OverSoul Tournament

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7/6/2018 13:05:03   
The Finnish Phoenix

There is a major OverSoul tournament being hosted on a gaming chat platform server, though I won't specify beyond that as I do not intend to advertise for the platform or the server but to raise awareness of the in-game event organized by players as well as to relay sign-up information from those interested to the tournament organizer so that we have more participants. This tournament is intended to help revitalize the game and player activity, and is free to enter.

The tournament starts on July 15th.

There are two sections for the tournament:
-The Apprentice section for which only characters of Level 10 or below can be used The prize for winning the Apprentice section (Level 10 and under) is 4000 Artix Points.

-The Professional section for which characters up to Level 20 can be used. The prize for winning the Professional section (up to Level 20) is 10000 Artix Points.

It isn't allowed to enter both tournament sections, so if you would like to participate in one then specify which one you'd prefer to play in.

For both sections, the following characters are not allowed to be used for balance purposes:

Bandit Drakath
Chaos Drakath
Drakath Fiend
Great Pumpking
Tyrant Moose
Queen Aegea
Hunter Berserker
Hex Void
Volt Engineer
Abyssal Priest
Time Gentleman

In addition and also for both sections, the following limitations to Custom Cards are applied:
Iron Hide and SuperCharged are not allowed to be customized.
Only 1 copy of Corruption is allowed to be customized as a maximum.
Only 2 copies of any other given Custom Card are allowed to be customized as a maximum.

You can only use one character throughout the tournament but you can use different combinations of Custom Cards so long as they're within the regulations.

Each player goes first once each in duels 1 and 2, and if they remain tied 1-1 then whoever won their duel with more HP remaining goes first in duel 3 of their match.

Current players signed up for the Apprentice section (Level 10 and under) are:
Lack of Fear
Aura Knight

Current players signed up for the Professional section (up to Level 20) are:
Lord Cruaver
Corn Flakes
Mr. Axe
EmiSsArY Of PaNdAmONiUm
The Jop

If you would be interested in participating in the tournament, please post here with your in-game OverSoul name as well as whether you'd like to compete in the Apprentice section or the Professional section.

Using this form like so would be ideal:
In-game name:
Preferred section:

Good luck, have fun, and I hope to see you there! ^_^

< Message edited by The Finnish Phoenix -- 7/16/2018 10:04:09 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
7/6/2018 18:57:34   

In-game name: EmiSsArY Of PaNdAmONiUm
Preferred Section: Professional

Questions: Can you only use one character and CC combination for the entire tournament? How does the bracket look like?? etc.
Epic  Post #: 2
7/6/2018 22:18:24   
The Finnish Phoenix

Awesome thank you for your interest I contacted the organizer and he added you to the professional bracket.

Good question! You can only use one character during the tournament but you can use different combinations of CC's so long as they're within the regulations, I'll add that to the OP.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
7/7/2018 1:04:31   
Aura Knight

This could be fun. Think I'll be joining.

In-game name: Aura Knight
Preferred section: Apprentice

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 4
7/7/2018 16:02:07   
Fire alandry

How do you choose the time of the battle? My computer time is extremely limited and my time zone isn't USA. And when it'll be finished? From July 19 I'm not in home.
DF  Post #: 5
7/7/2018 16:44:41   
Aura Knight

Could we by any chance get the link to the discord that has this tournament? If not allowed in this thread, maybe in a PM?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 6
7/8/2018 4:56:15   
Fire alandry

Another question: The reward will be gifted to the character, or the player? Because personally I prefer to use AP in DF.
DF  Post #: 7
7/8/2018 11:15:10   
Dr Disrespect

The reward will be gifted to the winner in the form of Artix Points. You can spend them on any AE game you want.
Post #: 8
7/8/2018 13:51:14   
The Finnish Phoenix


How do you choose the time of the battle? My computer time is extremely limited and my time zone isn't USA. And when it'll be finished? From July 19 I'm not in home.

