Daph Duck
Name: Turning paiges. Level: 40 Class: bounty hunter Server/s: epic Operating System: mac os Browser: safari Flash Player Version: the new one Internet Connection (wireless, high-speed, etc.): wireless Brief Description: Massacre did less damage than it's allowed to Error Messages (if any): none Step by step details to duplicate issue: 1. use armor annihilator. 2. do massacre. 3. opponent lives, massacre does less damage than the minimum Screenshot (if any): none unfortunately Additional Details (if any): OKAY SO i have a physical primary my opponent had max. 358 DEF i used blood hawk special, making his max 258 DEF (he had 100 phys armor) my massacre is maxed out, and my primary damage minimum is 390 a maximum massacre is 120% more damage, so 220% (2.2x) 390 is 858 now HERE is the BUG my minimum mass damage (858) - his max defense (258) = 600 so the MINIMUM massacre should have been able to do was 600 HOWEVER!!! he had 571 hp left, and LIVED with 21 hp?! why did this happen? THIS IS AN INJUSTICE i GUARANTEE he did not have eternal protection nor did he indimate me nor did his armor eat wear off please fix this. i dont have any screnshots unfortunately but i PROMISE all of this is correct.