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Meet the ArchKnights ~ Eternal Chaos!

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10/16/2006 19:53:49   
Eternal Chaos

(Well, we're done! Check back soon once I've finished answering all your questions!)

Welcome to my Meet the ArchKnight's session! From the date of this post until Sunday, October 22nd, you'll have the ability to ask me almost whatever question you want! Please be sure to not ask for any personal information, since I honestly refuse to give away any specific details about myself. But then again, you can ask me anything, from my favorite sport to what kind of pie I like. =] If you don't really know how it works out, let me introduce you to the Meet the Mods Archives. (Occasionally, I may have to lock the thread temporarily if I desprately need to catch up.)

NickName: Eternal, Mystica
Age: 14 (In case you're curious - yes, I am the youngest ArchKnight.)
Hobbies: Long-distance Running, Traditional/Digital Art, Reading, and Watching Anime

Let's keep it at that. If you want to know more, that's what this thread is for, right?

Ask away!


The "Don't"s of this Meet the ArchKnights Session

- Please do not ask for any personal information. That will be defined as harassment.
- "How did you become an AK?" has been asked too many times already. I was simply asked to.
- Others may apply

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/28/2006 16:42:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
10/16/2006 19:56:59   

K, I'ma be random. 'Cause that's how we do in teh #aqdaas (H) :P
Like OMGosh, it's teh iChar!

Alright, first. Do you <3 me, like to the powa of superman? :o
'Course I luh j00. I mean, how could I not? <3

What's your 5k time?
I've never ran a 5K before, but my 10K time is about 54 minutes. That was from a long time ago, but I'm confident that I can run a 50 minute 10K now. Weird how America doesn't use the metric system. Heh.

Did you know that 5k = 3.125 Miles? I bet you did.
Of course I did. =P

K, When are you gonna make another gallery for us taggers to comment in?
Another Gallery? ...We can have more than one? XD
I didn't know you still had one :o

We miss you muchly ;_;

k, I'm done I think. I may bother you for the link again, just because I might have other questions. :)
GAHAHAHA. Byebye iChar! <3

<3 Eternal :D
<3 iChar *snuggles*

< Message edited by I.Char -- 10/16/2006 20:04:14 >
Post #: 2
10/16/2006 19:58:12   
crunchy chix


Hobbies: Long-distance Running
Cool Me too i'm on Cross country for my school

Awesome! Hope you're improving well on your Cross Country running. I've ran the most miles at my school in a single season. I'm not the fastest person, though. I'm nervous...we have regionals in two days. << >> Somebody save me. Those boys are crazy fast.
AQ  Post #: 3
10/16/2006 20:17:33   
Waker of Wind
Legendary Anchorman

Oh no, it's Eternal Chaos!
Oh no; it's the Waker! :D

It's good that this is finally up
Yes it is. ;) I needed something to do, anyhow.

Your ending your MtAK on my birthday...
Wow! That's awesome! =]

Uhmm, questions, questions...

Favourite movie?
Lord of the Rings III, definitely.

Least favourite movie?
Hmm, hard to say...anything over-gory, I suppose.

Favourite TV show/series?
I don't really watch television, but I do watch Naruto a little bit. Not much, though.

...Least favourite TV show/series?
It was one of those MTV shows. I forgot which. << >>

Favourite kind of pie? I knew someone was going to ask! Probably apple or blueberry pie. I love those types. I've never tried lemon maringue or pumpkin; but they sound really good! =D

Least favourite sport? Although I'm American, I don't like football. Scary thought, but...yeah. I prefer soccer and running (I myself am really bad at soccer, but I still <3 the sport).

Favourite kind of carbonated beverage? Martinelli's Sparkling Cider FTW. Not really interested in sodas, believe it or not! :D

Did you know that it is illegal to sell human body parts on the Internet? I wanted to sell my thumb at one point, but now i can't >.> O_o Does that include hair? XD

Ever heard the llama song? If you have, please agree with me that it is extremely annoying...
DON'T remind me.

