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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> Customization+
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1/15/2014 17:21:09   

  1. Delimit the Point Spread on Equipment.

    Stat points can be 100% customized on all forms of equipment excluding Robots. Instead of having: - 6 Strength - - 6 Dexterity - - 2 Technology - on an Auxiliary, you can have 14 Strength on your Auxiliary.

  2. Remove Skill Point Scarcity.

    Players, especially max level players (40) are still encumbered when customizing their skill trees. 39 skill points sounds like a lot, but even then, every skill cannot be specced to the max level. Not enough skill points. Instead, when players meet the level requirements for their skills, they have complete control over what level their skills are. And instead of the compact level requirements for skills (1, 2 , 5, 10), each skill has its own level requirement spread out over the 40 levels. For every 3 levels, the player will learn a new skill (and choose which level that skill is [1, 10, 8, etc]). By level 36 or 37, the player will have learned all skills.

  3. Damage and Stat Conversion.

    Weapon damage or armour points can be traded with stat points. Approximately 1 point of weapon damage is 5 stat points, and 1 point of armour is 4 stat points. This is a 2-way conversion, so damage points can be traded to get stat points, or stat points can be traded to get damage points. This idea is probably Trans'.

Question, comment, and suggest.
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
1/15/2014 17:31:27   

1. Nope. Abuse would happen. I'm more for 50% instead of 40% stat cap - so we can focus on two stats only, not dump the remaining 20% elsewhere - which allows a bit more variety. Right now, I've dumped 20% of my stats into Strength, when I'd prefer to spread it between Tech and Dex instead; tank'ish build.

2. I'm... not sure about it. I see the potential, but not exactly. In my opinion, it'd be good if you couldn't max a specific skill until you reach n level; Level 20 player could have L4 Zerker at max, whilst Level 36 player could have L9 Zerker instead. In a way, it'd cap their maximum power for the level AND maximise the usefulness of skill points (for the level). *unless that's what you mean... .-.*

3. Needless to say here.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
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