Hello! Are there any must-have token packages? I already have a few but recently got enough Artix Points to get a 50k package so was wondering what my options are. Character Link: Char ID #31982538 Level & Status: 150 Guardian Build: Beast Warrior Armor of Awe/UltraGuardian Element (If Applicable): Water Current Token Packages: - 2500 Token Package: Hydro Blaze Shield, Zealot Arsenal
- 7500 Token Package: Strawberry Shortcake Shield, Hulk Shogun, Blood Contract, Buffalot
- 12000 Token Package: Decimator Armor
- 50000 Token Package: Airenal's Lance, Mace of Custosilva
Notes: I don't have any of the Spirit of ___ miscs, Dunami's (but don't really want it), or any of the big 50,000 token packages