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=AQ= Top Giftmaster Prizes

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1/20/2025 16:17:32   


Top Giftmaster Prizes
Congratulations again to all of our 2024 Summer Season of Gifting grand prize winners! They've earned Golden Dev Tickets to create custom weapon and shield skins, and even better - our generous Giftmasters have chosen to share their prizes with everyone.

Head to the Z-Token Shops to grab your own copies of these amazing custom items:
  • Gwen's Vanity
  • Long name's Shattered Vestige
  • Teryl's Reaper of the Sunless Winter
  • Demon Lord Aegon's Might of Nogalacna the Red
  • Dardiel's Arcrender

    Current Limited-Time Shops:
  • Limited-Time Shop: Frostval
  • Limited-Time Shop: Winter Season
  • Limited-Time Shop: New Year Season
  • Limited-Time Shop: General (Hedgemog Pets/Guests)
  • Limited-Time Shop: Thursday the 12th

  • 2024 Frostval Season of Gifting: Earn Prizes for Yourself AND the Community - Ends January 31st (11:59 PM EST)!
  • Z-Token Packages: Black Friday Token Packages (Predator Protean + Past Years' Sets) - Available Until January 31st!

    Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2025-top-giftmaster-prizes

    Congrats to all the winners. Also tag you're it. ~Anim

    < Message edited by AnimalKing -- 1/20/2025 16:34:57 >
  • Post #: 1
    1/20/2025 22:26:04   

    I'm curious about what the other two winners picked for their personal items even though it appears we will not be getting them.

    < Message edited by Rastaban -- 1/20/2025 22:29:06 >
    Post #: 2
    1/21/2025 10:30:14   

    I'm so excited to see how these turned out and what kinds of shenanigans I can get up to with them!

    Congrats to the winners, and thank you guys for sharing! <3
    AQ  Post #: 3
    1/23/2025 14:02:27   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    Congratulations to our Grand Giftmasters of the 2024 Summer Season of Gifting! We're releasing updates to Exalted Unity and Glacial Short Staff today. Contest winner prizes will be delivered Friday, with public versions also coming to the Z-Token shops.
    AQ  Post #: 4
    1/23/2025 20:42:45   

    A new tab was added to the victory scroll for gifting which is nice QoL. Based on what I've seen however it seems like it can only display a maximum of 7 or 8 digits (so you can't see the exact number of total gold you've donated or received if the number is too long).

    With that said, I don't really understand why the fake combat achievements on the victory scroll are more visible compared to the details that are actually important on the victory scroll such as battle rewards, daily cap information, and donations received. I really wish it were the other way around and/or at least make the text for the important details have a darker color so that they're not hard to read.
    Post #: 5
    1/24/2025 5:06:47   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Sir, would we have an item and a Painting for the Limited-Time Shop
    in regard to the "Year of the Snake" January 29, 2025?

    Post #: 6
    1/24/2025 15:10:46   

    I would happily pay Z-Tokens or GGBs for a once per battle quickcast version of Snake Master Strike.

    EDIT: Hypercrit can become a 60% melee Bleed. It can do 1 damage per hit to work with things and the rest can go to poison.

    < Message edited by Rastaban -- 1/24/2025 15:42:59 >
    Post #: 7
    1/24/2025 15:24:58   

    Very happy to finally get an updated Glacial Short Staff.
    Post #: 8
    1/24/2025 16:33:04   

    Let's gooo Glacial Short Staff!
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
    1/24/2025 17:21:39   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    The release is live! Prizes for our Grand Giftmasters have all been delivered, and public versions are also now available.

    @Zeldax I'm not entirely clear on what you're referring to by "fake combat achievements." We're always open to feedback and suggestions for improving the Victory Scroll. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the dedicated thread.

    @Bu Kek Yes, to celebrate the Year of the Snake we'll be introducing new items and a new painting during the first week of February, following the conclusion of the current gifting contest.

    @Rastaban Implementing that idea may be possible in the future, following a planned rework of the Lucky Strikes and Hypercrit mechanics.
    AQ  Post #: 10
    1/24/2025 19:19:46   

    I suggested it in response to Bu Kek asking for a Year of the Snake item.

    Both shields are amazing and the weapons aren't half bad either. Thanks, everyone!
    Post #: 11
    1/24/2025 19:55:28   
    ming shuen

    For the Sunless Winter weapon, I feel the whitish-blue spell blasts don't align with the weapon's element of darkness. Would it be possible to recolour (not reskin) the spell animations to a darker hue - such as purple or black - to better reflect the theme?

    I understand the contest rules, and I'm aware that only the weapon may be changed. However, since the second spell was already adjusted from a single blast to three blasts, I was hoping a recolour could also be considered. This change seems relatively minor compared to altering the animation itself, and it will enhance the weapon's thematic consistency.

    I hope this is something the team can consider. Thanks for the new gear. A huge fan of the Vanity Shield!

    Add-On: Anim asked me to do a reminder in a few days, so here it is: If there can be a twisted version of Glacial Short Staff, with updated art, I would definitely make a purchase. In addition, if you would like to charge extra for recoloured Sunless Winter spell animations, I would also pay for a Twisted Sunless Winter.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
    1/24/2025 22:15:20   

    I think that this would set a terrible precedent. Everyone competing for the top spots knew the rules from the start of the contest and as such the rules should be abided by.

