Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins
May 27th, 2015 Hotfix - 1.6.46a NEW CHANGES/FEATURES: - Lionhart seasonal rares, Legion/Exile Battlegear, and Dread auxiliaries and sidearms will now leave June 30 instead of May 31
- Back to Basics renamed Contemplative Combat
- Adjustments to Deuce
- Now uses Techblade of Awe E as primary
- +500 Energy
- Small buffs to Primary, Strength, Dexterity, and Support
- Increased rewards on the following Daily Missions:
- First Blood 75 to 250
- Dual Duel 125 to 350
- Wake Up Call 75 to 250
- Epic Dual 125 to 350
- Thinning the Ranks 75 to 250
- Guard Duty 125 to 350
- Body Count 75 to 250
- Old Soldiers 125 to 350
- Interrogation 75 to 250
- Partner in Crime 125 to 350
- Inquisition 75 to 250
- Tag Team 125 to 350
- Powerful Hunger 175 to 250
- Pocket Picker 125 to 350
- DNA Harvest 175 to 250
- Human Component 125 to 350
- Test Your Might 175 to 250
- Brothers in Arms 125 to 350
- Pirate Problems 250 to 350
BUG FIXES: - Deuce's Techblade of Awe P/E had much higher resell value than intended. Previously acquired versions of the weapon will retain their higher resell.
Tags: Hotfix Patch Notes Rabblefroth