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How do you think we can get a bigger player base?

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7/20/2014 16:14:30   

1. Low health again
2. Passives skills back
3. More events - Harder to do but I feel the amount of players achieved be worth it
4. Easier to get credits / Cheaper items
5. Longer wars - I didn't feel like it lasted long enough - I didn't get as many war drops as from Overlord Facility war as I did from the last Frysteland war
6. Work of skills players feel are useless

What do you think should be changed to get more players?
Post #: 1
7/20/2014 16:30:35   

1 That wont change as long as it is so rewarding to use high HP
2 While that would be nice from experience with the staff it is extremely hard to get them to undo something they did completely. This is because all the hard work they made for a change will be for nothing if they did.

3 would be nice but staff has to also work on balance updates as well otherwise the people who want balance changes will be enraged. A mix of both would be for the best.

4 The main reason they inflated the prices was because they made everything that use to be for varium only players for non varium. In doing so they gave varium a heavy nerf. Doing this would nerf varium even more and if varium is made worthless the game will die since this is their only source of income. So while this would be great for the players business while it is clogging up the arteries to the epic duel heart so I doubt I will see this happening.

5 unlike with the infernal and frostland wars, they are having consistent regional wars where as with the other they are having war with huge gaps of time. So to compensate for this they made them shorter. As for the bomb drop rate yeah they changed it up because before I remember the bombs dropping a lot easier in the frostland war then they were in the overload war.

6 I agree with this one 100%

But here is my thoughts

actually bring the game to decent balance and not just shuffle the flavor of the week builds. Or as I said several times give the game a jenny jones make over (Meaning completely rewrite the game from how shields work to the power of strike) Doing this and fixing the problem they had ignored would more than bring players in seeing as they won't have to worry about imbalance so much.
Epic  Post #: 2
7/20/2014 17:21:08   

I'm pretty sure the biggest issue that is hurting the player base is the horrible matching system. I'm not the one to criticize something without offering solutions. I believe the best solution to the matching system is for you to match against a NPC if you can't match against someone your own level (it would have to be different for legend ranks maybe within 4 ranks). The developers know exactly how to do this, and I believe if they dedicated some time to this they would be rewarded for their effort.

I also believe the extremely long war cooldowns are hurting the player base as well. Factions need influence to level, players want to see their influence go up, but we can't do any of that when the war is on cooldown. So I believe making the war cooldowns 1-week would help with the player base and faction competition.

I also believe new leader boards, and leader board expansion would help with the player base.
•All-time experience leader board (suggested in this forum before by Mother1).
•All-time personal war upgrades (previously known as war captures).
•All-time rating (from your achievements).
I feel that adding new leader boards would greatly help maintain the player base we have now, and motivate future players to get on those leader boards.

Those are my thoughts on what the developers can do to make the player base flourish and I'm sure there are plenty of other great ideas that can reveal the potential this game has.
Post #: 3
7/20/2014 17:38:13   

@ Variation

Or instead of one week cool downs they make it where you can earn influence from battles like it used to be. I mean seriously thanks to this dreaded war (No pun intended) PVP battles are now worthless when you are going for world domination since you have to prey and hope for an item drop.

doing so would actually make factions more active again as well seeing as they would always have something to do regardless of whether the war is on cooldown or not.

But on another note I have to ask you do you know of anyone besides conqrr and myself who has gotten the level 10 war upgrades cheevo?
Epic  Post #: 4
7/20/2014 17:45:15   

Yeah they should do that, this way it wouldn't matter how long the war cooldown is.

You, ConQrR, Nemesis30, ..VINGADOR BR.., and A L E S S I O.

< Message edited by Variation -- 7/20/2014 17:52:48 >
Post #: 5
7/20/2014 17:54:17   

I retired from epicduel waiting on the game to be fixed to return. Im playing aq worlds now so much more fun
Epic  Post #: 6
7/20/2014 18:52:13   
Noobatron x3000

Legend ranks and the strength hp would need serverely nerfing before this game stands any chance of recovery. People got into omega under the promise of no more p2w which was a great thing . The p2w was hiding how broken this game was , well maybe it wasn't for the ones not paying , but the ones paying didn't care they got there no skill required free wins,

Problem is once the free wins were taken away from them not just the f2p were mad but now also the pay to win crowd were mad. So instead of fixing the game that's been broken from the beginning they decided to break it further allowing the strength hp builds to continue doing nothing about it. Then they decided to add legend ranks breaking the game further still. With conduct like this the server numbers will continue to collapse.
Post #: 7
7/20/2014 20:47:44   
  Grixus Faldor

Rather than actually discussing the problems facing player retention, this thread has turned into a listing and suggestions thread, which is not permitted in the GD. Thread locked.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
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