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=DF= Meet the Archknights - Icemaster Yeti

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10/29/2005 9:51:31   
Icemaster Yeti
Snuggably legendary


Basic info, to save the simple questions - Archknight since early October.
Live in NSW, in Australia
Born 21 July 1960 - yes, I am an old fart

Okay, hit meh!
AQ MQ  Post #: 1
10/29/2005 10:08:50   
Lost Soul

Yay!!!! best... thread.... EVER!!!!

*snugglewuggle* You live in Astralia? No wonder your oposit my time!


Favorite kind of sandwich?
Oooh, tricky! Um ... Turkey, cream cheese and cranberry

Favorite Weapon in AdventureQuest?
My Ultra Ice Katana (patpat)

Favorite Pet/Guest in AdventureQuest?
A toss-up - Fairy Godmother and Daimyo (such a cute little doggie)

What do you look forward most in DragonFable?
Opening day!! Finally getting the opportunity to play and explore!

Favorite Class In AdventureQuest?
Wizard. No real comparison - it r0xx0rzz!

Has Archknight-ism changed your daily routine any?
yeah ... oh yeah ... I stay up much, much later!

Probably will have more laters!
Anytime you're ready, LS

*DF AK hug!*

Await the destruction of your brain :D
ohhhh, you mean more, don't you? LOL

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 10:23:26 >
AQ  Post #: 2
10/29/2005 10:24:22   
Prankman Hifly

Hello & Nice to see you
Nice to talk to you too :)

What is it like to be an archknight?
Pretty cool, actually .. although it can be busy. I expect it to get waaaay busier when the game actually starts up!

What is your favourite element in AQ?
Heh .. Ice, what else?

What class do you want to be in AQ?
I'm not "attached" to any particular class yet .. I do like Wizard a LOT though.

Do you listen to music when you're online?
No, I usually have the TV going in the background - or listen to the songs in my head (no, not a nutcase LOL)

If do what do you listen to?
If I do listen to music, it's an eclectic mix - Aussie rock bands like Cold Chisel, Powderfinger, Spiderbait all the way up to top 40 stuff (Eminem's always interesting heh)

What do you like & hate about the forums?
The people, and the "other" people ... nah, not really. The people are good, and the forums are always interesting. I don't hate anything about much, really - hate is way too strong an emotion to use in relation to most things.

What is your favourite TV programme?
Family Guy!

Who is your favourite character in AQ?
NPC? Sailor Boon - he's got it sussed out - lay in a hammock while adventurers give him gold

What do you useally do in your spare time?
Spare time? I'm a family man, with 5 kids .....

OK that's it now bye.
Buh-bye now

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 10:53:49 >
AQ  Post #: 3
10/29/2005 10:24:39   

Whoa! It's the Scary Tauren Locksalot. (Don't Warstomp me.. please...)

I gotta say: Nice moderating.
Aww shucks *blush* thanks

Will I get a snugglewugglecuddlehuggleglomp?
No, but you can have a yetiglompwompsnuggle instead - how's that?

You Play WoW?
No, I don't. I've not had the computer to do it, really .. although I'll be giving it a try soon, when I upgrade to a computer which some graphics capabilities!

Your opinion on the Leeroy Jenkins joke?
I thought it was a nice tribute to an invented story :)

AQ .. and soon to be DF as well

Hmm.. Running out of questions... Oh yah.. I bet it's hilarious that there's snow in july =P
No, it's just how it is, so it's not unusual :) ... I prefer our Christmases where we have seafood and cold meats and salads for lunch It's much easier for the kids to play with their new toys when you aren't blanketed by snow! heh heh heh

Okay.. Byes... For The Horde?
Cya :)

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:01:21 >


Post #: 4
10/29/2005 10:24:43   
Mmm, I wuv fish!

Do you like Lost soul?
Of course I do .. he's cool! (even if he's abandoned Green Day)

Am I your forum friend?(Of course :P)
Answered your own question ;p

So you round 45? (Me 13 so young and Naive)
Yep - although I've already had a PM saying "no way are you 45! What 45 year old would spend so much time on AQ?" Well ... me!

Religion? (Mormon)
NRA (no religious affiliation - went to a catholic boys school though) I'm happy for everyone to do their own worship their own way - just do me the same service thanks

Favorit music genre? (Alternative/rock)
Eclectic - from classical to thrash metal to top 40 to whatever - if it's good music, the genre doesn't matter

Favorite mod?
Heh .... Reens. She's the one I know best (as far as you can know someone who lives on the other side of the world!)