On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate yourself at Digi Art skills?

u h8 l33t? 'Course I do. Leet speak is the creation of the Devourer. *shudder* It makes my ears bleed hearing that.

Um... yeah. I can't think of any good questions :P See ya around, and have fun AKing! <3 Heh, that's fine. :P See you around! Yup, having plenty of fun with my new little toys. ;) *snicker* Byebyes! *hug*

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 20:29:12 >
Post #: 4
10/16/2006 20:21:59   
Ash The Phantom

Hey, Eternal Chaos! Hey there!

This is one of my first "Meet the Mods/Archknights", feel special?

I'll add more questions later... I can't think now. Til' then, see ya!
Bye! =] Wow, a lot of questions. XD

Edit: Ok, Now I got more!XP

What's your favorite aspect of AQ?

Dragonfable... do you like it?

If you could have any one item in AQ, what would it be?

Where'd you get your username?

Have you played Phantom Brave or any other Nippon Ichi games, like Disgaea or Makai Kingdom?

If so, do you like them?

Ok, that's it! Bye for real this time!^^

< Message edited by Ash_The_Phantom -- 10/20/2006 12:42:34 >


Pass the detritus!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
10/16/2006 20:26:06   

hello! :O It's Dylan!

Question time! Answer Time!

Who do you think is the wierdest/strangest other Mod or AK? All of them are. You can't deny it.

Who made you an AK? I made me an AK! *Evil laugh* ...Yeah, right.

What Anime is your current favorite? I don't really have a favorite...I guess Naruto, but I'm tempted to try watching Bleach when I get the time. I hear it's pretty good.

Longest book you've ever read? Probably Eragon/Eldest from the Inheritance Series (by Christopher Paulini).

most boring book that you've read(dosen't matter if you finished it or not)? Biography of Confucius. Good man with wise sayings, but the author was terrible.

Play any other online games? Nah; AQ takes up enough of my life. ;)

Ever read penny-Arcade(web comic)? I don't read web-comics. =]

that's it for now, I shall return with more(that is, if someone hasn't already asked them...)! GAHAHAHAHA! I'll see you then! <3
DF MQ  Post #: 6
10/16/2006 20:38:16   

Well hello, I've got soem questions, and some comments for you Hey.

First off, I like your name, Eternal, and Chaos sounds very good Thanks! I was still a "little kid" (13) back when I started here, so...who knows? It came right off the top of my head.

IMO I thought your last avatar was alot cooler It was, but heh - variety is always good.

Do you enjoy beign an AK? Indeed. It makes me feel more responsible. :)

Heres a comment from my view, Bleach is a great show (you should watch it) Alright - I'll try it sometime, then! =]

Have you ever played KH/2, and if so what did you think about it? I've never played KH2, though I know some of the story. I felt so sorry for Axel when he died...(Er...I'm not giving any spoilers, am I?)

Well that's it for now, I might come back later with some more questions Alright. See ya then! :)

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 20:41:41 >
Post #: 7
10/16/2006 20:39:39   
Count Krisarius

Oh my goodness, I just might contribute to one of these... if only because EC is special. But that's what you want, isn't it? ^_^ I luh j00, Count. :D

14; really? I had thought you were older than that, based on your posts. You can take that as a compliment, if you want. Thanks. :) I try to stay formal and legitimately intelligent, I guess.

I have some personal experience in converting runners into tennis players; might you be interested in joining the dark side? NO! << >> Dark = Evil. I do like tennis though...I just don't play it much in my free time.

Just how strategic are you? Do you strategize about making breakfast? I know I do. Cereal is a good strategy. It's simple and easy - healthy too! XD

I've been curious about this for some time; if you don't mind my asking, how did you become an AK? I was asked, of course. Isn't that the only way?

