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What is going on with the Necromancer Class end boss?

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5/9/2023 4:28:04   

So apparently the Bone Phylactery is intended to be a puzzle boss, wherein you constantly reset its elemental shielding with multi-element spells/attacks, and every time you put it under a fear effect its progressive damage boost resets.

But why does it have obnoxiously high MRM, 5K health, and the ability to drain the player's health? It should be beatable, and I'm sure people have done it, but there's something I'm missing and I'm getting beaten badly enough that it feels like I'm not actually intended to win, like Wolfwing or even Void Nightwing, despite essentially altering my entire build specifically to kill this enemy.

To paraphrase: I followed the cheese strategy I was given, and have never, ever even close. Was the person I talked to lying? Do I need Z-Token items to actually do this, or quest sets, or something?
Post #: 1
5/9/2023 9:25:21   
Aura Knight

Not meant to be too hard. Multi-element damage wipes the shield then you dps while repeating. Prismatic burn works fine for the multi element part. Moglin fan is easily accessible. Could even try dodge/backlash if you're struggling.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
5/9/2023 10:41:07   
And Pun-isher


Rest assured, no challenge requires package/GGB/token items in order to beat. I test every challenge I suggest without any such items, making deliberate mistakes to counteract meta knowledge, and avoiding broken combinations so that nothing ever depends on items that are pending a fix. This specific mob was accidentally way too strong when it was beat in testing, as well. Rather than committing your inventory to an attempt to cheese it, I would recommend using different sources of elemental damage -- Be it Prismatic Burn to instantly reset the shield, or using different elements for your guest, pet, and direct attacks. The shield doesn't re-apply immediately, giving you a turn to attack with impunity, and the enemy's SP attack cannot heal it if barriers keep it from reaching your health.
Post #: 3
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