Do you like locking?
No, not really. In an ideal forum I wouldn't even have this responsibility. I lock where I have to, although I tend to delete more than I lock.

Does being an Archknight consume some time?
Heh .. not as much time as this topic is going to, I reckon!

~You know I'll be back yeti~ ^___^


< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:09:44 >


AQ DF  Post #: 5
10/29/2005 10:33:09   

Hello Mr.Yeti
G'day Evan

Do you like Ctrl-Alt-Del comics?
Oh yes, very much so.

If so do you ALSO like VG cats?
Yep :)

Would you like some pie?
What sort of pie, sweet or savoury? Cause I could go for some apple pie with vanilla icecream ...

Do yetis eat humans
Oh no, no, no, no .... if there's anybody watching ...

Ice crweam or Fwish?
What's Fw .... ohhhhhh I see. Ice Cweam

WoW or Guild Wars
Haven't played either yet.

Leeroy or the little stealing gnome
Who, Rascally Sheepbiter? Leeroy!

Marvel or DC comics
Tricky one .. both have good characters .. Marvel

Nintendo , sony , or Microsoft EWWWWWWW MICROSOFT
Sony ... PS2

Ie or Firefox?

Bye bye ^_^

you'll be back, right?

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:15:42 >
AQ  Post #: 6
10/29/2005 10:33:33   

Hello! Get your brain to be flooded with idiotic questions of ddooooooom!

What's your favourite Monster in AQ?
Veegus - it's creepy, and I like the way it dances when gets hit with a Star Forge. It looks like it's playing the piano heh heh heh

What is your favourite ice creeam flavor?
Vanilla - with Bailey's Irish Cream as a topping

What can't you wate for in Dragon Fable?
The whole thing.

Do you like my questions?
Yeah they're pretty good

Do you like the question I just Asked?
hmmm .. yes?

Now, I'll save Shadow Boy some time.
If you were stuck in a room, with no doors, windos, a monkey, and a light balb, what would you do?
*hahahahahahahahahahaha Shadow Boy!
How did the monkey and I get in here?

That's it, I'm gone now!

See You Later!


*smiles and nods, sidling towards the door* okay, bye now ....

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:23:24 >
Post #: 7
10/29/2005 10:34:08   
Crystal Lion

Ooh,it's the master of ice.Ok,question time.Brought to you by Crystal Lion the werewolf dragion!

Do you like lions?

Are you Chinese?
Yes, a 6 foot 6, light-brown-haired, tan-skinned Chinese at heart ... I love Asian cuisine :D

Are you allergic to prawns?If not,what are you allergic to?
Heaven forbid! I love prawns .. all seafood, in fact. Allergic to nothing.

Would you give Twig chilli ice cream?
If he asked very nicely ...

Do I look better with straight hair or wavy?(I asked guys this one and they say straight is nicer)
They both have appeal ... I like wavy a tiny bit better than straight

What do you think about Sir Lanceler?(The one in my sig who's being girly)
It's Mulan!!

What about the sentence at the bottom?
Interesting idea .... what about the ones that end at the beach?

I might be back!
I'll be here ....

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:31:32 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 8
10/29/2005 10:34:50   


Are you really Icemaster Yeti?
No, I'm an alien body-snatcher impersonating Icemaster Yeti - but so well you'll never tell the difference MWAH HAHAHAAAA ... (did I say that out loud?)

Do you like pie?

My favorite is apple pie.
Really .. what a coincidence ..

Are you cool?
Yeah, usually ...

Am I insane?
Couldn't make that judgement yet ..

Did Flame Master Axel find this yet? He always has a pretty long list of questions.
Well, seeing as he didn't post before you ... no ...


!?ZOMG?! :O! WOOT!

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:37:14 >
AQ DF  Post #: 9
10/29/2005 10:37:51   

fav band/group/singer
Heh heh heh ... what should I say here, Lost Soul? heh heh heh ...

you like cake?

if you do what type
Black Forest Cake

if you dont OMG!
Phew! Lucky, then!@

fav RPG?(not AQ DF or AK)
Kingdom of Loathing

why icemaster "yeti"
Long story ... Short version: got the Yeti part when I was working in the NSW snowfields back in 1988. I'm pretty big, and I had a beard. I was walking along the side of a building when another employee came around the corner and almost ran into me ... he was startled, and said "Geez you great big Yeti!" ... and the rest is history ...

DF sounds good any oppions on it?
Er ... it's promising? I don't know enough about it, really - nor does anyone else ..

if you do play WoW what race and class?(me, undead rogue)
sorry, no.

is it big responsiblity to be arch knight?
Moderately enormous, yes .. but we have Reens and Seahawk to cuddle us and make us feel better .. :)

like my sig?
Yeah, it's pretty cool.

