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Move the "....Has Given you Fame" Sign

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> Move the "....Has Given you Fame" Sign
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4/24/2015 13:15:06   
The berserker killer


I don't normally check a players stats when I am fighting them however, when I do, that "...Has Given you Fame" sign always gets in the way of one of the most crucial bits of information "their def and res". Now when I enter a pvp match and I see someone I haven't seen before, I am intrigued and I basically spend 7/8 seconds looking at their build. Yet when this fame sign is in the way I end up spending about 11/12 seconds to calculate my best attack. Add in the fact that I am green-blue colorblind , if I encounter a weapon I rarely see I need an extra few seconds to think back on whether it's energy or physical. I end up missing my turn a lot and, in a game where first turn is extremely crucial, I end up losing a few more matches than I should.

I would appreciate it if it could be placed in the middle of the screen over the Chat area
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 1
4/24/2015 18:57:26   

I already made a suggestion for this same change due to this and while I would rather them remove fame altogether, i can support this idea.
Epic  Post #: 2
4/24/2015 20:01:20   

Supported . It's indeed becoming a time-staller when you get First Strike and thus affecting the matches .
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/24/2015 21:46:08   
  Exploding Penguin

Maybe shift it to the top left/right corner? It's much easier to keep track of each other's health and energy when it's covered up over 2-3 seconds rather than their other stats.
Epic  Post #: 4
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