Match times are co-ordinated between paired players. So long as you're actively trying to connect with your opponent and provide your availability, I for my part would make every effort to facilitate communication across platforms, relay messages as to when each player will be available, and help ensure your match takes place as promptly as possible. That said, the tournament organizer has final say, and has put it in as terms as blunt as "If You don't show up , automatic forfeit." Given this, your situation of extremely limited computer time in an uncommon time zone with a hard deadline of July 19th is frankly less than ideal for you, your opponents, and the tournament as a whole. Efforts could be made as have been in past forum-hosted tournaments to pair you up with another player in a similar time zone, but eventually if you were to progress through the tournament you'd be paired up against someone in a different time zone. In the event you're paired up with an opponent that is making every effort to co-ordinate their match with you, has more time to commit to trying to meet you and you simply can't meet them because you don't have the time, there is a very real chance that the responsibility for that could be attributed to you and your situation of extremely limited computer time in which case you could be dropped if it's necessary for the tournament to progress. Given the history of OverSoul tournaments, there's also a very real chance for the tournament to drag out beyond July 19th despite every effort made to have matches take place in as timely a manner as they can. Given your unavailability beyond that point it would again be necessary to disqualify you for the tournament to progress in that case.

While I'd encourage you to join the tournament in spite of these challenges and would do my best to see that you're accommodated within reason, I'd be remiss not to mention them as considerations you'd have to make before entering.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
7/8/2018 16:11:49   
Fire alandry

Thank you. I think I won't join this time. Volt Eng. is my only lvl 20 anyway (yes, I totally understand why it's forbidden. 3000+ dmg forever!)
I do hope this tournament will help OS, 154 characters without a singal SG is fun except the fact that the rest are too rare and never drop when you beat them. I need new characters ASAP
DF  Post #: 10
7/8/2018 20:04:36   
The Jop

Alright, I'm always up for one of these! Thanks for letting us know, Dylli.

In-game name: The Jop
Preferred section: Professional
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
7/9/2018 9:42:13   
The Finnish Phoenix

@fire alandry: Sure thing, if you change your mind before the 15th let me know and if not then there will likely be more tournaments in this vein down the road as efforts by the player base to help revitalize the game continue.

@The Jop: Good to see ya! I've relayed your sign-up to the organizer and you've been signed up! Same goes for Aura Knight!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
7/9/2018 22:46:02   
darkknight skull

In-game name: Dark Frenzy
Preferred section: Professional

It is nice returning to Oversoul again. I can't wait for the tournament to begin. Also, there's a oversoul discord? That's new, I never heard about it! I wonder if I could possibly join.

< Message edited by darkknight skull -- 7/9/2018 23:48:22 >
Post #: 13
7/15/2018 3:28:47   
The Jop

Just beat Lord Cruaver 2-0. He was very skilled with a Revontheus, keeping me petrified most of the time, but I was lucky enough to barely survive the first round. It's always nice to meet a new, skilled player of the game, so I hope I get to play him again in the future.

Then I lost against Emissary 1-2. I mentioned it in the chat room, but I'm not sure if it was seen by anyone who could update the brackets. He's very skilled with a Cyber Void and he's someone to look out for in the rest of the tournament. NDB versus TFP should be quite the clash. Definitely need to reevaluate my reliance on DoTs (even corruption) if you can knock out a level 20 in about 3 attacks.

< Message edited by The Jop -- 7/16/2018 19:28:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
7/15/2018 15:55:22   
The Finnish Phoenix

Congratulations Jop! I have informed the tournament organizer and he'll update the bracket shortly.

The brackets as they stand currently are on this spreadsheet:
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
7/17/2018 22:09:27   
The Jop

Hey, congratulations TFP! Why am I not surprised?

Well, even assuming you didn't let me win I think you still won like 5 tournaments, right? You are definitely one of the most skilled players, no arguing that.

< Message edited by The Jop -- 7/26/2018 23:38:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
7/18/2018 23:54:13   
the warden

completly forgot about this, ill have to join the next one
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
7/26/2018 21:22:45   
The Finnish Phoenix

@Jop: Thank you kindly! I was very close to losing to NBD's Cyber Void (he gained the 3rd duel initiative by besting me by more HP in duel 2) but luckily had early Corruption and enough defence in duel 3 to pull through by the skin of my ~500 HP. I felt equally lucky not to have run into you again considering you've beaten me in I believe 3 tournaments is it now?

@warden: Sure thing, there's already ideas of an undead tournament around Halloween being put out so keep your eyes peeled for more tournament news. :)

Thanks to all participants, it was a smooth and competitive tournament with a good turnout which is pretty impressive for a game that hasn't seen an update since 2015, a good sign to be sure.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
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