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Connection lost losses change

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1/6/2017 11:35:36   

I know this has happened to many of us in the past we mange to beat our opponent/opponents, which means we won the duel. However, if something as simple as a "You have been kicked from Epic duel" or "Connection lost" Shows up it will register as you losing rather than winning as it should. This is extremely annoying and lord knows many of us have a quite a few unjustified losses because of this.

My suggestion is that if this case does happen (meaning you beat your opponent and won the duel) That instead of it registering as a lost, you get the win like you should have because lets face it, why would a person run from a battle they won?

This would ease the frustration of many of us who do win our duels but end up getting a lost anyways because you either lost connection or the game decided to kick you.
Epic  Post #: 1
1/6/2017 12:00:55   

Here's another fix too. If you DC, the game should automatically use strikes for you that's because sometimes you D/C right before the killing hit.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/6/2017 16:43:46   
  Exploding Penguin

I'm not too sure if this is actually possible to do. The way the server sends information to your computer and your computer back to the server has a lot of bumps and I don't believe there's any actual way to consistently detect if you left of your own volition or you just happened to d/c unfortunately. If it was possible though, I'd definitely be all for it.
Epic  Post #: 3
1/6/2017 17:14:58   

Check this scenario out.

I'm losing. I don't like it. I disconnect. I get a win. gg ez
(and don't even try to tell me that AI would be able to figure out if you were going to win or lose)
Epic  Post #: 4
1/6/2017 17:28:06   

@ 8x

In that situation you would still get the loss. You would only get the win if you have already knocked out your opponent (in one vs one) or opponents (two vs two and Juggernaut) and for some reason you end up getting kicked or Disconnected. In other words for you to receive the win you need to have already beat your opponents.

In your situation if you run before the battle is done you will get the loss like normal.
Epic  Post #: 5
1/6/2017 19:40:39   

You can blame flash for this whole issue of disconnection. There is no clean way to handle reconnecting a person through flash.
This is much easier in a proper game engine like Unity, which is why Hearthstone simply reconnects you to your fight when you log in again after getting disconnected.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 6
1/6/2017 23:15:10   

i support this 100 % cause the majority of my loses are from Dc's i woulda have 0 jugg loses by now but nah Lebanon has a power problem which need to reset every now and then which lead me to lose many...
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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