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Meet the iKnight :O! (MtAK)

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3/21/2007 20:42:11   

Okay, so yeah. Time for my MtAK thread. Posted it here because I didn't want the GoCAers going out of their way to ask me questions, since DAaS takes just one more click to get to ;P
I'll be editing in Metal's old colour this colour.

No more than 30 questions if you would. I do have a life kthx.

If you have no idea how this works, then check this out.
You've got one entire week! So let's go, ask away my friends :)
Post #: 1
3/21/2007 20:43:23   

Now, you agreed to become an AK so I know you're at least partially mad...but I have to ask.
What in the world is an iChar anyways?
I don't know if you remember changing my name, but it was I.Char on here (after here, I went by I.Char everywhere). I.Char is short for Infamous Char. Infamous Char was the unkillable Halo 2 Xbox Live Beta tester. Killed once, disappeared, came back killed the guy who killed him (all in game of course XD). I dropped the period after awhile because I didn't like typing it in.

Also, I'm an Apple product born from a collaboration between Apple and Nintendo :)

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 20:49:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
3/21/2007 20:46:37   

iNo iwai isecond iquestion!

iDo iyou ithink ione iday iI imay ibe ias igood ias iyou?
If you practice everyday, you could be as good as Acolyitc

iNice iAvvy iby ithe iway.
Hah, Davey Havok FTW!

iSo iyeah, iI'll ibe iback
:O I'll be iwaiting :d

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 20:52:48 >
DF  Post #: 3
3/21/2007 20:48:07   

Hey iChar! :D


You more of a serious person or a silly person?
Both, depends on my mood :P

Cat or dog? Why?
Cat, they're more lap animals, and will love you no matter what you do :)

Do you like monkeys? I know I do :D (if you've seen my gallery ... you'll know why >:D err ... *cough*click sig*cough*
Heh, I know you do. My Uncle is a Monkey (Chinese Zodiac, yo) but he's annoying XD

Hmm ... do you by any chance own an iPod? :P
Coincidentally, I do not.

Am I cool?
You're asking me questions, so yeah :D

How's it feel to be an AK? ;) Had some fun?
Heh, it's weird, being able to edit every post in my home forum :S

Feelin' powerful?
XD Yeah

Favorite sport?
Cross Country

Favorite smilie? :)
:d (Dylan gave me that one, kthx)

Favorite song?
Right now, Hunting for Vampires by Bloc Party

Tomatoe - fruit or vegetable? What do you think?
Fruit, it's a berry :P

Are you emo?

Favorite cartoon character?

Favorite comics?
Teen Titans (Young Justice, but that stopped, and those heroes are in Teen Titans now)

Artix or Galanoth?
I plead the ninth (my rights are not restricted to those listed above, meaning I have the right not to get pwnt if I pick one and not the other)

Own a pet? If so, could you describe 'em?
Three cats. Two gray tabby-ish ones. And a black cat. The black cat plays fetch :)

Kabroz or Zorbak? Why?
Zorbak, he was always my favourite, never could figure out why

Twilly or Twig? Why?
Twig, because he <3s Ice Cream :O

Pie or cake? why?
Cake, frosting FTW!

Err ... favorite food?
Pizza/Sushi... SHUSHI PIZZA!!! :O!!!!

Worst fear?
I have Social Phobia, I'm afraid of people judging me (offline, otherwise I don't care :P)

Own any game systems? Which ones?
I have my computer here, a Ps2, and a 360

Does leet and chatspeak bother you at all?
Yes, very much so. Though I can read both.

Have you seen my gallery(click sig)? What do you think of it? (unless you posted there :D)
I'll comment when I find the time XD

'Kay, that be it now ... cya, iChar!
Buh-bye :D

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:00:14 >
AQ  Post #: 4
3/21/2007 20:48:15   

30 questions......yay!