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 11:48:10 >


PH33R my level 2 warrior on DragonFable!
AQ  Post #: 10
10/29/2005 11:19:57   

Hi Icemaster Yeti!

Why did you pick that name?
The Yeti part - see the previous post ... the Icemaster part comes from a now dead game called Pyroto .. it was based on spell use and trivia questions. I liked the idea of Ice magic, so I thought I'd be a master of Ice magic .. and just added the Yeti part as it was a nickname

What's your favorite gaming console?
The only one I have ... PS2

Favorite Game?
The original Command & Conquer games

Why is that your favorite game?
It was always a challenge to be able to win with any of the countries - mind you, I had my butt handed to by a friend when I played him recently with one of the latest versions ... just too out of practice!

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 12:00:33 >


Post #: 11
10/29/2005 11:39:20   
Constructively Friendly!

hello icemaster yeti
Hello Sacchi

how did you find the web site(battle.com)
How did I find Adventure Quest? It was over a year and a half ago, and I honestly can't remember! I think a friend told me about it.

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 12:03:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
10/29/2005 11:52:08   

How do you feel about rising oil prices, and the effect it has on the global economy?
I feel that the global economy can manage with the prices as they are at the moment, but if it increased drastically again, by another 30 dollars a barrel or more, then there'd be a dramatically bad effect. Australia has had an import parity pricing policy for years, and we've been paying between 80c and 1.00 per litre for a few years. The increase to 1.30 to 1.40 a litre over the last few months hasn't yet had its full impact, I believe. It's not so big an increase yet as to cause radical changes to society - people are forgoing some luxuries to fill their tanks. But it will. It must. If transportation costs rise, then goods prices must also rise. Then you have the flow on effect that because fuel and basic commodities increase in price, there's less money for luxuries - if fuel prices rise dramatically again, then welcome to a recession/depression as the domino effect occurs, from the top down.

Do you think that america can reach a peaceful solution with Iran?
Possibly. Although Iran's decision to resume its nuclear program is a worry.

What is your opinion on Americas electoral College system?
Confusing. We don't have separate leadership elections here in Australia. The Prime Minister has his own electorate to serve, and stands in the same general election as all the other federal members.

If you could start your own country, what would you have as its political inclination?
Enlightened monarchy

Do you think the government would be justified in testing a possibly dangerous vacination on people, without their consent, if it could save millions of lives?
No. In any case, there'd be clinical trials first, with volunteers (as is usually the way), so "forced" tests wouldn't be necessary.

Do you believe in any religion, or are you Aethiest/Agnostic?
Not organised religion, no. I do believe that there is some sort of supreme creative being, but I certainly don't believe that it cares what we do, or that there is a "right" religion.

What is your opinion on the Evolution vs. Creationism theories?
Pfft. Something triggered the creation of the universe, and then evolution did its work.

Do you think that the families of soldiers who died after being drafted in the army should recieve compensation?
Yep - especially if they were drafted. If there isn't already, then there should be some sort of employee-contribution, government-supported death and disability fund, to cover this.

Phew... this was a bit serious ...

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 12:44:43 >
AQ  Post #: 13
10/29/2005 12:01:18   
Leons Guardian

Well Ice here is my list of Questions

Zorbak or Kabroz?
Kabroz ... I like his bitterness with Zorbak's greater recognition

Would you rather have Golden Set or Nightmare Set?
I'm happy with my Nightmare Plate and Golden Shield combination

Do you have any Rivals?

Have you met Artix or any other Mods/Ak`s/Staff Members?
No. Being Australian, it'd only be the Aussie AKs/mods - and I've only been an AK for less than a month. But I'd love to!

Do you play any Sports
Yep, have played lots over the years (Cricket, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Aussie Rules football, soccer, sailing, ten-pin bowling, basketball - plus others), and I was going to be playing American Football again this year (played that since 1995), but the team folded due to injuries and a lack of committment by some players to actually turn up to games! Hoping to get a new team going next season.

How many topics (on average) do you lock in one year (or a month)
Heh. I'll let you know how the first month went in a few days time.

Mogloween or Snugglefest?
Awww, they're both good! Different, but good!

More Questions will come later until then bye --Lg.
Okie dokie ... I hope I'll still be looking forward to them ...

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 12:54:19 >
AQ  Post #: 14
10/29/2005 12:06:03   
Eon Het

*prepares pointless lecture*
*prepares pointless pencil to take notes*

Ooooooooo! Yousa Australian! Is theresa nice?
Mesa sure itsa better than most places

What is 1+1?
two ones? no, wait, 11 ... er ... 2?

