Stuns at low levels are stupid. When there is no strategy at low levels it almost guarantees that two evenly matched players (players who use dex, tech, str, not support) will lose if one person starts first. It certainly guarantees that if a player loses a turn to stunning they lose in general. Now, the solution would be to stockpile on Support, obviously. Stunning, is, of course, a counterable novelty. Except it isn't. I am rocking Support build on my fresh Merc alt and at level 11, with 47 support, I am getting stunned over 30% of the time. This is probably luck since the game mechanisms wouldn't allow this but Support clearly isn't helping at lower levels. Even at level 30, I remember a 130 support Merc being stunned (by me) 2 times in a row. I fought him again and I stunned him 2 out of 2 times in that round as well. The third fight was yet another stun. This is probably the most stuns in a row delivered to a support Merc, but my point is that Support should have a larger effect on Stuns. At low levels, I really think stunning should be reduced. At higher levels, when stunning is a nuisance, the 30% is adequate. At low levels, where stun means certain death, stunning is no longer an adequate chance. At level 20 and below I think stun chance should be 20% or lower. This applies to victims of stunning, so if a level 23 used Overload on a level 20 it would be a 20% chance of stun. Or, to be more balanced, stun would scale from 20% at level 1, and at level 2 increase to 21%, and every 2 levels after increase by 1%. This is a small change but certainly an important need. Scaling stuns would not be affected i.e. Maul.