Legendary AdventureGuide!
Locking this up right away, since this is not much of a suggestion that can be considered! As already explained by GearzHeadz, Dragonfable is an single player game where as ED is an MMO, therefore an 'unstick' button is not possible in ED. As for new servers, once again, GearzHeadz is correct in that they cost A LOT of money! I am assuming that you ask this because you experience frequent lag and a stuck game and would just like to point out that though the game can cause lag on occasions, most the causes of lag are actually on the players side. This results from low internet speed, low computer specs, and possibly a few other reasons. So if you want the game to run faster and with lower lag/'sticking', then your best option is to upgrade your broadband/internet speed and/or your computer. If you are more than sure both of these are fine or cannot upgrade either, make sure your computer is not clogged up to the limit memory wise and clear you internet browser cache regularly! These will hopefully help with your issues at least a little.