How many fishes are there in a 5-fish size aquarium?
depends on how many you put in ...

Choose: Glory or Honor

Kabroz or Smbdoll(or maybe even Twig!)?

Wait..........*puts on sumo costume*............*sumosnuggles Icemaster Yeti*
*yetifurrysqueezysnuggles Tala*

Tala *runs away with mod powers*
heh ... little does he know ... mwah hahahahahaaaa

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 14:41:35 >
Post #: 15
10/29/2005 14:00:33   
The Ultimate Saiyan

Zoinks it's choo!
Yes, yes it is!

You know me but yet at the same time you do!
Ah yes, but why is a duck?

Scary huh?
Horrifyingly ...

So hows it goin?

There's an echo in here *can you put a hand over one of your ears, George?*

Who's your favorite band?
So far? Midnight Oil

What do you do in your free time?(when you're not here)

I'll be back with more later

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 14:49:37 >
AQ  Post #: 16
10/29/2005 14:01:30   
Eon Het

mistake corrected on my gender.


ORIGINAL: OverRunner

Tala *runs away with mod powers*
heh ... little does he know ... mwah hahahahahaaaa

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 14:44:19 >
Post #: 17
10/29/2005 14:12:30   

Hiya Icemaster! :D :D
Hi Shadowboy :D


Who would be coolor to take on a road trip: Zorbak or Twilly?
Zorbak - nice is okay, but not for long periods of time ...

What's your favorite season?
Football season
Pollitical Affiliation?
Ewww, who'd want to affiliate with a politician ...

If you could snuggle me or huggle me, which would you?
hugglesnuggle (I'm greedy)

Why are you so pwnzor?
Training and dedication

Why am I so pwnzor?
Natural ability

Lock or Delete?
Delete ... unless locking will prevent more deletions

Message Board or Chatroom?

Heheh. That's all I've got for you ^_^ I figure I better save the long, pointless questions for people less....cool :P
That's chill, dude

Later! *huggles*
*squeezes Shadowboy tight* later :)

P.S. For those people who either don't understand sarcasm or have a harder time picking it out, I was just kidding about the whole coolness shpeal ^_^

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 14:59:10 >
AQ  Post #: 18
10/29/2005 14:35:17   
The Extinguisher

Now, in Meet the <insert title here> tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???
No, not scared, but I'm not going to colourise all my answers for this one!

Lets Begin!!

Favorite Color?

Favorite Food?

Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?
Honeydew Melon

Favorite Type of Music?
No real favourite - I like a lot of different music

Favorite Band?
Midnight Oil

Favorite Song?
ooooooh, there's so many ... Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen); Bittersweet Symphony (The Verve); Who wants to live forever (Queen); Tribute (Tenacious D); Can you feel it (The Jacksons); Telegraph Road (Dire Straits); Without Me (Eminem); Gangstas Paradise (Coolio); ... there's just so MANY

Whats your religion?
Nothing organised ...

*For the Next part, it is which is your favorite*

Purple or Tuna Fish?

"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
Not an FF or KH player, so don't know

Red or White?

Moogles or Demons?

Golden Set or Nightmare Set?

Snuggle or Huggle?

Vampires or Werewolves? What about Were-pyres? Vamp-wolfs?


This Next Part requires you to have a sense of humor that would make even the most hilarious person whimper in Ph34r *Laughs manically* If you do not, I suggest you skip it.

Hello, again.

with lots of toppings


13 or B?

Age brings wisdom, apparently ...

Vampragon Rider?
Squished Vampragon (with a Yeti onboard, what would you expect?)

Defrosted Snow?
With a single malt, thanks

need a new one

My head!!!

Best used in large venues


I do a mean version of "Jack and Diane"

Cn u Spll?
Indubatibley .. er .. indubitebly .. er .. yes


-->Keyboard Arrows?<--
I like ^

Trading Cards?

AQ Trading Cards?


AQ Movies?

Dairy Queen?
Not here in Australia :(

Dragon Slaying?
only naughty ones

Vampire Slaying?
Die, spawn!

Were-wolf Slaying?
Awwww ... *scratches WW on the chin* Who's a good boy then?

Were-pyre Slaying?

Zard Slaying?
Zard Kebabs

Axel Slaying?
only the crazy frog's Axel F ..

Xyfrag, right?

This Section is finished, I hope I didn't break you brain.

If I didn't, this Might.


That had to do it ^_^

We now continue with our regularly scheduled questioning (of your brains not broken)

If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?

Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?

Sephiroth: Wussy or not?
No idea

Favorite Final Fantasy?
Don't have one

Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?

Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?
If you only need to add a drop to reconsitute a gallon, you bet!!

Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?
for KoL, you bet :D

My Chemical Romance: Are they a Good Band?
I don't know ..

Have you met my evil clone, Lexa?
Have you met mine? Itey Retsameci?

Favorite Number?

Why <insert your name here>?
meh, read the previous posts .. too long a story for this long, long question sheet.

Favorite in Game Class?

Favorite Type of Weapon?
One with a decent special that HITS (note that Fire Lord's Axe does NOT come into this category!)

Favorite Weapon?

Do you Like Chocobos?
Don't know what they are ..

Do you Like Me?
Sure, Axel

Ever Talk to Your self?
Do I ever talk to myself? Yeah, remember yesterday? Oh yeah, that's right ....... no

Ever PM yourself? (I did once; I sent myself a love letter)
Yep ... made up a list of useful links

Do you think I'm Crazy?
Do you think I'm sexy?

Have I annoyed you yet?
Heh .. not a chance

Do you like my sig?
yep :P

I'm done...for now *ebil maniacal laughter*
What, is that all? Pfft

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 22:30:30 >


Do people even use signatures anymore?
Post #: 19
10/29/2005 15:09:31   
Eternal Chaos

Hey, Ice! :)
G'day Eternal :)

How's everything going? Enjoying the AKness?
Yes I am. It's interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes!

Why do you consider yourself the 'tough' AK of this board?
Because if I think a topic is spam, I delete it without mercy, I won't just lock :D

If you had one wish, what would it be (this may not include money, items for trade purposes, and more wishes)?
Tougher penalties for bail absconders ... oh, and world peace (heh, I liked Miss Congeniality!) ... seriously though, I'd wish for an end to religious extremism

What's your favorite band, if at all?
Midnight Oil

Well, not much more to say here...I'll be back! But just in case I'm not...

*byesnuggles Ice*

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 20:43:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 20
10/29/2005 15:16:25   


whats up?
not much

do you like fallout boy?


any music at all?(what kind)

do you have a pet?
Family pets - 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 lizards, 2 snakes and a budgie

whats his name?
(in order) Qiarn, Dharma, Mack, Janey, Hank, Ajax, Asterix, Pogo, Colt, Buffy and Twistie

how old are you?
You didn't read my starting post, did you ....

what is your real name?
how is your pet doing?

For this area post whatever first comes into your mind



who, me?

you're Lightist, aren't you ...

Can't wait to see it


< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/30/2005 4:49:42 >
AQ  Post #: 21
10/29/2005 15:18:51   
Lost Soul


Mmmmm thanks LS! *munch*

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 20:50:41 >
AQ  Post #: 22
10/29/2005 15:50:59   


I remember you as a regular member not too long ago...
Heh .. I remember me as a regular member not too long ago!

You even joined the forums 6 days after me
Did I? Okay

But you were playing AQ before me

Well, enough of that... How do you like this?
Not too shabby

How about this?
Funny looking ice-cream - no, interesting as well

I'll have more questions later (maybe)

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 20:58:15 >


AQ  Post #: 23
10/29/2005 17:36:20   

*hits the old fart as requested*

Best moment from chat?
Going into the AK channel for the first time

Are grylled fyshes tasty (yes, grylled fysh) or smelly? Does that apply to Jergal then too?
Mmmmm, tasty ... and aromatic ... Jergal's aromatic too (note this does not say good or bad smelling)

If the meaning of life is 42, does that make death -42?
no, it's anti-42, not just a negative

Can you go force Dadr to finish his MtM with your super-yeti powers?
I could PM him every 5 minutes, and bug him on the boards and in chat ...

Will the boards implode one day?
When the stars grow dark and cold ....

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 21:09:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 24
10/29/2005 18:03:04   
Golden Dragon

*ow* (again)

Hi! *snuggles*
G'day *yetisnuggle*

Do you do anything except for patrolling this board?
Yep, I'm usually on the IRC channels, and I read Q&A and GGD a lot - while playing AQ, and KoL, and ...

How do you like your job?
RL job? It's .. okay. AK job? Love it

Are you a game fan?
Not overwhelmingly ... I would be if I had a separate room with it's own TV!

I am :P
Good on you!

What do you think is better? PS3 or X-Box 360?
Haven't played either, so I can't comment .. I only have a PS2, and haven't played XBox

Ahh well. Bye for now! *snuggles*
heh heh *byesnuggles*

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/29/2005 21:15:01 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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