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Double Strike Buff for Strenght builds

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11/4/2018 17:18:46   

Suggestion: Make Double strike deals always physical damage. From all skills I selected this one because it also buff TlM streght. I know devs dislike buffing strenght, but those classes hardly ever use strenght. Mercenaries are forced to use focus or tech build.

First mercenary:

Strenght mercenary is strong, they have many usseful skills. However, they can be stoped quite easily. The main problem is that all skills do the same damage type. Lets go to TM str example. You pick an E primary, you can malf and if your opponent use a shield then you can attack with Bludgeon, Scythe, Meteor shower, etc. You always have a back up.
A strenght mercenary doesn't have this option, you pick ... erm a primary E, then your opponent increase its resistance. You don't have any debuff for defense so gg, you are destiny to do 30 damage.

Why P and not E? Well Ill explain now with TlM.

Tactical Mercenary:

Strenght builds are quite decent, high damage and also 150 poison with 100% damage is pretty helpfull. It just need a small buff to make it work.
TlM is also stuck in the same place as mercenary, no debuff and the only skill which works to deal an opposite damage is poison, but what happen? Poison in most of times is used at the begging of the game, to make your opponent waste heal.
So if TlM had other skill dealing P damage, then they'll have more chances as TM has with blud and scythe.

Other builds won't be affected. Focus doesn't use double strike.
Support might be a bit buffed too for both classes since they use Strenght buffs sometimes.

< Message edited by racing.lo.mas -- 11/4/2018 17:20:32 >
Epic  Post #: 1
11/4/2018 20:17:02   
.Lord Ginger.

Although this would force builds to use E weapons, it’s not that bad of a suggestion so I’ll support it. It could hurt sometimes but I think it’s an overall buff.

I think strength builds should come back so people can use more variety because of how shallow builds are currently.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/4/2018 22:27:45   

I know, I don't like the idea of forcing them to use a energy primary but at least this will work.

By the way, bm and tm are both forced to use E since they have skills P. I wanted to make double strike E so mercenary would need to use a physical primary, just to make them different and not having all strenghts using an E primary. However, in this way TlM would have one energy skill and another physical.
I'd preffer IMO double strike E and Poison for TlM energy too.
Epic  Post #: 3
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