The berserker killer
Im just massively confused though. When Eggzooka came out that's exactly what happened Qwerty. It was a rare that came out before the Promo Promise so it deserved to stay rare. However, as this vehicle came out after the rare Promise, it deserves to come back in game in a shop along with the Exile and Legion Battlegear. That was your promise. And that's what I want. Every other promo we bought you let back into game, and so this one should too. Even if its just for Varium only. You originally planned it as a seasonal rare and this vehicle, in a game where cosmetics are now starting to matter a lot to players, was something that we were actually looking forward to in this war between EXILES and LEGION along with the EXILE and LEGION battlegear. Battlegear, plus the tank, plus even some exile or Legion sidearms/ armors were what we were looking forwarde to. Unless you say "It's our game, and we can do whatever we want whenever we want. Especially go back on our promises" then I really feel like you have to release this tank back into a shop.