Grixus Faldor
Heart Crusher Mace «Mastercraft Fire Mace, with an inaccurate lean. Can be toggled between Melee and Magic damage. Can Control the monster on its Special.» Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Burning Passion Set shop. The version of the weapon is based on the level of the character. Player 0-59 60-79 80-99 100-119 120-139 140+
Weapon 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 54 MC 73 MC 93 MC 113 MC 133 MC 153 MC
Price 369 2879 23108 186205 1501143 12102583
Sell 184 1439 11554 93102 750571 6051291 Type: See Effect Element: Fire Damage 9-27 10-32 12-35 13-40 15-44 16-48
BTH 7 9 12 14 17 19 SPECIAL Hits: 2 Type: Magic Element: Fire BR% 341 439.5 535.6 614.8 670.3 693
LS% 220.2 281.1 344.8 408.6 472.3 536
+BTH 26 34 42 50 54 57 Rate: 20% EFFECT Click the Mace to switch between Melee and Magic damage. In Magic mode it does *0.75 damage. All normal Player attacks and weapon Special take -3 BTH but deal *85/82 damage. It deals *1.1025 damage if you're using it with the Heart's Defender Shield AND the monster is Burnt AND the monster is Controlled*. It deals *1.05 damage if you're (using it with the Heart's Defender Shield AND the monster is Burnt ) OR (the monster is Controlled)**. When the special occurs, there is a 25% * [hits connected] * [monster Fire resistance] * [0.75 if in Magic mode; 1 if in Melee] [monster Fire resist] chance of Controlling the monster. Fire-element monsters and monsters with Control Immunity are not affected by this. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus:Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK **If it fails, then it becomes Controlled (1 round; 64% chance of hurting itself). **The level of the Control is equal to the weapon's Power Level and it lasts for 1 round, dealing the listed Control damage each turn:Level 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 54 73 93 113 133 153
VStat 125 165 200 200 200 200
ContDmg 5-29 7-44 9-63 12-78 15-93 18-109 If you're using it with the Heart's Defender Shield, at the end of your turn, there is also a *0.85/0.82 * [hits connected] / [hits attempted]*[0.75 if in Magic mode; 1 if in Melee mode]*25% chance of Burning the monster. Fire-element monsters# and monsters with Burn Immunity are not affected by this. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus##:Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl Major: [STR in Melee mode; INT in Magic mode] vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK **If it fails, then the monster becomes Burnt### (2 rounds, power:2, Fire-element). **The level of the burn is equal to the weapon's Power Level, it has a power of 2, and it lasts for 2 rounds, dealing the listed Fire damage each turn:Level 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 54 73 93 113 133 153
BurnDmg 5-29 7-44 9-63 12-78 15-93 18-109 *The armaments of fiery passion deal incredible damage to your burned foe! **You strikes deal extra damage to your charmed foe! Beings with a Fiery heart are immune to this form of Control. The Fires of Passion scorch your foe's body, but not its heart. The Fires of Passion have charmed your foe! #Creatures of Fire can not be burned by the armaments of fiery passion. ##Your foe avoids the strongest of your armaments's fiery passion! ###The armaments of fiery passion have burned your foe! DESCRIPTION A mace filled with the fiery passion of love, it is a powerful Fire weapon that can swap between Melee and Magic damage. Its special attack can control your enemy's hearts, and when used with the Heart's Defender shield, you can also burn your foes! Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional help thanks to Koree. Image and write-up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Updates January 31, 2014: The weapon was released. March 28, 2014: The weapon became rare. January 25, 2018: Art was updated. After going rare, it has returned on: January 25, 2018
< Message edited by Carandor -- 2/24/2018 10:54:45 >