Hey guys, hope you're having a wonderful day as always. Now I wanna talk about the new update which is Ashfall III, and I gotta say, I'm actually impressed with its boss battle, but also, I really wish they could have tweak his attacks better because for no reason, we still get killed by his attacks when we're clearly out of range, especially his Flamethrower attacks, if they used the same tactics where he does his Flamethrower attack that goes from side to side that would be okay, but as it is right're gonna get frustrated and absolutely cheated on. Also for the DragonSlayer quest, like getting Tokens, I also think they could have giving us more quests instead of 1 because honestly, I don't wanna unlock a class that can be bought after 20 days of doing these 1 time daily quests, they could have giving us 3 missions (Max) as they will each of different difficulty, like Easy, Medium and hard. And last but not least, changing the loot drops, I seriously got Volcanic Scales for every Boss dungeons I've did so far, it just doesn't reward you for doing these overpowered Boss Dungeons but that's just the Level 18 Boss Dungeon, hopefully the loot is better dropped in the Level 20 dungeon, or else imma be pissed.