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A war combo system and bring back battle tokens

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11/20/2014 0:51:11   

I suggust that we can get influence by three combinations, first battle tokens, second war 1.0, third war 2.0, the reason is being is because I think war 2.0 wasn't a good idea cause you can't get influence everyday and with this new combo that I'm suggesting it will be possible for players to get at least some influence everyday, during wars not everybody can afford bombs or war commander cores, and I also suggest the return of the each regional influence cores(don't remember how they were called but were introduced in war 1.0), and the return of battle tokens so players can get extra influence

Ik this is something a bit similar to someone else's suggestion but didn't mean to copy them

Lemme know what you think about this idea
Post #: 1
11/20/2014 1:13:52   

Bringing back the battle system of 1.0 and combining it with 2.0 I 100% support. However with the way the war has changed there are no objectives for you to battle in front of during none war times. So for that one I would suggest making it so where ever you battle during non war times the influence goes towards that war Cheevo to prevent problems.

As for the names of the regional cores they were

Bio Preserve command
Barrens outpost command
Central station command
Dreaded plains command
Fortune city Command
Overlord Facility command
Wasteland Command
West Navel command

Frostland and Infernal mines weren't regions of battle yet so there were no cores for this area.

But as for the battle tokens I have to ask how would these give up influence in regions? You never explained how that would work so I can't say if I can support or not support it due to not knowing.


Variation and myself made topics similar to this but they went dead due to inactivity.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/20/2014 1:14:27 >
Epic  Post #: 2
11/20/2014 16:27:11   
Cyber Dream


The lack of bombs drops is really frustrating. (took the words right out of my keybaord)

Bringing back the battle system of 1.0 and combining it with 2.0 I 100% support. However with the way the war has changed there are no objectives for you to battle in front of during none war times. So for that one I would suggest making it so where ever you battle during non war times the influence goes towards that war Cheevo to prevent problems.

As for token, what if we used them to buy bombs and take the varium aspect away from it?

< Message edited by Cyber Dream -- 11/21/2014 16:10:54 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/20/2014 21:41:10   

Thanks for letting me notice that I forgot to explain battle tokens

Well for battle tokens, you can use them to contribute to war objectives for influence, buy war bombs, upgrade bombs, buy war commander cores, buy regional cores, buy once again achievements, and even sell them for 10 credits each, which would add value to battle tokens, Lemme what you think about this idea of battle tokens

EDIT:Battle Tokens won't count towards your inventory slots

< Message edited by DeltaNoob123456789 -- 11/20/2014 21:44:54 >
Post #: 4
11/20/2014 22:12:07   


As for token, what if we used them to buy bombs and took the varium aspect away from it?

I don't even know why people use varium on war anyway. If they make their alignment win, all they get is an armor that they have to spend even more varium or credits to upgrade them. There should be better rewards for winning and more different ways to get influence, including when it's not war.

< Message edited by Stonehawk -- 11/20/2014 22:13:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/20/2014 22:46:53   

@ Stonehawk

Here are the reasons people spend Varium for war bombs

1) To get War hero and World Domination since both of these have now become like the old Warlord Cheevo before they removed war kills.
2) To level up their war Cheevos for rating points without much effort as well as avoiding getting trolled by RNG
3) To get on top of the all time Influence leader board.

These are three reasons to use Varium on bombs outside of winning the prize.
Epic  Post #: 6
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