1. Do you tend to rip the paper off waterbottles?

2. If the mob was after you, what would you do?
Keel them D:<

3. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
Yeah :d

4. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
Nowai D:

5. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
There isn't one, I'm editing, therefore no ads :P

6. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Spending time with my girlfriend, duh

7. When will you turn 18?
December 24, 2008. Which is just barely too late to let me vote in the election ;_;

8. If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
Go Steve Irwin on it's buttocks D:< (RIP Steve Irwin ;_;)

9. How many pillows are on your bed?
Three, I only use two though.

10. What song are you currently listening to?
Nothing at the moment, TVs are on though.

12. If you caught a significant other cheating on you what would you do?
Cry, and probably never talk to them again. And you skipped 11 :P

13. What time did you wake up this morning?
6:00 am

14. Do you have any cousins?
About six or so.

15. Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
I can imagine myself. I don't see myself doing so.

16. Who was the last person you talked to?
In person? My mother.

17. What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
The State Standard test score raiser classes. State standard tests should die D:<

18. Where do you plan on living when you grow up?
California or Oregon

19. What was your dream this morning?
My girlfriend, lol

20. How many times have you seen your favorite movie?
So many times, I can recite it word for word.

21. Where was the last place you traveled?
Carlsbad, California

22. How was your past weekend?
Great, actually :)

23. What is your favorite song?
Hmmm... tough choice. I'd have to say Birdhouse by They Might Be Giants

24. If puppies stayed small forever, would you buy one?
Cats/Kittens > Puppies, kthx

25. What is the best ice cream flavor?
Mint, any kind.

26. When was your last kiss?
Just earlier today :)

27. Do you think you are attractive?
Only when I'm wearing green or blue XD

28. Is someone on your mind right now?
My girlfriend, obviously.

29. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Not without thinking about it first.

30. Did you realize this was a myspace survey?
>_> hyt for j00
<3 Crystal

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:11:22 >
AQ  Post #: 5
3/21/2007 20:48:41   
whitewolf 12

Wow, i'm in two meet the mods threads at once! Is that good or bad? =o
Which do you want more? :D

My turn, my turn!

Reens took the good question. :(
I know :)

time to start:
You go... wolf....

Why that avvy?
Because Davey Havok is hot stuff

Who is the person in that avvy?
See above

Why the name Ichar?
iChar, yo. iChar. And just because, it's unique :)

Why are you an Archgardener? I thought you were...you know. artsy. =P
Because, my custom title was "Grafh's Shwa-tastically Creative Gardener"

Do you know who Red floyd is?
Nope :S

Did you know who I was before this thread?
I don't believe so.

Pizza or pudding?
Pudding pizza, obviously :D

All done for now. I'll return soon.

WAIT! Not done. Did i get you by surprise?

Your artsy, what do you think of my sig? Maxwell made it. =O
It's very... Maxwell-ish :D

Your views on homeschooling? Should it be allowed? Is it better the public school?
Depends on the parent.

Your view on Jack thompson? Are the games legite, or does he speak some sense?
No idea, yo.

There was this one thread in the OOc called "What would you do if you knew you were going to die by a disese?". alot of people said "Go and a killing spree". I said "You guys make me sick. You are going to die, so you kill inpccents that have their family and a whole life to live? That isn't right. you should be ashamed of yourselves." Do you think I was right in saying this to everyone else?
Deffinately agree there :|

I'm on an edit roll here baby! =O
XD No more pl0x

Did you know SCAKKS favorite msily was this one: ^_^
I used to use that one a lot, now I'm onto :D

Have you ever met any other mods/AKs in real life? If you did, how did they act? were they acting different then they do on the forums? did you know Wallo is a kid that plays the Wii? =O
Nope, I haven't v_v I live in Florida though, I might've run into Artix or one of the others that live here without noticing.

Do you have any weird things you do? for example, I bite my nails and peeling skin. =O

Ew, biting nails is wrong, like nasty D:
I make art :P

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:16:15 >


We're at a full scale hair-net emergency. Please make sure yours
are firmly kept on your head.
Post #: 6
3/21/2007 20:49:57   

Lets go

About how long are you on the forums or AQ or DF a day?
Forums?: Once a day; AQ/DF?: Rarely

What is your favorite food?

Favorite Drink?

Favorite AK? (other than yourself)
Reens, /suckup

Favorite Mod?
I have to say Grafh, he gave me this chance :)

What is your favorite Smilely?

