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Legendary mode improvement.

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2/1/2016 18:15:03   

What if you change the way it works. Everybody gets the same enhance, all have the same points.
I have an idea to make the legendary mode a bit different.

Right now for PvPs you have 8 enhance, all have 10 slots. That's a total of 80 points.
My suggestion is to increase the slots to 20 but just allowing players to spend 80 points for those enhance.
In this way we will se more variety with builds. Furthermore legendary players will be able to get advantage from all legendary points.

A dextery build instead of having all enhance at level 10, will have sidearm lvl 20, defense lvl 20, resistance lvl 20 and health lvl 20. He will be able to choose the enhance that are better for the kind of build he is using.

Actually someone who has all enhance at max and is using a strength build for example, is not getting advantage from all points. He is having +40 bot and aux but they arent giving an advantage at all. High ranks just benefits focus builds.

Also it will fix an issue with underdog mode. It is giving more stats every 10 ranks till rank 80, but sometimes ranks 80 are not getting an advatange from all the points (as I said before)
If you (rank 1) face a support (rank 80) you will get the underdog mode at lvl 8, but the rank 80 wont get any advantage from +40 bot, +40 sidearm and +30 primary.
He wont get sometihing from 30 ranks while you will get 3 levels in your underdog mode.

With this suggestion we will get:
-More freedom speending the legendary points.
-An advantage from every legendary point.
-A solution from the underdog mode fault.
-More variety of builds.
-Let all kind of builds take the best advantage from the points.

< Message edited by racing.lo.mas -- 2/1/2016 18:37:01 >
Epic  Post #: 1
2/2/2016 18:02:43   

That's so genius to be honest.. Strongly supported... At least rank 80 players are no longer going to be weaker than rank 79-29 players lol
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/2/2016 19:54:02   

I had unlocked all primary and bot slots. Every time I change my build from focus to strength, I have to take the points from bot to primary. Bot's enhance are just unnessary if you dont have a focus build.
In this way all builds will get the same benefit from the legendary mode.
Epic  Post #: 3
2/2/2016 20:49:53   

the devs says in one of my threads that have no interest in buff the legendary ranks in anyway. also there is a pressure (from noobs) to remove them from the game. i never make any thread about nerf or remove the leg ranks even when i was rank 1 and the hardcore players 60. give a high reward for beat a high rank players was the best solution, but ofc it is easier implement the underdog to nerf it than risk mess with the game economy.
Post #: 4
2/2/2016 21:16:23   

But ranks are just good for focus or tanks builds. They should be fair for all kind of builds.
Call me noob if you want lol but being rank 58 I have lost to lvls 38 and 39.
Epic  Post #: 5
2/4/2016 17:03:05   

that's actually a good idea !!! for such reasons :

when u fight a rank 100 support tlm and ur a rank 1 you will benefit with 4 to all stats ! while the support tlm gets only 40 damage on aux and 30/30 defenses , and 20 extra heal which he rarely use and - 10 on energy which also he rarely use , so basically he is not using all ranks while low level is getting advantage from underdog in all stats plus RNJ .
same goes for dex or str or tech users ! the only one who can benefit from all 80 ranks are focus 5 players that's why you see them commonly on high ranks !

I think devs didn't think this thru when they implemented underdog to the game ! they were only thinking of satisfying low ranks player !

it really needs a lot of fix !
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/4/2016 18:25:35   

That's right. Under dog mode gives a big advantage to high rank players who arent focus.
I say focus has the more advantage just because of their distributed stats. Although been focus rank 80 wont give you the best advantage, you still have +30 primary and -10 energy from cores. Focus hardly ever use a melee attack and they are not likely to use cores often.

TBH I think devs should implement this, or something similar, just to make it fair. I mean the issue with underdog mode and the problem with legendedary mode of not giving the best advantage.
Epic  Post #: 7
2/4/2016 18:33:16   

^ when verity of players complained about ranks which it was op back then they implement underdog which became more op than ranks ! I wish to see all those under rank 50 talking about how ranks are op and underdog is balanced to see them above rank 50 to see what they will say after when the never start first and RNG odds are against them due to few extra stats given to underdogs .
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
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