after the one sided war was done, we had 3 days of double points. that was very nice gratz to titan and the gang. ok now to it ( makes you wanna to cry ). in to day playing on the 28th of may in the usa, l found it hard again for trying to get mission done with( 2 nd quest of the mission no one wants to fight when you ask them for the 5 wins, or 7 some times you need , an then now the 3rd part the 2v2 for 3 --- or five wins you need, it is sad when you are a 40th level and you get a 35th level to battle next to you vs a 40 and a 39th, or 2, 29th vs you and a 35th level, then they leave ). can it ever be fixed, and then trying to get games when 300 players on line when maybe 2-----7 are 36th or above. know wonder the daily looks sad, when 12th------to 37th levels lead the daily, please fix. is any one out their to fix this. well any way play until the red bull is gone my thoughts on this always the syfy