That is all for now. Bye

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:20:11 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 7
3/21/2007 20:50:00   
Sqiggley Worm

1) Tell me a detailed description of how you came to be an AK.
Grafh asked, I said yes.

2) Do you like cookies?
Yes! :O!

3) How about worms? Especially sqiggley ones? >.>
Only you ;)

...Thats it, folks. >.>

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:24:12 >
Post #: 8
3/21/2007 20:51:14   



iChar = uber sexy.
I know, isn't he?!

so, hows the life of an AK been?
Pretty much the same, 'cept with powers.

whats your favorite song?
Answered, kthx.

ipod or other?

Sum41 or Green Day
Green Day :P

Sum 41 is definitely better.
Bah j00

ill think of more later...

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:32:28 >
AQ  Post #: 9
3/21/2007 20:51:48   

Hey iChar!
Heya :D

Thanks for voting for me in the contest.
No problem, I loved your entry :)

A'ight onto the questions!

1. How long did the mods/admins keep you in the dungeon in order to force convince you to join?
Not long, they had help from AKs that I knew already :P

2. May all the assorted divine entities have mercy on your soul.
Bah, Buddhism FTW!

3. So... just making sure. You're a guy right? Just making sure.
HAHAHAH, yeah, I'm just Emo :)

4. Who tortured asked you to become an AK?
The head mod here, so Grafh.

5. Who's your favorite Admin/Mod/AK/Member/Etc.?
I plead the ninth.

6. So... What's the deal with your avvy?
Davey Havok, he's hot stuff.

7. What is your weapon of choice?

8. Pokemon Diamond is coming! Excited?
Not really. Gold/Silver were the last good Pokemon games =\

9. So since all the members of the forum staff are on first name basis with the reaper... What's he like?
Well, if I told you about that, I'd have to kill you. Which means, in turn, I'd have to kill all forum members incase they saw this. Then who would we moderate?

10. Does it surprise you that I'm Jewish?
I'm hard to surprise :)

11. In fact no fewer than none of my relatives are Hebrew.
I have a few part Hebrew relatives :)

So... That's it for now.

I'll be back.
For cereal?

Seriously. This isn't just a threat.

And I'll see YOU in temple!
Sure thing, see you there :D

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:44:53 >


AQ DF  Post #: 10
3/21/2007 20:52:28   

I just got done posting in SCAKK's MtAK thread >__>
*SCAKK's is a meet the Mod. ;)*
Halo vs. Star Wars?
Touch chioce, though I think Halo.

Master Chief vs. Samus Aran?
Master Chief, duh.

Master Chief vs. Link vs. Samus Aran?
Still Master Chief :)

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Master Chief vs. Mario?
Master Chief still.

Jedis vs. Spartans?

Spartans vs. Jedis vs. Aliens vs. Predetors vs. Zombie army?

I'm done.

< Message edited by Reens -- 3/29/2007 20:04:50 >


Your sig has been Iced
Wewt =D
2.5 yards = 78 feet
I had 1500+ posts at one time!
For teh lulz.
AQ DF  Post #: 11
3/21/2007 20:52:55   

Yes! Another one's opened! Now I can bug you and SCAKK!

1. Have yu checked out SCAKK's MtM thread?
Nah, I'll just bother him on IRC >:D

2. Did you have any idea who I was before now?
Yes, SCAKK mentioned you XD

3. Do you like my sig? Wanna make the Panda's face a little clearer for me? It's sort of pixelated.
Bah, too much work, and I don't have PS reinstalled yet :d

4. Was pixelated the right word to use?
Dunno, didn't really look at your sig XD

5. Best free image editing program?
GIMP, deffinately.

6. Age?
16.25 years of age.

7. Car?
None yet, haven't gotten my licence yet =\

8. What's your familiy like?
Plain and simple? Weird.

9. Race?
I am of German Jewish decent. But also have some Irish and Scottish.

10. You do know Reens did you wrong when she linked the the OOC to your thread, right? Maybe she's testing you?
No, it's how all MtAK threads will go now :)

P.S. I've always liked you. So I'll limit myself to 50 questions for this thread. ;)

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 21:53:41 >


[01:19] <Gizmo> Tell me what to change my sig to <_<
[01:19] <Namegduf_Live> ...haha...
[01:20] <Gizmo> ...ha...
AQ DF  Post #: 12
3/21/2007 20:57:21   

yay avery's an ak! =D

when did you start to come to the GoCA?. =P
A month or so after I joined AQ

Is there a kid cartoon that you actually find yourself watching like, now? =P
Old Pokemon, yo.