Do you have any addictions? (physical or mental) Ice Cream. I don't know why. :P

Who is your favorite author? Not Edgar Allan Poe (he scares me, with the tragedies and all). Er, I think my favorte author is Christopher Paulini, just because I love his Inheritance Series. :)

Well, that's about it. I won't take up anymore of your time. Bye Count! Come back later if you want! =] *hug*

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 20:44:34 >
Post #: 8
10/16/2006 20:40:21   

Hello Ms. Chaos. (I assumed by your avatar) *Dies* TOO common of a misconception.

It's time for your mandatory interrogation. Oh noes!

If you were to be encased in a 8 by 8 by 8 cube of jelly, what flavor would it be? It would be neopolitan. Yes, neopolitan jelly. Wait...eww, gross. Nah, probably Strawberry.

What is your favorite color from these choices: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. Blue! (Hence all the Blue sigantures that I make. I take on skyboy style lol).

Given a toothpick, some duct tape, a pencil, and the latest issue of US News, could you pull a MacGuyver and save the world? 'Course I would! XD

What is your favorite color from these choices: Rojo, Azul, Verde, Amarillo. Mi color favorito es Azul. No es amarillo, pero me gusta verde tambien (Translation: My favorite color is blue. It's not orange, but I like green, too.)

Lying about your favorite color makes you feel? Weird?

Now for real questions: Oh noes! D:

How is it being an AK? It's pretty nice...I get to hang out with the insane AKs. :) Isn't that neat?

How'd you get to where you are today? ...I don't even know. XD

Do you know me? If you mean real life, probably not.

Do you know I remember you from way back when, when you used to do a lot of spreadsheet work and good comparisons? I didn't do spreadsheet work; I'm horrible with those. I did plenty of comparisons, though. They were the BEST. I love the old EC. =] I'm EC, the AK of EC! XD

Any chance you can vouch for me next time they need an AK (Just kidding!)? :O

What do you take in school? Spanish. ;)

And, finally, please tell me. Do we need more cowbell? *confuzzled*

That is all, enjoy your day. See ya around! <3

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 20:51:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
10/16/2006 21:00:02   

OMG an AK, mod or sth like that answering questions!!! =P :O

*gets desesperate and runs in circles* XD

okie question 1, for 1000 dollars and a twily plushie ... what are your current thoughts over the socio-political-economical issues affecting the least fortunate southern countries, their tendence to natural catastrophes, and their relation to pie? ...

Tendance to natural catastrophes? Does this involve raining pie?

question 2, for 2000 gold and a brand new pencil sharpener *cough*lie*cough* ... now we all know that according to basical thermodynamics it is impossible to create a continual movement artifact .. but suppose you were in space where is widely known there is zero gravity, how would you suggest to create this machine? by using only a cat, a shoebox, half a cookie and a chair's leg?

Make a little bed for the cat with the shoebox, with the half-cookie as the pillow. Then, use the chair's leg and whack the thing so hard that once it reaches a certain point it will retain its inertia. Then it will create continual movement!

question3, for 10 tokens and a life time supply of pie ... aah i can't think of anything else .... PIE!

what position do you play at soccer =P i play a lot too =) but i'm more into tennis I'm not great at soccer; especially with kicking. Love the sport, though.

do you like pizza? Italian Food FTW. Asian food, too.

favourite singer/band? Favorite Band...I don't know, actually. I like a lot of bands.

do you know how to cook? Basic stuff. Pasta = Lazy Food. :P

what is your name? That is a no-no question.

come on ... tell me your name ... NO.

why won't you tell me your name? Because I said so.

ok ok .. *Spreads the chaos*

what do you like best, AQ or DF? DF...just because its updates are more interesting. :D

do you like lemon pie? =P 'Course!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:07:16 >
AQ  Post #: 10
10/16/2006 21:00:42   

ok... I'm back, with some more questions! I see! Soka!

What kind of music do you like(favorite band, song,etc.) I like JPop, JRock, Pop-Rock, etc. Slight rap is decent, but I'm not the type for rap. I like a little bit of R&B, too.

