Boss Name: Shires Dirge Powers/Abilities: Stone Hide: Passive - All magic damage is reduced by 15% (Attack Type-passive) Arcana's Runes: Passive - Cannot be affected by negative status affects (i.e poison, fire, decreased DEF/STR) (Attack Type-passive) Truffle Hunt: Passive - +10% damage against magic users. Immune to knockback. (Attack Type-Passive) Charged Desolation: Aggressive - This charge deals a moderate amount of damage, as well as doing a large amount of knockback. Armor Piercing. (Attack Type-Physical) Predators Instinct: Passive - Can sense when an attack is being use, or whether there is magic nearby(Attack Type-Passive) Hunt The Weak: Aggressive - If the enemies base damage is stronger than Shires Dirge's, Shire Dirge Gains +10% Defense increase. If Shire Dirge has stronger base damage then his enemy, then he gets a +10% damage bonus to all attacks. (Attack Type-Enchantment) Bog Brew: Aggressive - An attack that is a guaranteed critical hit. After the attack hits however, Shire Dirges defense is reduced by 10%. If it misses, Shires Dirge gains +10% accuracy. (Attack type-Physical) Sanguine Tusks Aggressive - An attack the tosses the enemy high into the air. They will take fall damage, and also get the Bleeding Debuff, making it impossible to heal for three rounds. If the attack misses, Shires Dirge takes 5% recoil damage, in the form of magic damage. (Attack type-Physical) Arena: A dark swamp. The only sound is the ominous croaking of the leech frogs, and the sound of small animals decomposing in the toxic sludge. The air is thick with the smell of decay, death, and dirty animals, also making it hard to breathe. Bordering the bubbling sludge in the center of the arena, are large, gnarled, blackened trees, with faintly glowing lantern fruits growing upon them. Bones litter the ground, and in the background you think you can see a small Hamlet. Weakness: Metal. All metals (swords, daggers, arrow tips) deal extra damage to Shires Dirge. As well as this, Shires Dirge has very bad lateral movement, and can take damage from behind, were he is extra vulnerable. Basically, melee is the way to go when fighting this behemoth. Personality: He's an animal, so he doesn't really have much of a personality. I suppose if he did, he would be gruff, stone faced, and silent. As well as extremely dispassionate, ruthless, and coldhearted. Backstory: (Imagine this as a creepy poem that you found while exploring the dark swamp one day) "There once was a man, who lived in east shire, His woes were great, his situation dire, So he went to the hag, who lived in the mire, And asked for her help, But to his ire, The Witch said no, an cast him away, So it was, that the very next day, The man came back, to ask for more help, But the hag declined once more, with a cackle and a yelp, But the man was not to be deferred so easily, So he want to the village elder, A man named Peasley, The man foretold of a terrible fate, To befall the man, But the elders words were far too late, and the man transformed into... (The rest of the parchment is ripped and incomprehensible, so you toss it aside) How did you get sealed in the first place: "I've done terrible things. Things that would give you nightmares. I slaughter magical beings, adding their ichor to my hide. People think I'm the monster for killing their "childhood friends". If only they knew the truth about their "friends"... What do you plan on doing once you are free: Continuing to cleanse the land of magic Other: nooope