Are you one of the rare breed's of shiny emo charmander's? :O
:O Yes! How'd you guess?!

Don't you think your title should be "Creative arch-gardener of the GoCA?", I mean, You would look like tvo with a creative and ak title =p.
Nah, we all know I'm creative :P

Have you ever considered making a charmander sillouette with a white sillouetted i-pod for an avatar?
Nope, that joke died a long time ago, heh.

Who were the big names in the GoCA when you joined?.
Aco and Tar mostly. Though Rick was up and coming at the time.

Where do you live? =p
Orlando, FL

Yeah i need to go, kthnx<3grats.

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:06:01 >
Post #: 13
3/21/2007 20:58:57   

Quick question....

Warrior, Mage, Thief, MageKnight, ThiefMage, or WarriorThief? Only choose one, no questions asked!

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:07:35 >
Post #: 14
3/21/2007 21:00:07   
Outsmarting Bugs

LM is a complete moron. just wanted to get that out there.
Agreed :D (<3 LM)

<3 Avery

So...can i have your bank info?
Heh, here's the thing... no.

Am i cool?
*freezes Geta* Now you are :)

if you could force one person to change their name, who would it be and what would you force them to change it to?
You, to ssj4 Vivi :)

If an unmarked suitcase on your doorstep starts to tick, do you:

a) examine it really upclose
b) ingest it
c) open it and see what's inside
d) whistle and have your trained monkey carry it away

Can i have an autograph?
Fifteen bucks, little man.

Are you really too sexy to be an AK or am I just full of it?
It's the truth :)

you <3 me, right? RIGHT?
Totally :O

why didn't you blow everyone off and skip straight to my post?
Becuase, I have to be fair.

sprites or 16-bit animation?
Neither :P


< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:17:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
3/21/2007 21:00:23   

Ah, so you finally became an AK eh? The only place I met you was in L&L, but I lurk about in the GoCA (never posting, just...watching ;p) and I've seen your work. That being said...
SCAKK does that to me too :O!

How would you feel if I made a movie titled "Finding Emo"?
I'd laugh :P

You're in a dungeon surrounded by a pack of rabid wolves, hulking trolls, and Oprah. What do you do?
Throw Oprah to the wolves, and ride the trolls to safty.

Grey is such an icky color. Wouldn't you rather edit in something like bright green or vibrant blue? Don't even think about using "They aren't emo colors" as an excuse...lol.
Ew, bright green. Dark green was taken. Too bright a blue too >.<
I just like the simplicity of #666666 :)

As an ArchGardener, what exactly do you farm? Looks like we've got a decent bumper crop of spam plants this year...
That's what I'm here for :)

Well, I have to go, so that's all for now. Remember, I was never here, this post never exsisted, and I never even touched that delicious plate of icookies *nabs an icookie, gets slapped*
:O! D:< My cookies!


< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:20:39 >
AQ DF  Post #: 16
3/21/2007 21:00:57   

Ah hello Mr.iCar Ive been willing to ask Thy self some questions
also, Congrats on becoming a archknight

1) Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts?
Playing through KH2 right now actually :)

2) Have you seen V for Vendetta?
Good movie :)

3) What is your opinion about me?
You don't post enough for me to have one.

4) Have you ever played Mortal Kombat?
Yup, I used to pwn at it.

5) What do you think of my Signature?
Monochrome, but still good :D

6) What do you think of when you see my nick?
A two headed giant :o

7) If you were transformed into That Halo 2 beta tester what would you do?
pwn the heck on XBL >:D

8) What would you do if you were hit in the head with hellish blast of flames?
I'd live, for I am Charmander :D

9) What would you do if you were made Staff?
Dunno, not for me to answer, Grafh just asked me.