How far are you into spanish classes?(I am at Spanish 1 right now) Spanish 1, but I'm taking it a year early.

if you could destroy one thing, anything, in any of the world, permanently, what would it be? Cockroaches. Supposedly after the Universe is destroyed through the Big Crunch Theory, the species of cockroaches may still exist.

Can you walk with your eyes closed? (I trip or hit a wall after a few steps!) Yes. I RUN with my eyes closed!

What is the hardest class you've ever taken? History. I'm not good at that. I only got away with an A because of my intelligence. Otherwise, I'm the laziest person you'll find around.

Favorite subject in school? PE, but if that doesn't count, then Science.

ever seen snow in real life?(you'd be amazed at how many people will answer no!) YES! XD

ever had a life-threating injury/illness?(don't need details if you answer yes, just a yes/no answer will do.) Yes I have. (No, I don't wanna talk about it. Extremely personal.)

thats it for now! if I come back, it will be the last time(we all know trilogies make the best stories!)
Indeed! Until we meet again! :D

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:10:38 >
DF MQ  Post #: 11
10/16/2006 21:06:07   
crunchy chix


ORIGINAL: crunchy chix


Hobbies: Long-distance Running
Cool Me too i'm on Cross country for my school

Awesome! Hope you're improving well on your Cross Country running. I've ran the most miles at my school in a single season. I'm not the fastest person, though. I'm nervous...we have regionals in two days. << >> Somebody save me. Those boys are crazy fast.

Woah No Way Me Too I hope I do good


< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:10:52 >
AQ  Post #: 12
10/16/2006 21:19:58   

First off can I assume you are a girl?

second, what are your oppinions on Chii on the first matter?
Chii is biologically male. Don't get that confused.

third, im doing cross-country too, seems to be a pattern for computer geeks, any tips?
...Not really.

fourth, any tips on becoming a mod?
...Be yourself?

fifth, what are your oppinions on online dating?
Online Dating = Bad.

sixth, what are your oppinions on me now that i asked that last question?
I think you're normal. :D I could be more insane if I wanted to.

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:22:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
10/16/2006 21:20:26   
Jade Rose

Bum. Bum.

Don't tell me you do work around here. *shifty eyes* 'Course I don't! Er...it was moved from GGD!

You should stop by my area, have a nice chair set up just for you. Awww, thanks. =]

Hahaha, na you know I love you. I could never be that mean (just a little mean). *snuggles Eternal* I love you too Grafhy. <3 *snuggles*

Now get back to work, I expect this area to put the Encyclopedia Britannica to shame. Down with Britannica! Down I say!

Hear, hear.

*byesnuggles le Grafh*

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:24:07 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
10/16/2006 21:26:14   

Sup! Yo.


Do you like cereal? Obviously. :P

If so, what kind? Honey Nut Cheerios :D

What kind of milk do you like with cereal? Organic, Cold Milk

Is cereal good with milk or what!? TOTALLY!

Cereal, 1-10? 10.

Are you?

Fat? Nah.

Retarded? Yep.

A horse? ...Maybe?

A cricket hater? (The insect) Nope.

A loner? In your dreams. XD

A poser? T_T

Moo. Cow Cow

Do you like turtles? Chocolate Ones XD

I have a turtle, do you? Nope.

What kind of turtle is your favorite? Sea Turtles!

Did you ever kill a turtle? Hopefully not; doubt it. Pollution - hope not.

If so your mean! ;_; You makes me cryz!


ZOMG! *sniff*



Do you like...

Sean Paul? So-so

Eminem? NO

Rob Zombie? ?

Yo mama jokes? Nah.

AIM? Too busy for AIM.

Google? Somewhat.

Butlers? I could use one.

Monkeys? Indeed.

Fat monkeys? Well, yeah!

Single celled organisms? FTW.

What do these abbreviations mean? They mean what they mean.

Rofl Really Orange Flamingos lol

Lmao Lame Master Asymmetrical Oranges

Omg Oh My Goodniz!


Brb << >>

Bol Blade of lolism

Randomness. :O

Pie! Pae.

Yo mama. No.

Jello. Jell-O.

