ENERGY FLOW With recent updates adding energy costs to cores, and reworking passive skills into useable skills, energy management has become much more important. We feel that this is an important aspect to managing the pace of a fight, but certain things are a little out of line, so we want to review the system in general to make it fit better with the updated skills. The major changes here include: Increasing the amount of Energy players have. In general, lowering the impact of energy draining effects. These have become much stronger now that Energy is a more important resource, so they just need a little nudge to bring them in line. Adjusting energy gain on each class. Examples include giving Bounty Hunters a reliable way to generate energy, reducing Tech Mage energy generation, and adjusting Static Smash to be more useful. Nearly every energy-affecting class skill has been adjusted in some way. We hope that this will improve the strategies around Energy management and help push the pacing of battle into a more interesting direction. Source: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=21510050 Energy management is here to stay, and skills won't be removed from x class because they "shouldn't have it" due to "variety", or whatever the reason may be given. Whether EP will be revamped or not, there's no answer - because you cannot expect major changes fast, even more so that other factors (stats) contribute to its imbalance, so all six stats would have to be revamped at once - and to do that, you would also have to rebalance some skills to prevent any major imbalance, therefore, it won't happen just like that.