10) What do you think would happen if Artix was a Necromancer instead of a Paladin?
Hell would freeze over :O

11) Do you know who sang this "so tell me why you've choosen me, don't want your grip don't want your greed, don't want it!!!"
Nope, lol

Thank you for your time Sir IChar of The Art Order.
No problem, yo.


< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:24:01 >


AQ DF  Post #: 17
3/21/2007 21:09:49   
The Nameless

Hey iChar, I've never really know you much, but I think it would be fair to give you the benifit of the doubt and say that you deserve it. As for my question, well, I just got finished watching a movie centered on The Joker, and since I'm a fanatic (just check AceofClubs' shop), the questions are probably going to be related to that...

1)You have to fight The Joker (with no exceptions) and you're in his territory where he has all his weapons and "gags", what do you do?
Run away D:

2)The Joker is using advanced genetic technollogy to turn your body into his and have complete control for a while at a time, and the more time that passes the stronger he gets, and soon he will completely control you permanently. What do you do?
Don't let him take over

3)What do you think about The Joker?
Eh, he's okay.

4)How's life?
Good, never been better :)

Good luck with all the questions you'll have, maybe they can give you a chuckle...

Last but not least...never stop smiling!


< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:33:26 >
Post #: 18
3/21/2007 21:10:42   

Heya, iChar/Avery! Anyway, do you mind if I annoy you ask you some questions?
Too late to answer this anyway, there are the questions D:

7. Isn't it hard being the ArchGardener of a garden filled with Metalic Flowers and Roses?
Eh, the Metalic Flowers bite, and the Roses might just make you bleed.

4. Are you going to make sure to whip the GoCA back into shape?
I hope to.

13. Ever thought of writing prose, in addition of poetry? (Also, put up some more poetry! I want to see more!
I have, but I can't really work out how to in my head :S (I'll put up more tomorrow, I'm in a writing mood anyway).

17. Are you really Davey Havok, or are you just one of those "posers" I keep hearing about?

9. Don't you regret creating this thread now? :P
Not at all. Let's help me beat SCAKK in page number >:D

Ok, I'm done with the questions. (By the way, the questions are numbered correctly. You just need to think outside the box. :P) Also, congrats on the AKship! And on that note, goodbye!
Thanks again :)

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/21/2007 22:37:02 >
AQ  Post #: 19
3/21/2007 21:11:31   

I am so infamous for killing people in their Meet the ____ threads lol *insert evilness here*


Fave Pokemon (other than Charmander)
Charmander, you sinner.

Best character in SSBM
Charmander would pwn them all.

Pi or Pie

If you could choose one of the following titles for a book, would it be:
Mobian Dreams | Mobius | The Biggest Homemade Unoriginal Fantasy Story Written by a Wacko
The last one :D

Ages or Inches

If I say Zayna, what is the first thing you think of

Pick for American Ido
Dunno, one of them :Dl

Coke or Pepsi

Dog or Cat

Nah, I"m trying to cut back.

x equals the square root of 4.988032

Simplify: My iPod got iJacked

Simplify: (1/2)!
You cannot. Unless you want decimal form, which is 0.5

(I need help with my math homework lol)
I own at Math :)

Are you deserved of the title "AK"
I had the title ArchKnight :d

If you could make any one person on the forums Creative! who would it be?
Cannot say.

Beatboxing or Scratching
*scratches an itch*

Rahzel or Roxorloops

Did you ever get my PM for becoming a STO teacher?
Probably, send it again anyway for me.

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 18:05:41 >
AQ  Post #: 20
3/21/2007 21:14:04   

Heya :D

can I toRturE you with seemingly pointless questions?
Isn't that the point of a MtAK thread? O.o

Favorite kind of pie?
Upsidedown Apple Pie, it just pwns face.

Mmmmmmm... meatloaf....

Were is speedracer now?
Psh, it wasn't my turn to watch him :d

Favorite movie?
Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, no contest.

Favorite book?

AQ vs Dragonfalbe?

Whos Chuck Noris? [Serously i have no clue....]
Chuck Norris has threatened to roundhouse kick me if I answer this quetion.

you are walking down the road, and you are now hit by a sandpaper-ish feeling peice of plywood, which has a nail, wich cuts ur face, what do you do?
Scream and yell at a random car driving by.

