Icemaster Yeti
Snuggably legendary
All questions on this subject belong here. If you have anything to add please post and I will add it to this post if need be. Thanks. You can buy storage in any shop.To see how to use storage check out the tutorials made by Evo below. Storage Tutorial #1 Storage Tutorial #2 Storage Tutorial #3 Storage Tutorial #4 Storage Tutorial #5 Q: Can I sell my storage slots? A: No, once you buy one, they're permanent. Q: Does storage increase the number of weapons/spells/items I can select from in battle? A: No. It is storage only. It does not increase the number of things you can select from in battle. You can only move items from storage in a shop. Q: Can I choose what armor shows up on my character page? A: Yes, the item after your No-drop(i.e. slot #2) will show on your character page. Q: What is the max number of slots that I can buy? A: No more than 50 per item category. The 100 Z-Token price automatically gives you one extra slots. Q: Can I move my no-drop weapon/armor/shield into storage? A: No. You can't move your no-drop weapon at all Helpful tips: 1: Your keyboard can be used to ease the rearranging of items. Step #1: Enter inventory as normal. Step #2: Open the section you wish to work in(Weapon, Armor, Pet, etc.). Step #3: Using your keyboard press the letter the corresponds with the first letter of the item you wish to move. (Ex: "H" for Hydra's Bite.) Step #4: If need be keep pressing the appropriate letter till you come to the item you wish to move. Step #5: Move the item up or down with the red arrows to your right as normal. Step #6: Click "Save Sort Order" when done. Bug Note: If you press a letter on your keyboard while in your inventory before step #2, meaning before you have selected your item type the game will freeze. At which point you will need to refresh the game. 2: Out of game storage management. Step #1: Exit from the game, if you're playing. (just to be safe) Step #2: Go to AQ Game Account Management Web Page Step #3: Log into your account Step #4: Click on "Character List" on the little menu on the right Step #5: Click the "Inventory" link Step #6: Select category, view your items, and drag/drop rows to re-sort. Step #7: Click the "Save Sort Changes" button at the bottom to save that category of items. You can now choose what weapon, shield and pet is shown on your character page. The Character page will show your first weapon after the no-drop weapon, the first shield on the Shields list and the first pet on the Pets list. You can change the order of the items you have by using the tutorial provided above. Some items on the character page are now colored. Guardian only items appear in red, Z-Token items are blue. EXTRA INVENTORY STORAGE FROM HOUSES Q: How does extra inventory space work? A: You can purchase up to 50 additional slots per category with z-tokens. However, after buying a house you gain an additional slot/additional slots, beyond the normal limit of twenty. Tent = 2 extra slot per category. Tiki Hut = 4 extra slots. Log Cabin = 6 extra slots. Log House = 8 extra slots. Stone Cottage = 10 extra slots. Stone Mansion = 14 extra slots. Tiki or Frostvale Estate = 12 extra slots. Forest, Darkovia, Celestial or Deren Mansion Estate = 18 extra slots. Skycastle = 20 extra slots. Keep in mind, that you can still only use the first eight items in battle. Extra items will be safely stored, and can be swapped into your first eight slots using any shop within the game. Q: What happens if I sell my house, and I have a weapon in the extra storage slot the house gives you? A: It will stay there until you sell that weapon. Your inventory will show "Weapons 9/8" until then. If you sell any weapon, your inventory will then say "Weapons 8/8". The same thing will happen to all other categories as well. Tents add one extra slot to each inventory category. If you sell your house (and don't buy a new one) all those extra slots go away - but anything you might have in an extra slot will stay until you sell something in that category. VAULT STORAGE Q: What is the Vault Storage System or What does it do? A: The Vault is an account wide storage and transfer system. This allows for not only additional off character storage on top of the above mentioned storage but also item and token transfer between your characters on the same account. Q: Where do I get a Vault and how much does it cost? A: A Vault can be purchased for 500 Z-tokens from any shop by clicking "Shared Vault". At which point you will also be able to name it as well. Q: How much storage is there and how do I get more? A: You will start off with 3 storage slots per category. Up to an additional 72 slots (total of 75) per item category can be bought at any shop for 100 Z-tokens each. The slots are purchased much like normal item slots as covered above. Go to any shop -> Click "Shared Vault" -> "Vault Slots" -> then choose your desired category -> click "Buy Slot" and finally confirm the purchase with "Yes". This can be done with any character on the account. Q: How do I store and remove items? A: An item can be stored from your normal in shop inventory screen by clicking "Put in Shared Vault" while you have the item selected. To remove an item from the Vault into the inventory of any of your characters log in to the game on the desired character and press "Get" from the Vault inventory screen in shop. Q: Are there any restrictions for storing or transferring items? A: Yes. Currently restricted from being deposited: Guardianship Upgrade Incentive Items Raffle Ticket Shop Items Houses Titles Faces Transfer restrictions: All normal purchase restrictions apply, this means you must be of the correct level and status to remove an item. No Guardian items on Adventurers and no over leveled items can be removed.
< Message edited by DragonUltraMaster -- 1/23/2025 14:23:10 >