Fool gave up his eye so that Darkon can see and Suki turned into a weapon. Regulus, Titania, and Aurola were turned into Re, Ti, and La after they were badly hurt while So evaded capture at the hands of King Drago's men. While So was able to work on creating new bodies for Re, Ti, and La, the diary revealed that Mi was created from a moth that so rescued from hunters. Both Do Sisters appear again to help start off the Scale. The next release will return us to the present. Fool, The Moon, The Sun, and Judgement were classified as Arcane Primordials. Drago destroyed the gate to the Empress. The virus that Darkon found was revealed in research to be behind the strange creatures including the Ancient Creatures. According to the diary that also revealed Mi's origin, the virus created Seeds that act as parasites to whatever they infect and grow stronger until they transform the host into the strange Creatures. Long-Eared Beast is a recycled version of Grenwog. Plant Beast is a recycled version of Seed Spitter. Multi-Eyed Beast is a recycled version of Deathgazer.