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RE: =SoO= Meet the Squires of Order: jimbo32 & Kamui

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9/22/2007 16:30:25   

/me snuggletackles Legasee. I'm back ! ^_^
SQUEE!!! *snugglejumptacklesRico*
*gives donuts and chocolate milk to Legasee so he's ready to answer her questions*
Aww, you really DO care about my wellbeing! <3
Now that you have stuff to eat, you should be full by the end :P
I like your thinking ;)

If you see a flaming thread, what would you do ?
a) grab your flame shield
b) steal the flame exstinguisher from the fire department
c) delete and send a warning
d) eat the thread
Probably all 4. See, see what I did just there? Now there's no way I could possibly score wrong. =P

If you saw someone post a billion smilies what would you do ?
a) stare in horror
b) pretend you didn't see it
c) punch the smilies
d) edit them all out and send a warning
Ooh, you slyly left out the "Delete" option. I'd probably order the perpetrator to edit them out and make him/her do all the work. ;-)

If someone made an enormously huge sig that is soooo huge it filled the screen, what would you do ?
a) smack your computer because it froze from the the huge sig
b) poke one of the mods
c) make an even bigger sig to end the sig challenge
d) try to use another browser, hopefully the sig goes away
Again, I'd order the perpetrator to find every single comment they've ever posted their sig in, and get them to remove it from each and every one. Then, finally, I would have it eaten up, just to really get on their nerves. :P

If the forum suddenly purged itself because it was possessed, what would you do ?
a) run around your room and panick
b) freak out and jump out of the window
c) poke Reens
d) pretend it didn't happen
Really, IRC is just fine. XD

So what did you think of the quiz ? It was hard eh ? ;)
I must admit, I had to think a little. I guess I should be more prepared for such possibilities. XP
That's the end of the test. Congrats you passed with 200%. ^_^
Neat! And just when I thought my ego couldn't possibly get any bigger.
/me bye snuggles
/me snuggles and waves goodbye to Rico!

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/3/2008 5:44:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 51
9/22/2007 23:38:25   
Master Conspirator

For Mr. kamui...
1. Do you like it when people call you mister
Makes little difference to me.

2. Have you ever eaten turkey in chile?
Never been to Chile, but I have eaten chilli in Turkey :D

3. If you live in North Carolina would it be okay if I searched you out and held you for ransom on a railroad track?
You can try, but my laser security grid would provide quite the obstacle.

4. Would anyone pay your ransom?
You wouldn't get me, so I need not worry about that :p

5. Who is the evilest person (inside and outside the game)
In game: Falerin (He is the God of Evil after all :p) Out of game: The concept of good and evil is an unusual thing, it is really a matter of perspective.

And for Legasee

1. If you saw a flamming person would you help them (trick question hehehe)
In both cases, if said person was flaming me, then no. :P
2. Do you have a pet emu?
3. If not, why?
Not a fan of birds.
4. Do you like Pie of cookies
Never tried it. Though I imagine I would probably love it.
5. Who is the evilest person (inside and outside the game)
There is no evil person. Only Zuul...

And for Jimbo

1. Would you be jealous if I only asked you this question?
Nope :)

2. Would you pay Kamui's ransom?
Depends. If the requested ransom consisted of old computer parts and "magic the gathering" cards, I could maybe swing it. ;)

3. Do you think Legasee would
I suppose you'd have to ask him...

4. Do you like pie.
Who doesn't? Coconut cream ftw.

5. Who is the evilest person (inside and outside the game)
Everyone knows that Twig is the root of all evil. Everywhere.

< Message edited by jimbo32 -- 4/2/2008 16:40:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
9/23/2007 23:21:01   
Pie Munchies

For Kammyface:

You're moving? Why didn't you tell me this before?
Already moved... Liking the new apartment.

Where are you moving to?
Closer to my job, I just felt it was time to get out on my own, no roommates needed :D

Domo arigoto Mr. Roboto?

We should totally raid Narnia. *puts on viking helmet*
*Asplodes Narnia.* That was satisfying.

