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Cap your Au in 7 hours during a double Au period (Member, AC, possible IoDA)

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3/12/2022 17:19:05   

Those who may or may not know me may notice I have an insane dedication to this game. I spend 6+ hours a day most days playing!

For the record, I have never downloaded any bots, nor plan to, even if I desired to, I am apprehensive they will infect my computer with malware not to mention get my account banned. Now, I did download AQ Lite before the game actually hired the developer and started essentially using it in the advanced options, although I couldn’t figure out how to set it up! I did use one cheat / glitch / exploit religiously before it was frivolous to, the attempting to delete an AC item to “carry over” a quest to prevent from having to return to a quest giver.

I just:
Am a legend / member
Buy AC’s whenever there is a 50% bonus sale (I’ve earned the 300k AC badge)
Possess every or most every good farming pet

So, this is completely hand-grinding! Those of you who do bot can probably figure out how to bot this, although I frown upon this personally.

So you are probably asking me, how do I earn this incredible amount of gold so fast?

Three pets (you can do without one of them, as it now requires an IoDA), which the other 2 in total require 7,000 AC’s and double Au boosts on a double Au day (48 or 72 hour periods), and one of three ways to pick up the actual farming quest. I also do have Drudgen of course although he is unnecessary for this.

You will need: Crag & Bamboozle, Swindle Bilk’s To Go Hut, and (optional) Oblivion Blade (rare); as well as a way to pick up the A Leery Contract, which there are three ways to pick it up, Sword of Nulgath, Enchanted Nulgath House, and going all the way back to Nulgath himself in his zone. Oblivion Blade (rare) is just faster, as you get to convert twice as many drops into relics of chaos, although it’s an IoDA.

Go to /nulgath and convert the Tainted Souls and Tainted Cores into Relics of Chaos. Roll the Wheel of Chance. And whenever Swindle’s quest is completed, get 70 diamonds. Convert 15 diamonds into Unidentified 13’s.

Now, go to /underworld and kill the NPC and turn in your Unidentified 13’s for A Leery Contract. Depending on what gear you have, it should be at least 400k Au at a time (for me it’s I think 520k if I remember correctly since I have the 30% bonus)

Rinse and repeat, 13 turn-ins at a time, until you are satisfied with your gold.

You will never have problems with gold again! :)

Granted, I did Yoshino’s Engineer when she had that event with a double Au boost and got approximately 78 million Au with it and had 177 million afterwards (“down” to 174.5 million now).
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