right soulja boi, as you have read, it would be a challenge because the stats returns are still rather minimal with legendary, but it would give atleast a little bit of a break to the juggernaut at tese higher levels where the differences are much smaller than at lower levels. a level 30 facing two level 40s' the level deifference would be 40-30 thus 20 levels. at level 40, you could be facing 30's (i know these number are extreme but for ximplicity's sake) thats still 60-40, DOUBLE what it was before. ALso you know the players would have more experience and more chances for upgrades themselves, thus the legendary ranks stats would still give a minial boost, but perhaps just enough to balance out the current crappy jugg system (which i think is only wrecked because of all of the energy drain abilities and, and the stats on weapons)