You need to like stay away from your .Hack games. You're addicted. *takes them and runs*
*Prevents you from using ur magickz 2 getz me*
I can't get you, but I can teleport my games :p

I want more power! *Uses leech seed* *Steals your SoO powers*
*Changes to Grass type Pokemon.* Now I is immune to Leech Seed. :p

P.S. I'm Kammyface's bestest friend in the whole world, so in your faces to everybodyz. >:3
I always attract the crazies. >:D

Do you agree with this statement? Yes[X] No[]

Meh, you bore me now. Baiz and I'll continue PM'ing you. >:D
Yes, now I can use your DNA to create an army of clones, and then I can take over the world!

< Message edited by Kamui -- 10/14/2007 3:52:22 >
AQ  Post #: 53
9/27/2007 18:54:31   

I guess since I'm really bored while waiting for the Golden Set to re-release, I figured I'll pop a few questions

All three:

What is your favourite band? If you listen to any form of rock at all?
Too many to pick from.
I agree. From fairly recent stuff, it's probably Audioslave.
I don't really have one. I don't think much of bands in general.
I would pick Guns n' Roses, they are gods, especially when it comes to guitar solos

What are your thoughts for the new Golden set?
The graphics are made of win and awesome.
Much too shiny for my tastes. I actually prefer the original graphics.

If you have the older version, will you trade it in? or keep the old one for sentimental reasons?
If I had it, I would trade it in, they have the same stats, so why not?
Don't have it. Ask Legasee - he has everything. ;)
Kamui is quite right. :p However, I would never trade mine in. It's the most meaningful uber set to have, in my opinion.

The Golden Plate looks more of a offensive armor no?
Appearances can oft deceive.
What he said ^
Spell casting, anyone? Takes the term "offensive" to another level.

What do you think will rule the earth after humans?
Hmm, don't know.
It's extremely difficult to tell at this point.

I say dolphins
Nah, they just go with the flow, they don't try to manipulate their surroundings, that is what true evolution is IMO.

What do you think we should do to stop Global Warming?
There are many ways we could stop or slow it, way too many to list.
The US moving away from so much fossil fuel usage would be an excellent start.
It's not necessarily about what we can do, but more about people being more willing to actually get it done.

Who do you think is responsible for the misery in the world, mainly on wars, battles, nuclear weaponry (specific person, and it's *now*)
No one person, it is really all those involved.
What he said again ^ :)
Ditto. There is no direct cause.

Any of you *really* good with flash coding?
Not me ^_^;
I wish I was...
... (That's a no, by the way)

If so, can you give me an estimate of how much work it needed to be done to install PvP in AQ? (just wondering, I can dream the day...)
Several months of work is my guess.
A team of 100 monkeys pounding away for 100 years should do the trick.
Artix seems to think it's possible. Though, it won't be happening anytime soon, I can assure you. So, a lot of work.

Do you personally believe in Capital Punishment?
Depends on the situation.
It has some merit.

I mean, should all the money go into saving the environment?
All? No, it is a venture worth exploring though.
I this a MtSoO or an interrogation? :D
There's a difference, Jimbo? :o

Does Global Warming exist? I'm sure I thought the U.S. government is trying to deny it...
Most definitely, no use denying it when the evidence is right there.
Yep. The winters where I live are much different than when I was a kid.
The U.S are probably denying it because they don't want to scare the masses of ignorant people out there who like to pretend everything's okay.

Why doesn't God, or whoever you believe as a savior (Tom Cruise doesn't count) just totally eliminate global warming and erase our memory of it?
I think if a deity/creator exists, it would likely be an observer more than anything else.
Tom Cruise should give it a whirl. Hey, it couldn't hurt - maybe he's got super-powers. ;)
Because even omniscient beings believe in the notion of consequences. We don't care for the world, the world doesn't care for us.

Favourite sport?
Tennis, basketball is a close second.
Basketball. 'Tis very fun.

I'm not really exceptional at any, but I really like Football and Basketball.