Dinosaur. Purple.

Potato chips. Bad.

Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD I was born on a pirate ship XD

Ever seen these movies? Doubt it...

Face Off No

War Of The Worlds No

Dinocroc No

Frankenfish No

Darkness Falls No

White Noise No

Stir Of Echoes No

Boogieman No

Sleepy Hollow No

Pirates Of The Caribbean YES!

Ok, i'm done. Whew.

Thanks for answering all my questions. Heh.

Well, see ya later, i'm gonna go study the effects of salt on an open wound. D:

P.S. If I ever become an AK, would you post in my meet the AK thread? Probably, unless I missed it. ;)

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 21:46:46 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
10/16/2006 21:38:04   
hooded figure

What are your opinions on certain mods/AK's(names please)?
They're all insane. Are names really needed?

Do you consider all of the AK's as friends?
Definitely. Except the ones I don't know yet.

Which AK is the most annoying in your opinion?
They are ALL annoying. They're insane, I tell you! X_X

When did you begin to realize this wasn't a chat room?
I never did.

How often do you go on dates?
Why are you interested? :D

What's a favorite hobby of yours?
Running, obviously. :P

How do you know you're the youngest AK?
Because...the others said so.

What was your reaction to becoming a mod?

Can only mods upload an avatar to use?
No, I still had the avatar abilities before I was inducted by the likes of Reens. Shackles are evil, yo!

Who assigned you the forum that you moderate?

Who's the oldest AK that you know of?
Aquadorian; 42?

Who bosses you if you boss everyone else?
Reens. Ultimate master of all.

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 23:47:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 16
10/16/2006 21:38:52   
chaos oracle
Banned - Requested

Hey Eternal, time for some questions (I know you can't wait.)

First some AK specific questions (mostly rumors and such).

Do AKs get a huge PM buff once they become and AK?
Yep. You would have found out if you read some Forums Issues threads.

Is there an AK only chat in the private group section of the forums?
Is there? I don't know.

Is it true AKs only get asked to become an AK on IRC (bummer for me because I never go on IRC)?
Do you expect me to know?

Was there some generic welcome to AK status pm that you got sent to you?
Is that really important?

Do you get to chose your own AK title? Also do you get the ability to change it at will?

Now on to semi-personal question/ unrelated questions. Whee!

What are your favorite 3 songs? Passion by Utada Hikaru, Memorial Address by Ayumi Hamasaki, and Instrumental

Do you know who Kenny Bania is? Nope

If you had to make a custom title for me what would it be? It would be Oracle of Chaos-ism-ness-ish

Do you know me (on the forums)? Yes, I do.

Do you think I would make a good AK? Why? You know it doesn't work << >>

Would you ever like to be a mod someday? Nah, I don't have the devotion.

Later EC
Later! Come back soon! <3

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 23:51:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
10/16/2006 22:03:26   

Yo Man

R u veri mysterious? No, I'm a Mystic. They have different meanings, you know. ;)

Heres a question i asked evo. 1nce:hav u eva squirted milk outta ur nose wen u drank milk and laffed at the same time? Not milk - lemonade, though. Which is probably worse.

Du u lik the peanut butter wen it stiks 2 ur teeth? Eww, of course not!

Wats green gello? Xyfrag.

Du u like The Hitchhiker's Guide 2 the Galaxi? Somewhat...

R u evil or ebil? Evil > Ebil. Quote Zorbak: "Being Ebil, I will sometimes help you." Um, what the heck?

Were did u get ur name from? The top of my head.

R u mental? Yes, I am. Why do you ask?

Du u like stuffin meatluvas pizzas down ur windpipe? Pizza is good, but stuffing it = no savoring. <<

Hav u met the AKs in person? Nah, and I don't plan to.

Need rest so farwell See ya!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/16/2006 23:53:22 >
AQ  Post #: 18
10/16/2006 22:29:34   
Astragoth Bloodgale

Wazz Up!! What's up?

