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88 Fighter needs adivce

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10/24/2022 3:43:48   

Sir Siegfried
Build: Warrior
Level: 88
Stats: STR 150 / DEX 200 / END 80
Any Additional Notes**: Now this one is again one of my weird ideas and thus is born with some special needs (so to speak ) that is he is supposed to be a mounted warrior. And everything should revolve around all armor in his inventory being mounts. Preferably weapons should be something that benefits from this play style. Now I'm not sure how Warrior builds go these days but maybe he should still sport DEX just so he can cover more weapon groups that could have weapons that benefit from mounts? Dunno - that's why i want advice . Also since the main pillar of the build is mounted armors ONLY I do realize this one is probably much more token/package dependent since there's probably not a massive amount of them and probably only a small part of what exists is really good - so same as the other two chars, tokens aren't a problem and if there are packages that would make sense please do tell - they will be put into consideration (I'm generally not opposed to those and have the resources to get them). Thanks!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
10/25/2022 2:21:48   
Primate Murder

Ranged weapons no longer use Str for damage - so feel free to retrain all your Str points into Dex and End/Luck.


I'd like to direct you to Necromancer Cavalry Lances (wind, earth and ice) that deal +7.5% damage on 'Mount' and 'Rider' armors.

Then, there are two ranged weapons that have no relation to rider armors, but are so strong, I'd be remiss not to mention them:

- Alchemical Unity. Inflicts Blind based on damage dealt. Very strong Blind if you use it with weapon-based skills.

- Inifinita Staff. Recovers sp based on damage dealt. Can recover even a full sp bar if used with a strong weapon-based skill.


You have three fire armors. It might be a good idea to replace Torontosaurus or Crimson Paladin Rider with Silk Screamer Rider.


Tiamoth's Fall deals damage on block, and toggles to double the effect.

Bac-ler toggles between water and earth.

Update the Fujin shield to the proper level.

Frost Titan Head toggles to either Blind the monster or deal ice damage whenever you block.

Pixel Guard is still the best we have right now for energy.

If you go with Alchemical Unity, grab Emancipator's Radiance - it comes with Blind Potency. Otherwise, Mana Crystal Defender gives you a small Barier each time you cast a spell. And since Champion Paladin Rider's nuke is a spell-type skill...

For a utility shield, wait until Black Friday sale to buy Troposhield. Its defenses are subpar, but the EleVuln infliction makes it the closest thing we have to pre-update CIT, if only for three elements.


Runic Binding or Void Dragon Blitz in case you need a Harm nuke.

Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light. Healing spell that uses Dex for stats and monster's LightRes.

(also Your Soul Burns Bright as a Beacon might be nice if you move all those points from Str to End)

New Year's Surprise.


L'ouie Statue gives MRM and toggles to give enemy -10 bth lean.

Z-Finity Gauntlet: Power, if you're not using it on any other characters.

Optico Statue gives +10 potency and bonus Luck.

Finally, Summoning Stone (UR) deals Harm damage to monster when you block.
AQ DF  Post #: 2
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