Alright, I've done enough damage for the day, but one more question before I go

Who do you think is the funniest man so far in the course of history? I'm thinking Chris Rock, but I really don't know...
Mitch Hedberg, hands down.
Hmm. Funniest (imo) = wit + intelligence. Chris Rock is funny, but he doesn't have the brains to impress me at the same time. George Carlin maybe? Dennis Miller is in that category as well, though he seems to try too hard sometimes.
Chris Rock, no contest. Srsly, he's appeared on several magazine front-covers as THE funniest man in the world.


< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 10:48:10 >
AQ  Post #: 54
9/29/2007 3:12:38   
Zorbak Lich

Questions for all of you:

1. Whats it like being a SoO?
Prettay, prettay, prettay good.
Relatively fun, but it's still a bit of hard work at times.
2. What do SoO's do?
Assist the KoO in their duties. It says this in our member group description, except it says "dutues" instead. I don't think that typo will ever get corrected. :P
It says that? XD I guess Holmesian powers of observation aren't an SoO requirement. ;)
What they said. XD
3. Why do you think you got chosen to be a SoO?
Because I'm 1337.
I think Legasee said that just to annoy me. ;)
Mission accomplished then? Anyway, I honestly don't know myself, I guess I'm good with balance issues, and I like numbers.
4. Are you average like watch TV and stuff, or one of those people who's parents never got a TV?
For as long as I can remember, we've always had a TV. Though, I don't watch it an awful lot.
What he said ^
5. Do your parents let you play games rated higher then your age? (Mine dont.. But we have 2 xbox 360's and I want halo 3..)
I played and finished Realms of the Haunting when I was 14. Anyone who's played that game should know the answer to this question.. T_T
Let's just say that I haven't had to worry about that for a while now. :)
I don't have to worry either, but my parents never really cared what age rating I got since I am actually able to discern reality from fantasy >_>
6. Are you good at drawing? My sister is but I'm only good at computer art..
I've had my moments. Art is really only something I enjoy looking at, not producing.
I'm decent at hand drawings, but want to learn to use Photoshop and other stuff as well.
7. Do you like Pi?
I don't dislike it.
Me either.
It's useful when dealing with circles.
8. Do you know any japanese/chinese?
Nope. None at all. My bilingual skills are second to all.
High School French is about it I'm afraid.
I speak a little bit of Japanese, basic phrases and such, but I can't write worth a flip.
9. Do you have relatives over the world? I have some in florida, malaysia, singapore, on a boat in the sea (He works on a boat), turkey, Pittsburgh or something, japan (Uncles wife's family), wherever another one of my uncles wifes family lives x 2 (Two uncles).
Most of my family live in London, which is where I originally grew up.
All over Canada, Eastern US, one cousin in London
None outside the US for me.
10. Are my questions long and annoying? :x
Nope, but you've just about reached your limit. XP
Yeah, it doesn't really matter anymore does it? ;)
They're not bad, you're a good person ^_^

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 21:37:27 >
Post #: 55
9/29/2007 4:06:20   

HAHAHA! Any or all of you may answer ... if you dare!

1: If Monkeys could fly, would 2 + 2 still equal 4?
Y'know, I'm *pretty* sure a monkey's ability to fly would not affect the basic principles of maths, so I'm gonna go with "Yes". Amirite?
2: If an angry hippopotamus was sitting at your Computer, would you attack it, call animal control or buy a new top-range laptop?
I'd ask why the hippopotamus feels he/she even has the right to be angry at all when he/she has just walked into my house unnannounced to use my computer. >_<
3: If there was a quest on Battleon regarding Llama's, would you do it?
Hell yeah!
4: If there was a four-way battle between Monkeys, Flying Penguins, Llama's and Politicians, who would you support?
The politicians would win by merely talking their way into victory. I'd support them.
5: If a Ruby Golem attacked you in your house, would you run, fight, or convert to Hinduism?
Run. There's no way that wouldn't be scary.
6: What is the central cause of the conflict in Israel, and who do you sympathise most with?
I don't really concern myself with a lot of what goes on over there, so I really couldn't say.
7: Why?
See above.
8: What, in your opinion, was the driving force behind the Civil Revolution in the 20th century?
I don't think you can narrow it down to just one cause.
9: Could you please get the admins to make me a Super-Mod?
Did you blink more than once today? Yeah, then you're not a Super-Mod I'm afraid.
10: Can I have 10 more questions?
Limits are limits, dude. Sorry.

