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Bounty Hunter needs a buff

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12/20/2016 10:17:01   

prior to December first bounty hunter was a normal class not even that strong to buff it, just cause of the support scaling emp it got an unneeded nerd cause of the support high hp build... which wasn't even fair to other builds like dex and f5.
Like let's say prior to update static grenade used to drain 327 energy on 45 + 14 support and 213 gain now on same support it drains 249 and gain 149 (not even enough for a heal) while let's compare it to old and new mercenary which was way unplayable.

old mercenary on 45 flat str used to drain up to 245 energy and gain about 172 energy (which is enough for at least a heal) and was called a way unplayable class to buff the static smach to 100 % energy gain to gain 245 energy as much as it drained. which need a nerf to 80 - 85 % energy gain. while bh needs a buff either lower the support requirements from 1.5 support per point to 0.8 support per point or buff the energy gain to 80 - 90 %.


Bane Hallow The Last Shadow Fiend.
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/20/2016 10:43:35   

i agree to you on that one. The static grenade is like really screwed up. The first one , which was 65% drain to 60% drain, was ok but this 1/3 of energy take compared to before has really made it .... kinda useless. even though its no useless and used at max in every build , making my first statement wrong, but it is ,right now, most probably the most weak energy providing skill in the game.
Post #: 2
12/20/2016 14:45:59   

Just revert that change and make it scale a lot slower for higher support so max support won't be OP. But the support abuse is not the focus players' fault to punish them making a skill that wasn't so strong for them even weaker. I disagree with 80% gain because the point of grenade used to be to remove energy first. The gain is just to balance with other classes since all of them need a energy gain. Mercenaries gain was increased that way because of their skill tree and they already drain not much energy so the gain should be equal. Comparing to mercenaries, I think bounties should drain more of opponent's energy but gain a bit less just to balance things and making static grenade somehow similar to EMP (high energy drain). But it doesn't make sense to make both mercs and bounties energy manipulation so similar with 90% on both.

< Message edited by Stonehawk -- 12/20/2016 14:51:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
12/22/2016 6:49:38   

Who said that support BH was OP? Strength builds were winning so easily against it. Instead of them nerfing the static grenade I think they should have just buffed Strength builds and the whole problem would have been solved. I don't even know why they make such discussions without asking the top class players.

By the way, mercenaries gain a total of 245 and drain a total of 245 energy. This means they do change a total of 490 energy points. Bounty Hunters now only change a total of (249+149)=398 energy points at the same amount of the stats that each skill scales with (45 STR, 45 SUPP). This gives mercenaries an advantage of almost 100 energy points. But, let's just be real. Energy gain should give more points than energy drain. Let's say that Battery Back up and the current Mercenary Static are equal. So, this means that 323-245= 78 points. 78Gain =245Drain according to Mercenary's static. This means 1 Gain = 3.1 Drain. This means that energy gaining is considered over 3 times better than energy draining. So in reality, The BH's static has a total of (245 Gain x 3) + (245 Drain x 1) = 980 points. The points that the BH's static gives is (249 Drain x 1) + (149 Gain x 3) = 696 Points. So, as you can see here, the current Mercenary Static is better than the BH's static by a total of 284 points. That's in fact, a very huge amount of difference and I have proven it with numbers so, you can't deny that.

< Message edited by nowras -- 12/22/2016 7:09:02 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/22/2016 10:55:50   

I dont have seeing noyhing (high) energy build in boyntys. Highest energy is 720. I think boynty hunter players need to rising them energy pool. Yes energy pool.
Boynty hunter are same broblem what is mercenary (before uodate) Boynty hunter is bad energy gaining ability. Good energy destroying ability.

I recommend using at least 800 energy. try even 1000+ energy builds. this can give something new perpective.

Old emp grenade is pretty overpowered. it need that nerf.

Epic  Post #: 5
12/22/2016 11:20:11   

Nowras' arguments are among the best and most mathematically sound on the forums, I strongly agree on the majority of his points, and think the devs should take such mathematical calculations into account while doing some sort of balance changes.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
12/22/2016 12:12:42   

somehow nowras u make sense but it's not valid. it's not calculated like that, it' been given randomly by the devs cause there isn't any real tester to test out how this works so they give randomly to the un-experienced testers (in real pvp of course) and cause the low understanding of the game and mainly to us they say yeah it's okay let's go with it and devs listen. This is the main problem like all energy pool nowadays make no freaking sense to everyone.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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