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 17:26:30 >


I love you, will wright. On 7/9/08, gamers will witness the release of the greatest game ever.
DF  Post #: 21
3/21/2007 21:14:42   
Pie Munchies

H. . . He. . Er?

1.) Why did you not notify me about this?
Because, I'm mean like that :)

2.) Do you swear to be an evil meany AK?
Nope, I'ma be nice, but I'll still be enforcing the rules.

3.) How was the dungeon?
*shrugs* It was nice.

4.) Can I have more than 30 questions because I'm special?
No, I'll just delete them off of here if you do :)
Though you can do it in more then one post.

5.) Female body building: Yay or Nay?
I'm in the middle. I don't want overly muscular women, but I don't mind a built woman :)

6.) Do your recognize me as a forumer? You better. xP
Ummm... yeah, you PM'd me to make my MtAK thread :P

7.) Because you are a GoCA AK now, I must ask you this: Have you seen my thread?

8.) Why did you get rid of your emomander avvy? That angers me.
Because, I wanted a change. If Swordeh wants to see me wear it again, he'll tell me :P

9.) What type of GoCA gardens do you garden in?
All of them.

10.) Shapowee!
As long as you don't say "Shwa". That's mine.

11.) Do you like teh pokemanz? >_>
Nah, I like Pokemon :)

12.) Do you consider me a friend? Your first post implies that you do. ;_;

13.) Why did you steal Metal's color?
Because, I can :)

14.) Did you know that you are no longer allowed to have a life? You can just kiss that baby goodbye.
I can have all the life I want.

15.) Absolite has a pipe, I have a pipe/high heels (But I'm not an AK >.>) and eagle88 has talons. What is your thread beating weapon of choice?
KIWF D:< (Kill It With Fire)

16.) Do you want to throw marshmallows at Solar Boy with me?
*muches marshmallows*

17.) On a scale from 1-10 what do you rate yourself?
I'm totally awesome.

18.) On scale from -4002 - 3.6 what do you rate me?
Kinda cool.

19.) >:O or :O

20.) >:3 or :3

21.) Did you know I have ">:3" copyrighted?
Liar :o

I will be back. >_>

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 17:42:19 >
AQ  Post #: 22
3/21/2007 21:15:39   


Hi....Who are you again?
Teh Emo-Mander

What is your favorite color?

Favorite food?

Favorite drink?

Favorite Favorite? book?
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

What is like to be an AK?
Eh, not bad :P

Whats your favorite book?
I answered that XD

Whats you favorite author?
Who, and it's Tolkien. Even if he is dead. He's an OG.

are these pointless questions?
Mostly :P

whats the weather like where you live?
Sunny. I DO live in the sunshine state.

How many PMs would you say you get a day?
On averyage? About .1

Well i think thats enough nonsense for now

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 17:46:29 >
Post #: 23
3/21/2007 21:19:57   

i'm dumb.
[XD someone else has this av, but i took it, 'cause it's adorable]

i have questions!

-Does teh Avery have a lovely girlfriend whom he loves very much?
How'd you know?! :O

-Who's your favorite Flying Vampire Dinosaur?
You are of course :)

-Are you jealous that I got Steak N' Shake and you didn't?
Yes ;_;

-Did you eat the Oreos?
Psh, it's chocolate flavoured dirt D:

p.s. i love you. <3
I love you too <3

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 18:09:06 >


AQ  Post #: 24
3/21/2007 21:26:29   

Hey, congrats on becoming an AK, so here are some philosophical questions

1. What is knowledge?
It's called a dictionary, look it up on your own :P

2. What makes a belief justified?
Whatever you think makes it justified.

3. What is truth?
Not a lie.

4. How can we know when something is true or not?
Out beliefs.

5. What is the standard of value?

6. What is the importance or need of ethics?
So that people know the difference between Good and Evil.

7. What are virtues, vices?

8. What gives rise to idea of a government, to politics?

9. What is freedom?
Having the right to think on your own.

10. What is just?
Whatever you think of justice, you act on, and that should be just to you.

Did you like these questons?
They were the most interensting :)
+5 points to your Cool Stat

< Message edited by iChar -- 3/22/2007 18:29:14 >
AQ DF  Post #: 25
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