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 15:08:05 >
AQ  Post #: 56
9/29/2007 9:24:07   

Well, now I have a few questions for legasee.

Who tackled you and placed you in your cell?
*shifty eyes*... His name begins with... Kalanyr
Do you ever see the "Sun" in your cell?
No. I've completely forgotten what the sun looks like now. The sun has been nerfed into oblivion.
How often are you fed in there?
Actually, we're fed a lot. They're probably trying to fatten us up to make sure we don't escape.
I cant beat any of the Uber quests, and I am level 90. What should I do?
Keep trying. A lot of it really is just about luck/trial and error.
Do you eat Potatoes?
Potatoes rocks.
What TV shows do you watch?
Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Heroes, Family Guy and Lost.
Any computer games besides AQ, DF?
No, not really.
Excited about MQ?
Like DF, I was merely excited by the hype of it. And again, like DF, I still have yet to actually play the game.
Why did you choose the name Legasee?
I've answered this too many times now.
Why did you choose that avatar?
Because it screams coolness.
Anyways, Bye!

< Message edited by Legasee -- 4/2/2008 15:09:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
9/29/2007 11:17:44   
void dragon master

All the SoO

What's up
Not much.
Uh, the sky? This is a quiz right?
Several trillion stars >_>
Do you like fruits
Oh yes.
Very much so.
Fav fruit
Banana. They're the healthiest, too.
Mangoes are tasty.
I'm going with Mangoes as well.
None right now.
No. My parents have a little dog though.
One cat named Dusk.
If no what would you like:
I would just love to have a cat. No, scratch that. A permanent kitten.
I hate cats!
But kitties are awesome.
Fav song
Too many to say.
Fav band
As mentioned before, I'm not a fan of bands.
*shrug* Depends on the day, really.
What he said. ^
Fav thing about AQ
Check my profile to find out.
The updates
A combination of the strategy involved, the customization each character can have, and the constant updates.
The community. Oh, the community.
I don't belong to a forum clan. I've chosen to share my presence with all! ;)
I used to run a guild along with Pie Munchies, but it was disbanded. Now I'm a free agent.
Pac-man or tetras?
Tetris. Pacman had less of a shelf life.
Tetris, I like the strategy.
Do you like being a SoO
Of course I do.
It feels good to be able to play a part in such a growingly popular game.
I like knowing that I have been deemed to be worthy to give my input to such a big game.
Are you ever going to quit AQ
I doubt it. Not anytime soon, at least.
No plans to.
I have no intention to do so, especially since the game will become more challenging soon.
If Aq closed down how would you react?
*I* would close down. e_e
Haven't thought about it. It's not going to happen anytime soon, so why worry?
What they said.
Do you think i'll get in th koO's?
I don't know. If you make a good enough impression, I guess. Who knows?
What he said ^
Who knows what the future holds?
If you were abducted by Aliens and were probed for test what would you do?

Try and snap a clear photo of them. I'd be on a permanent vacation once I show it to everyone else here on Earth.
One word: Psionics.
Are you a millionaire?
Do you like coffee
Mmm, coffee...
It flows through my veins.
Ice cappuccino?
Whatever, I'm not too particular.
I like the real stuff. Most of what's served as iced cap is actually more like a coffee milkshake
I'll drink most any coffee.
dough nuts?
Yes, though preferably jam-filled.
Mmm, glazed.
Fav smiley?
XD or :p or xP
Don't have one
I like ^_^ myself.
Why am I posting here?
Because you can't resist my awesome answers.
(in-game) Clan?