    Imagine the cost to developer resources if every dev ticket winner wanted to change some aspect of their item (art or mechanical) after the fact.
    Post #: 13
    1/25/2025 0:15:32   
    ming shuen

    I am somehow visualizing recolours (not reskins) being able to be completed within a few clicks - similar to how one edits a PowerPoint slides, but for sprites, in a much older UI. If precedent and developer resources are a concern, I suggested Twisted variants for a reason. It would thus be considered a new item that one can spend tokens on, sidestepping both issues.

    If the devs don't feel like releasing a new item with reduced workload requirements that some players would be willing to spend 5940 tokens on, then that's okay I guess. There are definitely other projects that I am keen to see fixed / implemented.

    Just to clarify, I am not among the Top 7, being ranked only #21. Not advocating on any of their behalf either.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
    1/25/2025 9:51:47   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    We're releasing updates to Exalted Unity and Glacial Short Staff today.

    Reaper of the Sunless Winter (inflicts Eclipsed) is a clone of
    Glacial Short Staff (inflicts Frozen).

    Shattered Vestige (+42.86% damage, Wind/Water/Ice only) is a clone of
    TropoShield (+42.86% damage, Earth/Energy/Fire only).

    Arcrender [Energy > Water (Ranged only)] is a clone of
    Exalted Unity [Light > Darkness (Melee/Ranged/Magic)].

    Sir, would it be possible to update the Arcrender from (Ranged only) to (Melee/Ranged/Magic)?
    So, everyone can use both of them regardless of their types/elements,
    if it's necessary the Quadforce / QuadMod can be used in this case.

    Post #: 15
    1/25/2025 10:58:58   

    ^ I think there are some internal Dev ticket rules/policies against making everything MRM-toggle as you're asking. But on an even more basic level, I don't think every item needs to (nor should) be playable in an optimal way by every build. Making everything usable by mages, warriors, and rangers has historically led to very bland gameplay, something that's not fair to the very generous token donors or the players spending z-tokens (which they paid real-world money to acquire) to purchase these items.

    So I don't think what you're asking for is feasible or desirable.
    AQ  Post #: 16
    1/25/2025 11:01:00   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    @BKS As per the rules of the dev ticket items in [LINK]:


    For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic), only one form may be selected for reskinning.

    So, no, arcrender most likely can't get tri-type toggling, it was specifically against the rules of selection for it to retain that.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
    1/25/2025 12:05:13   
    And Pun-isher


    The original requests involved a set of rules, and those rules are there for a reason. Sticking to them is not a matter of not releasing any single item with a reduced workload, but the precedent it would set.

    If players could ask for changes to someone else's ticket item after the fact, or for the production of a variant to satisfy a different aesthetic, it would infringe on the choices of the original gifter and invalidate the rules they had to work with. Further, that would be time taken away from a subsequent release, reducing what can be done for it. We're in dire need of clearing the backlog, not extending it.

    Additional items are a separate matter for future releases.
    Post #: 18
    1/25/2025 17:13:47   
    Grace Xisthrith

    Absolutely love the artwork on these things, can't wait to buy some and play around with them, especially the Arcrender I'm quite excited for
    AQ  Post #: 19
    1/26/2025 3:56:00   
    EST OverLord

    quick question do the gifting weapons will go rare from the shop or nah?
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 20
    1/26/2025 7:12:04   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    They're permanent additions to the token shop.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
    1/26/2025 9:40:17   
    EST OverLord

    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
    1/26/2025 19:59:38   

    My thanks to Hollow, Anim, Kamui, Ianthe, and the rest of the AQ team for how the custom items turned out! My Vanity shield looks absolutely beautiful, and every other custom item was just as good. I am also proud of my fellow whales for choosing largely unanimously to share their custom items two years in a row - it's a great reflection of how generous the AQ community is. I look forward to seeing this new tradition continue in future years!
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
    1/28/2025 8:36:02   

    Very well-designed items,

    For Demon Lord Aegon's Might of Nogalacna the Red, it would be really nice if it's flames were to be moving like those of Visionary's Reignbringer's or Fire Blade's though, rather than being stagnated, but this is a very minor issue however therefore no sweat if it really cannot be done.

    < Message edited by Bolter -- 1/28/2025 8:40:07 >
    AQ  Post #: 24
    1/28/2025 11:47:09   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Top Giftmaster Prizes
    Congratulations again to all of our 2024 Summer Season of Gifting
    grand prize winners! They've earned Golden Dev Tickets to create
    custom weapon and shield skins, and even better - our generous
    Giftmasters have chosen to share their prizes with everyone.


    Custom Weapon or Shield Skin!
    The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden
    developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon
    or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions:
  • For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic),
    only one form may be selected for reskinning.

  • Sir, the purpose is/was to share their prizes with everyone.
    Why is it limited to only one form to be selected for reskinning?
    What's the exact reason behind being limited to only one form?
    We donated together, but it really hurts if it's being limited to only one form.
    Would it be possible to make an exception to adjust/improve the ruler
    from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?

    Custom Weapon or Shield Skin!
    The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden
    developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon
    or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions:
  • For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic) may be selected for reskinning.

  • Post #: 25
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