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How worth it are the gifts?

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel General Discussion >> How worth it are the gifts?
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12/5/2019 12:24:15   

There is without a doubt that the EpicDuel blows up during this time of the year, I'm not sure if gifting started at 2014, but nevertheless, it has become a trend or tradition.

Most players enjoy this event, especially the one's who genuinely love this game, the one's who spend real $$$ for pixels. But how worth is it?
In exchange for those hefty gifting sprees in one or more sessions, what do we get? What do the big time spenders get? That's right, a customized pixel. I can't speak for them, for them it is probably worth it, trying to salvage a dying game. But is it really worth it? We've been begging AE to help improve this game but still nothing, atleast not that we know of.

It is no doubt that some, or I am atleast, thankful for Nightwraith for not giving up on this game, even though we don't know if he has a team, or he does it by himself, or who knows lol.

I used to play this game alot back then when I was in high school, now I'm almost done with college, and still love this game, despite the "omega" changes. Most of the real OGs of the game appreciates what Nightwraith has done to resuscitate this game, but it seems that the company that he works for doesn't care about the game he cares for. It's probably worth it to spend real life $$$ to prolong EpicDuel's lifeline, to support Nightwraith and possibly motivate him more. But what if no one spends on this game anymore? What if the day comes the only thing to do on ED is to chit-chat on World 0 Central Station vendbot? Will it finally reach AE's attention that EpicDuel is capable of producing more revenue? When will they realize this, if no one wants to support this game anymore?
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/5/2019 14:49:13   

I think it's not about the material value of gifting, but about the sentimental value. For a relatively low price (maybe equal to a vacation, a trip to an amusement park, etc... or something else with sentimental/emotional value) you get to experience being the centre of attention in an old game that you have fond memories of, you get the same amount of fame and recognition as if you were on an alltime leaderboard.

Personally, I've always hated when they added any "pay to win" achievements to the game and I dislike gifting. It turned into a complete cash grab last year with extreme amount of varium package purchase achievements. I don't think ED will ever be resurrected, but I understand AEs actions regarding EpicDuel. ED probably isn't that profitable, but at least this way, it's probably covering its own costs (and one dev).
Epic  Post #: 2
12/6/2019 9:31:55   

But that "fame" is only good for 1-2 months, after that, in a sense, you've just literally dumped your money on pixels, especially since the player base has gotten low, half of those player base are those trolls, ungrateful players which destroys the mood of giving out gifts
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
12/6/2019 13:45:11   
.Lord Ginger.

No, it’s not worth it.

AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/10/2019 20:29:39   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I would just like to remind everyone while discussing if items in game are worth buying etc are fine and are welcomed, please keep the discussion of finances out, This includes free players vs those who use Varium, who has spent what and the like, thank you.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/11/2019 16:45:34   

those kinds of questions is same like have to explain to children why adults have sex...
Post #: 6
12/12/2019 18:45:13   

^Something you’ve never done most likely. That’s totally off topic, don’t you know, younger audiences under 18 come to the forums and comment also.. and I’m confident enough your parents did a great job on not telling you to be respectful and be mature with other people.

In regards towards the meaning of gifting, since I’m not like others that go off topic. Gifting is good for someone who’s likely under 18, or for someone who doesn’t work, because at a young age, we can’t get a job because of High School, and thus it’s understandable in their case, and it helps them loot up and enjoy gifting.

Now for someone like me that’s in their 20s, and that’s a female, I don’t find it any meaning and I don’t think I can get a benefit, since I just play on my free time, or I rarely play just once a week. Why? University, Work, etc. I’m going to mention there’s other people probably around my age that buy Varium and use it to give out gifts, you get an achievement yes and a prize.

But I’m still not one of those who ruin the experience for others who are young, if they want to be part of the gifting, they sure can!
Post #: 7
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