Fav sitcom?
Mines Friends ' I'll be there for you! Cause you're their for me too!
Yeah, I'm familiar with the theme song. <_<
Sounds familiar. ;)
WOW? <-- I love that game! (Not in that way)
Never played it.
Never played WoW either. The people I know who do seem to have an unhealthy addiction though.
Played a little at a friend's house it's pretty good.
Runescape <-- I hate it
Do you hate it because, as an AQ player you feel that's what's expected of you to do, or because it really is game worth hating? Myself, I don't think it's nearly as bad as most people here paint it to be.
Never played that either.
Never played it.
Do you think my post is long?

Look, as long as it doesn't exceed 10 questions, I'm cool with it. Speaking of which, I've gone way over my limit of questions allotment, so I'll end here. :P

Doh! He tricked us! Post edited for length. :D

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 22:18:28 >
AQ  Post #: 58
9/29/2007 13:42:44   
Hero Zim
Banned - Underage

ok so every and any SoO please answer this question and don't forget to put your user name!

If i asked you "join the darkside we get free donuts!" what would you say? this is my only question for now see ya.
Already a member. By the way, the "donut" part is really only there for that extra bit of incentive. We ate them all. XD
I suppose that it'd depend on the doughnuts.

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 23:19:08 >
AQ  Post #: 59
9/29/2007 13:46:17   
Legendary Artist!

Congrats, to all of you. I've seen both of you on the OOC forums and might I say you guys got personality. I really have no questions. XD
Well, I've never posted in OOC, so I'm sure you're thinking of someone else.

No sigs in GBI please. Thanks! ~jimbo32

< Message edited by jimbo32 -- 4/2/2008 17:05:58 >
Post #: 60
9/30/2007 18:20:30   

All righty guys, I'm going to be asking all 3 of you the exact same questions for the sake of space saving...mmmmm, sa-ke...Ahem.

1. Whats your favourite part of the game?
RA. That's all I ever do when there isn't some kind of special event running.
What's not to like?
Most everything really.
2. How do you feel about being given this power?
Powerful. Hahaha. Man, I'm on fire!
We have power?
O_o What power?
3. Are you...evil SoO, or good?
The KoO created us, so intrinsically, we're evil.
What do you think?
I'm the nice one, really.
4. Would you come to the darkside if I asked?
The question is: Would you?
The darkside of what? The moon?
5. What if I told you we had cookies on the Darkside?
See, if you actually were a member of the Darkside, you'd know that's not true. Like cake, the cookies is a LIE!
What kind of cookies?
I'm with Legasee here :p
6. Chuck Norris or Vin Diesil (sp?)?
Pfft. Chuck Norris. Does anyone even acknowledge Vin Diesel's existence anymore?
Those are our only choices?
Chuck Norris definitely.
7.How much will i need to bribe Kal to get to be an SoO?
Kal is immune to bribery. If he weren't, we'd have a problem.
How much will I have to pay to see you try it?
Let me sell tickets first :O
8. How do you feel about...Lord Barrius?
He's a Kitten. I like Kittens. Therefore, I like Lord Barrius.
Why do you ask?
Ditto to Legasee.
9. How much do you guys like...GOOOOOOOOOLD...?
I don't particularly like having virtually nothing to spend it on. :-(
Do you have some you'd like to give us?
If it's in my pockets, then yes.
10. Now the 1 Million Dollar question...PIRATES or NINJAS?
Pinjas of course :p
Thank you if you got around to answering these. If you didn't, then I shall blow a raspberry at you.

No sigs in GBI please. Thanks! ~jimbo32

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 23:41:48 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
10/1/2007 0:31:58   
Tapeworm Shoelace

Story teim! :D

Legacy first:

Anyway, I was Blackling(because the enviroment FTW) "Legasee" the other day...
And I discovered an anecdote about a thing called "legasee"....
*raises eyebrow*
It's a type of shoe. D:
Apparently, it's known to cause extreme discomfort to your spleen while wearing them, your feet are perfectly fine.
So at least the shoes are fulfilling their purpose..
No one knows why this happens. o_O
Certainly not I.
Anyway, the inventor of Legasee tried to burn all those shoes, but the smoke killed him. D:
I repeat: O=
And then his spleen es'ploded.

