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=DF= July 29th Design Notes: Book 3 : Reimagined: A Day For Farewells

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7/29/2022 21:09:17   


Book 3 : Reimagined: A Day For Farewells

Hey there, heroes!

We have a pretty packed Reimagined release for you this week! We begin with a new quest that ties together the Sulen'Eska rework to Swordhaven!

With new DragonLord allies, and The Rose repelled at great cost and risk, it seems Kara has finally decided on the next step for you to take...

Head over to Kara's old quests in Sulen'Eska to play the final Sulen'Eska main story quest: A Day For Farewells!

After A Day For Farewells, the rewrite of Sulen'Eska ends! The timeline is complete!

But this isn't the end! This week, the next quest in The End of Magic, "Unbound", has also been rewritten.

In the future, we will also be updating the hero's first visit to Swordhaven to better clarify your objective. The Espina Rosa quests also need to be reworked and moved to The Shears!

We have plenty more quests and stories to Reimagine- we'll see where the future takes us!

Next up, the Bank of Falconreach has had a huge overhaul!

Featuring a new UI created by 133Spider, and made pretty by Dracelix, the bank is now better than ever! Bugs, typos, etc, have all been fixed! Head over and enjoy the new quality of life and preview options! The bank shops also now no longer require extra clicks to leave the bank!

Some known issues:
  • Scrolling/Using the arrows to navigate the bank/inventory doesn't scroll at a reliably constant number.
  • Necklace icon is asymmetrical across the game.

Lastly, beyond the bank update, we have a number of other exciting adjustments and improvements.
  • All Arena at the Edge of Time rewards should now be Dragon Coin tagged.
  • Added search modifier info to the inventory's default detail text.
  • Inventory item previewing has been updated to hopefully show the entirety of the item. (May fail with exceedingly tall stacks of pumpkins or other silly items).
  • The >DA, >DC and >Equip search filters have been added to inventory searching.
  • The previous Build # and Outfit # terms have been changed to >Build # and >Outfit #.
  • Dragon Coin tagged items now have the proper font color in merge shops.
  • A Flee Battle button has been added to the Options menu, which will return you to your last checkpoint (Often the start of the quest).
    • Can only be used in battle, on your turn, when you are not using DragonRider.
  • Adjusted a couple lines of Darkon's dailogue in his battles in the Arena at the Edge of Time to better match his AQW fight.
  • The Vault house item now only requires one click to access your bank.
  • A new Vault (Modern) house item is now available from the DC Wall house item shop for 100 DCs.

And that's all for this week! Phew, that was a lot! Huge thanks to our testers for helping to test things thoroughly!

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Tags: #Verlyrus
DF AQW  Post #: 1
7/29/2022 21:18:04   
Laeon val Observis

Might require a bit of check to make sure the reimagined quest is close to the timing of Blood and Roses as both are prompts for the Hero to go and check Swordhaven. Otherwise, seems fine. The revised Bank interface is quite a nice change. Perhaps it can be looked into that the inventory can get a similar treatment.
DF AQW  Post #: 2
7/30/2022 4:21:08   


In the future, we will also be updating the hero's first visit to Swordhaven to better clarify your objective. The Espina Rosa quests also need to be reworked and moved to The Shears!

We have plenty more quests and stories to Reimagine- we'll see where the future takes us

Mixed feelings about this news.. I had a 2 year hiatus right after the Greenguard Alliance - Choose a Faction scenario (which was released Nov 2019). When I started replaying around September last year, I thought we'd be in Book 3's climax arc already..

So far, the quality of life updates and Maleoureous saga are nice. The Reimagined Quests so far are decent. But now that we're at a stopping point, perhaps further Reimagined Quests could be left for later, & prioritize the main story first.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
7/30/2022 13:26:34   
DragonFable Boxcat

It isn't so much a matter of priority as making sure we don't overwork Dove. He's our only animator!
Main story releases, especially as we near the climax, are getting bigger and more animation/art heavy, with more dialogue and action and different scenes.
Having two in one month could very much lead to a quick burn out. (For me from writing the main story releases so often, and for Dove from just doing all the cutscene and animation work).

That's not saying we can't try, and we can certainly reevaluate things going forward. But health comes first. We crashed pretty hard after the Maleurous finale month, and we definitely don't want a repeat of that.
AQ MQ  Post #: 4
7/30/2022 17:02:31   
Wolf Rider

I absolutely love the change to the bank! Even though I rarely utilize it personally, that's a change that I never knew how badly I wanted until we got it. Thanks for the massive QoL change!


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
7/31/2022 8:25:28   

Quality of life changes are always appreciated; the new bank is great!

And the new quest does a fair job at connecting the Sulen'Eska questline to Swordhaven, the Tournament of Champions and the Gala. I do believe these Reimagined quests are also important as they give the main story better consistency, especially given how many writers the story has passed through over the years. Fixing Book 3 is no easy task either and I'd say they've been doing well so far.

@Laeon val Observis

Might require a bit of check to make sure the reimagined quest is close to the timing of Blood and Roses as both are prompts for the Hero to go and check Swordhaven.

Blood and Roses does take place a bit before this quest likely does, but after looking over that dialogue with Neron... I'd say it's more of a suggestion rather than up front prompt that the Hero explicitly agrees to. One could say it might have been worth bringing up, but it could also be seen as further set up. All in all, I don't think it contradicts anything.

I'd forgotten that Neron actually mentions the Beastmaster though. I wonder if the Hero will have them in mind when they go to Swordhaven this time around. I guess we'll see.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
8/1/2022 0:05:41   
Primate Murder

I just wanted to say thank you for the Flee option.

It makes AARGH farming infinitely less painful.
AQ DF  Post #: 7
8/1/2022 9:01:47   

With Sulen'Eska Rei.agined finished, I'll finally start replaying the Saga. I was waiting untill I could play it in one go.

And I do hope we eventually get past Reimagined releases. I understand fixing continuity errors, but dedicating releases to re-releasing old content does mean those who don't redo the quests have nothing to do that week, which between that and the InnReleases, which are unaccessable to all but endgame players, that means there's a significant portion of the fanbase that'll have nothing to do for 2 out of 4 weeks in a month.

I know Dove needs rest, and considering the manpower issues the DF team struggles with, combined with how animation heavy these quests have been, it must be tough on him. I hope he's not overworking himself.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/4/2022 2:09:45   
AQW Lore-titician

With Dove being the only artist/animator, would you have any luck requesting some back-up from the rest of AE?
DF AQW  Post #: 9
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