Do you like the saying "I like cereal!!"? Nah, I like Strawberries and Ice Cream is WAY better.

Who was the AK that recommended you? ...There was one?

Can you recommend me? :) Can I?

Do you like monkeys that are red with yellow shirts and come from a planet shaped like a black, green, and purple banana? No, but normal monkeys are fine...


Did you know bananas get sunburns? They're not sunburns! Never doubt the power of the banana!

You're cool Thanks! =]

Okay I'm finished Aww, already? :P Heh.

See Yah!! See ya!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:10:59 >
AQ DF  Post #: 19
10/16/2006 22:44:02   

Back for the last round! And thus making the trilogy complete!

First, I want to clear up a possible(slight) misunderstanding from my last post here.

ever had a life-threating injury/illness?(don't need details if you answer yes, just a yes/no answer will do.) Yes I have. (No, I don't wanna talk about it. Extremely personal.)
due to my bad wording, I'm afraid I may have upset you/disturbed you/mad you sad by asking this question. what I tried to say was I didn't want a description. I simply wanted a yes/no answer. I'm truly sorry for this, especially because I have had a life-threating experience once, and I know what it feels like. so, I will say again, I am truly sorry for this mistake. No hard feelings?

('Course not. Don't worry about it. =] I'll be back to answer the rest of the ?s later)

Now, on to the last round of questions! Yay!

Ever been to Disneyland or Knott's berry farm? I've been to Disneyland. I should go to Knott's Berry Farm sometime; it's not too far.

What, in your opinion, makes forums look uncivilized(double posting, usless threads, spam,etc.)? It's not the double-posting and spam that I hate most, nor the mini-modders, but I absolutely hate flaming. Seriously. Flamers should be sent to the Grim Reaper.

What time is it where you are living?(mine is about 7:30, live near west coast of U.S.) Pacific Time...you get the idea. Heh.

What do you think of Mr. Flibble(Rimblade's new avvy/friend)? Mr. Flibble is the best. The best.

for one of the few in-game questions I have ever asked, have you beaten the Final Challenge yet? Never. For a strategist, I'm too lazy to think of strategies for myself. I'm really hypocritical, aren't I? Then again, the truth is that I never tried the final challenge but once...I died after 5 battles. << >>

What other Mod/AK/Admin has a Avvy you like? I'd have to say that Grafh has the best avatars. ;)

Do you prefer GIMP, Photoshop, or Paintshop Pro? Photoshop, only because of its versatility. :)

What happens to be your favorite AQ event/holiday? My favorite events are almost never holidays, since they're very similar anually. However, I love the wars (most of them) especially the Carnax war back in the day. =]

Did you ever see Lord O's movie Moglified? if so, did you like it? Lord O is ebil. His Moglified movie made me get a lack of sleep the following night. D: I loved the movie, though.

Thanks again for your time used to answer my questions! That's it for me, hopefully we shall meet again(under pleasant Circumstances, I hope!) GAHAHAHAHA! Byebyes!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:16:00 >
DF MQ  Post #: 20
10/16/2006 22:51:28   
Phoenix Dragoon

Ahhhhhh Eternal Chaos AHHHH DGT

cereal Ice Cream




have you noticed the last 3 questions add the words together to find a free minion D:

am i ebil or evil Ebil.

are you ebil or evil Evil.

Destroying people? Nah. Too lazy.

am i cool Indeed

am i annoying Yes, you are.

am i annoying Um...yeah!

am i annoying Definitely.

how bout now Uh-huh, but you know - I've seen worse. XD (Note teh stuff was all "JK")

ok ill stop messing with you cya *snuggle wuggles eternal chaos* Hehe, bye! <3

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:18:14 >
Post #: 21
10/16/2006 23:29:59   

HELLO hello hello hello HeLl0! Hehehehe.

what DONT (mwahahaha behold the power of the bold italic combo) you like about being an AK? The responsibility. Honestly, I'm a very lazy person. Heh. Nah, it's all good. I guess I just don't like having to punish people...but that's my job, isn't it?