And a powerful ending that was.
All of the above has been classified under "liez."
Oh, thank goodness for that. I was just about to have my name changed. XD

Kam-Kam's turn, cuz he's my favourite SoO (But Jimbo and Legacy didn't hear that. :P):
Sure they didn't >_>
So, I was Blackling (because I'm not racist) "Kam-Kam the other day.
You're a sort of wart. :3
I'm the boss of Super Mario Bros. 2! Woot!
How does that make you feel?
I now have a dislike of vegetables.
Anyway, this sort of wart tends to develop on your bottom.
The bottom of a dungeon that is.
It's also purple.
I'm green I say, green!
Yay! Purple! :D

I'm out of creativity for you, Jimbo, I'll make up a story later. :P
I think I'll be able to live with the disappointment. ;)

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 23:52:21 >
AQ  Post #: 62
10/1/2007 14:45:05   


How long do you play AQ/DF per day?
Depends. Sometimes, I don't play at all. *le gasp*
Oh, the horror! ;)
I'll play more when there's an event, but usually around 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Do watch stuff on youtube?
Yar, every now and again.
Sometimes. I'm not into random browsing though - there's way too much useless nonsense there.
Quite a bit.
What other vidio games do you play?
To be honest, AQ's the only game I play these days.
Depends on the day.
I play a good variety, both in genre and console.
How long do you spend on the forums per day?
Again, it depends. I'm usually on the forums at least one hour, at the least, per day.
Yep. Sometimes more, depending.
Generally an hour a day or so.

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/3/2008 23:56:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
10/4/2007 15:37:26   

God I hate you Kamui! *Tis a joke*
's okay. *Burns you*
Your avvies are SoO cool!
And Im stuck with Iportal!!!
Be nice and you might get avvy privelidges.
Anything .hack// rocks doesnt it?!
Most definitely.

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/4/2008 0:01:53 >
DF  Post #: 64
10/4/2007 18:12:23   

This is for Jimbo:

I Looked at wikipedia, And i saw the Description for the term "Jimbo"

It's a type of Sock, it was used for BIG Feet, And was Prone to Foot Fungus.

How does that make you feel?
I'm afraid that I'd have to see a link. Are you sure you typed correctly?

What would you say to the Makers of this kind of sock?
Also, some times the name Had the Saying "That Suck Socks!"


If time stoped, would AQ be Fun?
Well, AQ has frozen on me before, and I didn't exactly find anything about that "fun", so...
Depends, in what areas of space has time stopped, and does it affect me or the servers?
It's Time For Chicken!
It had better be seasoned, else I ain't touching it! D:<
Me likey the chicken.
And there's Soy Sauce!
Meh. Adequate, I suppose.
Do you like Chicken?
Only seasoned! D:<
Very much so.
I Like BK's Chicken.
Never tried it.
It's okay.
NAU! Tell me! Do i have an AKing waiting for me!?!?!
*Shrugs* Your guess is as good as mine.
WHAT?!?!? They don't "NEED" Me?!?! i Am Here Aren't i?!?!
I'm afraid they only hire people they WANT, not need. Our superiors don't want us to feel needed. XD
Let's See..... PEPSI OR COKE!?!?
Pepsi. Srsly, the taste is much better than Coke. A lot more refreshing, I find.
I prefer citrus sodas myself.
A Whole Bottle of Tabaco Sauce down the gullet or ten mini Hot Pepers?
I've already tried hot peppers, and I never quite recovered from that experience alone. v_v
I've done both (Dares, don't ask) and the tobasco is much easier.
And Legasee:

Will you answer the questions i asked Kamui???????????????????
Done. :)

< Message edited by Kamui -- 4/4/2008 0:26:22 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 65
10/9/2007 15:18:24   
32nd Legendary jimbo

Since we're getting behind with our answers (and it's been up for almost a month longer than we thought), I think it's time to close the thread. We'll leave it pinned until we catch up with the responses.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 66
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