^ I agree, Cores are limited unfairly to a worse degree then skills because they can only be used once. However Cores are essentially better versions of the main "free attacks" which are basically striking, aux, gun and robots. And therefore they should be given a cost to make these skills have a opportunity cost to simply using the free attacks, otherwise cores will become the same issue as free costing skills now where they become clear stronger options over other options limiting strategy, even if they are only limited to one use. I would prefer if they gave cores a stamina cost and then make cores, like skill usable infinitely amount of times when not on CD. What this will essentially do is greatly improve strategy required as everything will have an opportunity cost, Do I use a stronger skill and burn energy, do I use a stronger core and burn stamina, or do I use a free attack and save the energy and stamina for later turns. What essentially should happen is no attack should have the right to be outright better then an alternative everything should have an opportunity cost. Plus making cores useable more then once but giving them a cost will also improve complexity and enjoyment in battles. @ Mother1, quote:
What needs to happen is there needs to be a way to remove the over stress on energy that the energy costing cores and the passive to active change has brought. My stamina idea does EXACTLY that. Also remember their is extra stress on energy not only because of cores costing energy but because free costing drains are far superior and have basically no downside making them spam-able, this issues is also fixed by my stamina idea, for example mages may consider using an alternative to assimilation or battery when they are off cool downs, as the battle progresses, as the stamina constraints may be high for one or because they are saving the stamina of one or the other/ a core.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/12/2014 23:52:35 >