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Possible retcons and other plotholes

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9/14/2020 9:07:43   

From the Sinister 7 War alone https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=10124792 I find certain plot points rather odd. First of all, based on real-life experience, when a fish's eyes turn white and he starts floating upwards, that usually means that he's dead. In other words, Nepto, in theory, should have died during the Maelstrom quest line. However, here, he is alive and still up to his evil with 6 other members. Or what, were the devs uncomfortable with the hero finishing off the last member of a "lost race"? Personally, I would have found that more meaningful, like the final struggle of the last remnant of the old sea. Secondly, in terms of Drakonnan, given Calladus's dialogue towards Drakonnan about his "father's position", is this the same pyromancer from the Fire War or his son? In either case, Drakonnan's whole motivation was madness from losing his family to Akriloth. Therefore, while I'm not sure whether Drakonnas is brother to Drakonnan I or Drakonnan II, the point remains that he still has family. Therefore, wouldn't that destroy his motivation? This is like how the plot of Superman was trying very hard to convince us that he is the last son of Krypton, but then Zod, Zod's minions, Supergirl, Krypto the Superdog, and several others show up.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
9/14/2020 11:58:39   
And Pun-isher


I am aware of a number of inconsistencies ranging from apparent plot holes to outright contradictions predating my work. Some of these are the result of evolving writing standards, others of errors accumulated while a backlog of plans and pending conclusions passed hands.

Alongside the resolution of loose ends, reconciling these is a major focus of my plans. Dragonlorn Keep, for instance, applies this to the inconsistencies between Truphma and Knight lore, both of which make vague but continent-wide assertions, through the distinction between the Western Expanse and the Far West. However, there is only so much that can be picked up at once without forcing the issue and hurting quality in the process, be it through cramming discordant exposition, shallow and thinly-spread resolution of too many plot threads at once, or focusing on story content to the exclusion of essential mechanical concerns. Consequently, this effort is very much a slow burning process of finding and creating opportunities.

When a contradiction can be resolved by means other than an outright retcon, I will prioritize that method. I dislike the notion of invalidating the work of my predecessors. Improving it through rewriting quests in a manner similar to DragonFable's Reimagined releases could be plausible in some cases, if not for the sheer length of the backlog it would create.

In summation, I will focus on resolution from the scope of my work. When a retcon is the only plausible way to resolve a plot hole, a statement of canon will be made and quests will reflect the change. For a concrete example: War of the Giants features the Chosen stating that they had never seen a titan dragon before. This directly contradicts Dark Clouds, but does not cleanly execute a retroactive adjustment. Per Dragonlorn Keep, this line is no longer canon.

I hope this addresses your concerns.
Post #: 2
9/14/2020 12:23:44   

So in the case of my 2 specific examples, first of all, was the Sinister 7 War before your time? Of course, given the "villain crossover" nature, there is a good chance that the lore would be forced to span a larger amount of time than a standalone quest. However, for the elemental mage brothers (?) specifically, the quest seems to contradict itself within the quest itself, first calling Drakonnas Drakonnan's brother, but also saying that this Drakonnan is the son of a previous Drakonnan who is deceased (confirmed in that quest where Zorbak's ghost ends up possessing the deceased Drakonnan's armor), but not clarifying which Drakonnan Drakonnas is the brother of. Also, to my knowledge, this is the first appearance of Drakonnas, so in theory, there shouldn't have been any previous lore to retcon at all. While I am disappointed in the retcon of Nepto's death, given that his role in the Maelstrom quest would be more meaningful, if it did happen, if it is already retconned, then it's already done, and I will say no further about it. I am more interested in seeing how the family tree of the elemental mage brothers actually looks like.

< Message edited by Veral77 -- 9/14/2020 12:26:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
9/14/2020 12:40:23   
And Pun-isher


The Sinister 7 War was significantly before my time, as I joined the team with Harvest 2018. Its inconsistencies are on my list of resolutions to fit into broader works.
Post #: 4
9/14/2020 13:00:00   

Speaking of revamped quests that should have rewrites, first of all, I'm assuming that Artix is a fairly intelligent Paladin. That being said, during the Fangmaw quest in the Devourer Saga, I would have expected him to have slightly different dialogue, if your character is a vampire, but given that he doesn't, is it because he doesn't know or that he doesn't care? Unlike Sinister 7, the Fangmaw quest has been revamped (no pun intended).
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
9/14/2020 13:53:21   
And Pun-isher


How dare you not intend that pun. It should be punintentional at the very least.

The Devourer Saga will not have its dialogue revised outside of technical fixes or any typos caught along the way. Into Fangmaw, if I recall correctly, predates the ability to become a vampire.
Post #: 6
9/14/2020 14:45:23   

I don't believe so, given that in the previous quests, involving Safiria and Constantin, Safiria is coded to send her minions to attack werewolf players, and Constantin is coded to send his minions against vampire players.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
9/14/2020 16:28:55   
And Pun-isher


Correct. I was definitely thinking of the wrong iteration - It was already possible as of the arrival of the Ribbers, albeit in a more bare-bones state. Artix can be assumed to not have known - or to be giving the Chosen the benefit of the doubt.
Post #: 8
9/25/2020 23:44:19   

To battle potholes of the dark side yoda likes. Yes, hmmm.
AQ AQW  Post #: 9
10/1/2020 11:55:41   

Not directly connected, but if we're talking about whether a particular enemy from an older quest is still alive or not, I know that we are seeing more and more of Sylith, but is Sanctus dead? His defeat animation looks like he is being abducted by aliens, like Guan Yu's death scene in Dynasty Warriors 8, so does that mean he is dead, too, or was he really abducted by aliens and ended up joining the Network?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
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