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HeroMart Forum Request and Sctructual Outline

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6/12/2014 3:50:32   
King of Clubs

From time to time I come up with an idea that I think would be great for the HeroMart, but there's really no place to suggest them atm accept for the poll and I've submitted a few sets of ideas there, I really don't want to it again for fear of skewing the accuracy of the poll and denying the community the items that would most appeal to them. Therefor, I'd like to see a HeroMart section added to the forums with a few posting sections (stickies would work, there'd be no need for an open-topic layout there).

HeroMart Forum
General Forum Rules:
--Please do not make multiple copies of the same post, this only crowds the forum. If multiple identical posts are created they will all be removed.
--Please keep all posts respectful and free of profanity, obscenity, flaming, innuendo, racism, prejudice, and plagiarism. AE is a family friendly company which is dedicated to providing a safe, friendly, enjoyable, and non-offensive environment to its community, keep this in mind whenever you post.
--DO NOT use signatures or banners in this forum, this only crowds the forum and distracts from the suggestions.
--Follow ALL other universal AE forum rules.

-HeroMart Item Suggestion: Suggest new item ideas that you would be willing to purchase and believe that the AE community in general would consider to be an appealing product. You may suggest in game items to accompany the purchase of the real-world merchandise, but please make such suggestions specific and provide artistic concepts for such items.
--All suggestions and designs posted to this forum are the intellectual property of Artix Entertainment, by posting a suggestion to this thread you agree to surrender all rights to your concepts and designs and forfeit any and all rights to profits obtained through the sale of items based on the aforementioned concepts and designs.
--Please put all suggestions into a single thread, if you come up with new ideas in the future you may add them to you existing thread.
--DO NOT suggest prices, prices will be based on the cost of manufacturing the items and distributing them to purchasers, as well as the anticipated demand for the item in question.
--DO NOT suggest how many of your item suggestion should be produced, this will be based on the anticipated demand for the product (formulated by observing the purchase patterns for similar items which have already been released. YOU MAY HOWEVER suggest that the item be made in a "Limited Quantity Production Run" or that a signed/otherwise special version of the item be released in an LQR version. Be advised that no item can be produced in extremely small amounts as the cost of production is in part based upon the number of items created.
--DO NOT steal other players ideas. All submissions must be original concepts. Ideas which are too similar to previously posted ideas will be deleted as soon as this is noticed. You are not expected to read through all previous posts to determine if your idea has already been submitted, however if you post such suggestions on a frequent basis disciplinary action may be taken if it becomes apparent that you deliberately violating this rule.
--DO NOT discuss other players suggestions on this thread. You may do so on the "HeroMart Suggestion Discussion" thread.

-HeroMart Product Discussion: Discuss products, new or old, which are already present in the HeroMart shop. Is there an item which you've fallen in love with? Is there one which you find very unappealing for some reason? Do you have a suggestion for improving existing items? Are there two or more items which you would like to see incorporated into a single-purchase set? Would you like to see new in-game rewards added to one or more AE games for the purchase of an existing item?
--DO NOT suggest price changes for items. If an item is too expensive for you to buy yet you really want it you may mention this, but do not suggest an alternative price and please understand that it is simply not feasible to change the price of most items, particularly those which are new.
--DO NOT suggest item sales.
--Please provide only constructive criticism and keep it polite. People have worked very very hard on designing the HeroMart items and moving them through the production stage, simply because they wish to provide you with quality AE merchandise. Keep this in mind with every post.
--DO NOT suggest that an item be removed from HeroMart due to slow sales, being outdated, or any other reason. It is important that all existing merchandise is eventually sold so that HeroMart may continue to conceive and create gear that you may enjoy.
--DO NOT request that any sold out item be re-added to the HeroMart on this thread. You may do so on the ''HeroMart Resurrection" thread.

-HeroMart Suggestion Discussion: Have you read a fellow players discussion which you would really like to see added to HeroMart? Please post it here, knowing which suggestions other players would like to purchase will make selecting suggestions for production easier and more successful.
--Please keep all discussion of other players suggestions constructive. Players have worked very hard on their concepts and artwork and deserve to have their ideas treated in a polite, respectful manner.
--If you are suggesting changes to other players concepts please be polite in doing so and understand that some players may not want criticism on their designs and/or may not be open to changing their suggestions. If you believe you can improve their concept but they are not open to discussing potential changes for it then THAT IS THE END OF THE MATTER. Submitting your own adaption of another players design/s is still considered plagiarizing their idea/s and will be deleted, even if you have given them credit for the original concept in your post.
--If you adapt your design based on a suggestion that another player has posted here about it please give them credit as they have helped in your work. However, it is still considered to be YOUR design.

-HeroMart Resurrection: Is there a sold out item which you did not buy in time or wish to have more of? This is the place to request another production run of that item.
--DO NOT request the return of any limited quantity run item (ex. old calenders, pal/sep action figures, signed editions of artwork, etc.).
--DO NOT suggest that new versions of existing items be added to HeroMart in this thread, you may do so in the "Heromart Product Discussion" thread.

-Violation Reports: Have you seen players plagiarizing or acting exceptionally rude to others in this forum? Please report it here.
--DO NOT falsely report players in this thread. This thread is utilized to address forum emergencies as soon as possible and distracts the forum moderators from their other duties. ANY AND ALL false reports will be considered a serious violation of forum rules and disciplinary action will almost always be necessary.

I put in rule concepts that I believe would help you get the most possible benefit out of the new forum section. If you'd like me to remove it please send me a message and I'll have it off as soon as I get a chance to log in again (within 24 hours). I didn't read the "do not suggest rules" part until after I posted them (yes, i see the hypocritical irony in that =/ sorry), but I think it's a good outline to work with which addresses the more common problems that this forum section may experience.
I am a HeroMart fan and I love the merchandise (if only I had my own credit card already), it would mean alot to me to have a pleasant and organized place where players (including myself) may officially suggest the physical AE swag that we'd most enjoy and know that we may have a chance to own it one day (without making it ourselves and having you sue us for copyright infringement =p).

< Message edited by Corvus Corax -- 6/12/2014 4:40:37 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/12/2014 4:41:28   
Corvus Corax
♥ Senpai ♥

There is already a HeroMart subforum located here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=391
AQ AQW  Post #: 2
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