Korriban Gaming
The fight is tough if going in blind but if you're prepared and know what to bring, it's not that bad. The ban list is pretty apt imo. I like the idea of a banlist for challenges and I hope this will be the case going forward. However, I also hope that the staff doesn't go both ways and nerf everything + putting a banlist on challenges. A banlist for challenges is sufficient for those who want the challenge and casuals can still have fun with their strong items outside of said challenges. This, imo is a good compromise that satisfies both camps. Hardcore players have the challenge they want whereas casuals still get to enjoy their strong items out of challenge content. Since the staff are busy with weekly releases and there's just too many items in the game to adjust to proper standards, this is probably the best solution. I hope this doesn't come off as offensive but I also want to take this chance to say that nerfing current fun items in order to create new fun items is not only ironic and counterintuitive but the onus should be on the staff to be creative enough to create new, fun and usable items without having a need to completely destroy older items in the game and render them worthless. To me, this shows a lack of creativity. I hope I don't come off as too harsh but that's my honest opinion. We keep getting the same reason of not being able to have new fun items until the older items gets nerfed, but I haven't seen a single complaint about the game not being fun before that. In fact, it was quite the opposite, now many are complaining the game isn't fun anymore after all the nerfs. I do agree that some stuff needs to be nerfed and I still maintain this stand, however based off what I have seen so far, the nerfs have been too heavy-handed so I would rather they not go this route at all if they can't do it properly. A good example of an item that was balanced but still retaining its usefulness is CIT. I think that was done very well and should be the way to go unlike the recent PR and DL shield changes. Sure, you can tell me that they aren't completely useless, but how many people still have both those items in their active inventory? Sometimes doing the right thing is not doing the smart thing. You can have a perfectly balanced game but if it comes at the cost of pissing off a large part of your playerbase then it would all be for nought. It doesn't matter how good the game is if only 10-20 hardcore players wants to play it. The game isn't going to survive like that when majority of your playerbase are casuals. I'm saying this because I have seen quite a lot of resentment recently regarding nerfs and I think it shouldn't be ignored or simply brushed aside with perfunctory replies. Additionally, at least for me personally, AQ seems to have lost its "magic" this year, there hasn't been any new items released this year that gets me particularly excited to use. Maybe this is part of the goal of releasing balanced items in the game but that also takes away alot of fun and excitement from playing around with broken items that we used to have in past releases
< Message edited by Korriban Gaming -- 4/24/2022 1:37:21 >