what do you like best about being and AK? I like the insane AKs that I get to talk with. ;)

what do you like the best out of these? Metallica, AC/DC, Godsmack, NOFX, Three Days Grace, Black Sabbath (with ozzy), Rancid, KoRN, Slipknot, Led Zepplin, or Aiden Probably Three Days Grace, but honestly, I'm not for hardcore rock. ;) Especially heavy metal - I can't stand it. Sorreh.

what is your favorite element? Chaos

what is your favorite subject in school? Science, but it's the hardest class. T_T

what is your least favorite subject? History.

what is your favorite baseball team Oakland A's

what is you favorite extreme sport? Extreme? Define 'extreme.'

well thats it (obey the battle pigs ) thanks for your time (odalalalalalalalalala) and good bye!!! (i may be back) Alright, I'll see you around!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:20:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
10/17/2006 1:03:15   

Bwahaha, it was only a matter of time before I discovered your vulnerability >:] >:|

So, you think your new pals give us #aqdaas'ers a run for the money? D: MAYBE.

Eternal? Immortal! :D Heh, I wish.

Did you seriously expect any serious questions from me? 'Heck no.

What do you feel was the primary cause for intense social cleavages in the Soviet Union from WWII through Gorbachev's demokratization? I hate history. Worst subject. Especially since I've never studied Russian history. -_-

Bet you didn't see that one coming! ^__^ *No comment*

I totally got you there. I'll get you back...*maniacal laughter*

Hm, it seems we don't have a secret handshake yet. All in good time, all in good time... Heh.

Chao man <3 Adios ;)

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:22:53 >
AQ  Post #: 23
10/17/2006 1:10:52   

Are you a male or female? Your character? Wow, you're the first to ask that. Interesting. Well...you'll have to find out, won't you? It's pretty easy, really.

Did you feel intimidated in the forums at first? Uh, yeah. Doesn't everyone?

What do you think of the forums as they have evolved, you mentioned you have been a member for 2 years, better/worse, or just different? It's better now - everything was spammy in the old days. I didn't really even come here until after 3 months after registration.

Your grammar/word usage far exceeds the norm for the boards, what makes you want to spell out words and in general talk coherently? Er, good grammar? I don't want to look bad when I spell.

What do you look forward to most in the game? From an update, or daily when you play I only play by update. I'm too busy to play at normal intervals.

Does it bother you when others don’t respect each other in the forums? I ask because it sounds like it does, and I am curious. I HATE it when people don't show respect. Seriously. Flaming is probably a worse offense than spam, in my opinion. It's flat-out rude.

What area of the game do you find most inspiring? I get no inspiration from the game. -_- Only the sad parts of the storyline, like Riona's death.

The boards? Erm...*shrug*

What area of the game do you find needs the most work? I think it's okay, but sometimes a change in style might be nice. I find the game has some repitition at parts.

The boards? The boards are fine, from what I can see. I have some other little suggestions for improvement, but heh - I don't like rambling.

Since you’re a youngling, what do you want to do when you grow up? Not decided yet.

You have 12 marbles, you can use a scale twice, 1 marble weighs more than the others, find the marble using only the scale (two times, and the marbles on them in any order/number/way you like.
(There is a way to solve it.)
Well, can't you just put them all in one-by-one and find out which causes the greatest difference?

Thank you for your time. Be well No problem! Bye! <3

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:28:17 >
AQ  Post #: 24
10/17/2006 4:43:58   

Hello Heyas!

How did you become an AK? ...I was asked to! Isn't that the only way? :P

Do you think i EVER have a chance of becoming one? Perhaps.

What is your favourite AQ clan? I don't have a favorite. Favoritism is bad for the forumites in the Paxia Board.

Do you play dragonfable/archnight or just AQ?(i play them all!!!) I play them all.

Well i cant think of anythign else That's fine. ;)

Bye! See ya!

< Message edited by Eternal Chaos -- 10/17/2006 19:29:35 >


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Post #: 25
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