This is something often being brought up around the Forum, and at the same time, it's almost always vetoed due to various reasons. EpicDuel, as any other game, has its schedule for releases for next upcoming weeks and/or months. For one, AQ has already planned its releases for 2014, which shows something. Yes, changing the schedule is almost impossible, once it's been confirmed, but that is subject to the Team size as well as the available free releases which can be anything - i.e. Seasonal Events must always be released, so x amount of releases each year are already taken. Content is required to keep players interested in the game, and keep playing. No one can stand pure PvP or constant NPCs. Balance is needed to survive in PvP, although not so much vs. NPCs, but that's not an excuse. It's impossible to forgo one for another. Game would collapse very fast if there was focus on only one of them - all the time that is, not having small breaks in-between, to focus on bigger content/balance release. Bigger changes take more time. Small Team makes it even more difficult. Fair example is passives to actives change - postponed by few months (balance). Another example is the Tutorial - postponed by a week (content). Likewise with phase changes - Omega was postponed by two months, IIRC (balance AND content). There's plenty of examples to back this up with, but this should do. Ideal ratio between the two, would be 50/50. But that can never happen, because some changes have higher priority than others, so it's often being shifted around. If one wants a lot of content to play through, or significant (major) balance changes, they need more than a week to do so, and that's purely focusing on one area. In one week, you can accomplish a simple bandaid fix, which is not permanent and will not work in the long run. Players dislike it, because the issues remain. Longer changes are often worth the wait, some people will complain, but they also dislike the amount of time it takes, because they have to put up with the issue for much longer. In other words, you can't please everyone, and there needs to be balance between the two. Would the players rather see more content or more balance? For example, would you like - say - two releases in the row purely focused on altering skills, and focusing on releasing new cores or even skills for classes? Or perhaps more content to keep you occupied, in form of missions, rewards, and so on? You cannot have one of them and shift all the attention onto one area. That's a straight up no. Read before you reply: We are the minority on Forum, so we cannot vouch for everyone. - Merely give more in-depth feedback, but we aren't any more important than players in-game.
Rabble could have a new poll, for players in-game (one vote per account), for players to vote on what they want. - [1] More content, less balance. [2] Mix of both. [3] More balance, less content. [4] Any option Devs can think of...
Even if this was to work, the Devs would not be able to shift all their schedule. - This could likely be a temporary solution, when time is available for free releases and there'd be no harm in postponing some changes.
I am hoping this thread isn't breaking any rules. Falls under discussion, no mention of finances and such, doesn't fall under balance directly, and isn't a suggestion either. Well... DiscussiOn!