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Lines of Betrayal

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6/26/2008 16:54:41   
Recar Dragonlance

"As races collide, their fates remain intertwined. Divines fall down from the heavens to cease the violence but to no avail: it was inevitable. War will destroy this planet."

This is our super Collaborative Fiction, Lines of Betrayal. We have gathered some of the best and brightest from L&L and forced them to write the things they are worst at... Become engrossed in our magical tale and let us take you away to a world of war, death and more war!

If you wish to join in, PM me or Firefly. The comments/discussion thread is here.


1. Do not expect to be added spontaneously: Once the collaborative begins, it might be hard to incorporate in more people, especially with the complex nature of this piece and the abundance of authors already included. If you really want to join, PM Recar Dragonlance or Firefly. Do not PM every single author involved or spam the comments thread.

2. If you wish to join: You will need to PM Recar Dragonlance or Firefly. Include a link to one of your works (writing, not poetry) and your greatest weakness in writing. If you want, you may include a bio for one of the characters not yet taken in the correct format. Doing all this does not guarantee being added. Sometimes, we will use your bio but not give a chapter for you to write or vice versa.

3. Make sure you understand the storyline and characters: Read through everything carefully if you are contributing. Any questions are welcomed and should be PMed to Recar Dragonlance or Firefly.

4. No one owns any character: Just because you made the bio for any character doesn’t mean you have omnipotent rights to that character’s fate. The ends of all the characters shall be determined by the plot, which in turn is decided through consensus.

5. Do not read the spoilers unless you’re contributing: The contributors may sometimes put spoilers on the comments thread. Please do not read them or you’ll spoil the story for yourself.

6. Anybody can give advice: It is not only the other contributors who have the rights to give comments and criticism. Anyone’s opinion is highly valued.

7. Do not harass a contributor if they make a bad contribution: Those who joined this Collab are showing their willingness the step out of their comfort zone and do something they are not most adept with. That is an admirable quality. Please don’t go saying, “That sucked! Delete it!” without pointing out how if was bad.

8. The only one who should be posting is the one that chapter was assigned to: This is an absolute rule. If you were assigned the chapter, you post it unless you refuse. If you were not assigned that chapter, do not attempt to write or rewrite it. We don’t care if you could do a better job; that person was writing their greatest weakness, so an amount of inaptitude is tolerable.

9. If two people are contributing in a chapter: The second contributor will have to PM their part to the first poster to edit into the post. The first poster should edit in exactly what the second poster PMed them (even the grammar mistakes because some grammar rules are not a solid as you would think). Please do not separate a single chapter into two posts for the sake of thread cleanliness.

10. Please post in whole chapters: For the sake of better quality and less confusion, post only when the entire chapter is done.

11. Regarding people who go a long time without a chapter: If you go for over 3 weeks without your chapter finished, it is best
to leave a comment on the thread and a PM to one of the people in charge. No exact reason is needed, but a heads up is good. If someone has given a reason for absence, please do not harass them. If someone has not done the above and is gone for over 3 weeks, their part may be given to someone else to write.

12. Do not harass Recar, Firefly, or anyone else if you’re not assigned a part yet: With the complex storyline and abundance of authors, we may not assign you a part immediately. Be patient.

13. The poster has the final say: Even if the poster of said chapter is writing what they’re worst at, they have the final say to any edit. Any suggestions made will be taken into consideration but if the poster does not wish to change it, you cannot make them.

14. No deviations: Please stick to the storyline and events of that chapter as they were originally suggested. Do not make any drastic additions or subtractions that would affect the entire story differently. Do not make a character out of character either.

15. If you wish to leave the Collab: Please leave a post on the comments thread and a PM to someone in charge. Also, do not spoil the story for anyone not contributing. What you have currently contributed will be left on unless you desire otherwise.

16. Keep to the mood and style of the story: In other words, no changes that would step into the wrong genres and no shifts in point of view.

17. Communicate willingly: This is necessary for this collab to work. If you need help, have questions, or need someone to post something, please PM them. We need to cooperate for this to work.
DF  Post #: 1
6/26/2008 17:15:44   

The Final Stand

The price of freedom is far too great.
Wars shall commence, worlds will shake.
Glory fades like old moons wane,
As warriors search for one to blame.

Angels descend to no avail,
Death awaits – to quail or fail?
The mark of time shall always scorch,
As elves will shoot and dragons torch.

The beasts of legend rise once more
As nocturnal creatures bar their door.
Nature is split and magic used ill
Neither side will be the first to still.

In the shadows, the true victor hides,
The beasts shall cower as the night dies.
Ambition unlocks the recesses of power
And immortal blood from the skies shall shower.

Sad that the wisdom of thousands of years,
Will end up in nothing but broken tears.
When chaos, finally, departs from this land
Which race will make the final stand?
AQ  Post #: 2
6/26/2008 17:32:11   
Recar Dragonlance

Prologue: Blood Through the Heavens

A dark army ascended over the conflicting powers. This melancholy army mimicked the mood felt between every race as they sharpened their weapons of war and prepared for battle. Their hatred for each other was as mighty as the dark lightning which flashed in the background, hatred which ran so deep that it manifested into their souls. This hatred had become their way of life; with out it they were lost. As their ancient ancestors did, they also embraced their inherited hatred, the reasons forgotten like the dead in the pointless wars. Werewolves, vampires, dragons and elves: each race individually united for the conflict. Each race preparing to fall for their beliefs; each race preparing to die in the name of hatred.

The sunshine couldn’t crack through the compact clouds which loomed above the battleground, causing a blanket of shadow to embrace the land. They had picked the one place where their death couldn’t affect the planet, on the wastelands. Where no living thing could (or dared) to grow. It was in these fields of death that they stood each army gigantic in size with their army the colour of their nations. The dragons and the elves stood close, their friendship much stronger than that of the werewolves and vampires. Once all the soldiers from every race were ready, they all approached each other. Respectful, even in their hatred, since they did not attack unexpected. The echoes from their march, which came with every soldier stepping in unison, until it ceased with the leaders at the head of the army. Each leader wore their own, high-quality armour forged in capital of their kingdom in order to show off their mighty wealth even though their money had begun to plummet since the beginning of the war. In the hands of the soldiers behind them were guns off all different qualities. With a single nod from the leaders, they escaped back into the ranks of the army. It was then that the first shot was fired and this killed the first elven boy. He was merely sixteen and had lied about his age to get into the army. Even with his whole future staring at him, fate did not spare him in this war. This was spared none. It was after this that the war started, their conflict had begun.

A superior tactician who did not get involved with the actual fighting muttered to himself that the angels would be able to hear their screams. This was in fact more than truth. Through the cloudy wall, the angels looked down upon the many races they had guarded disappear far quicker then they deserved. Many just cried for their lose, others merely shunned them saying they were a lost cause. None were willing to intervene, to break the rules in order to save the planet. However, there were two whose heart still remained in the right place. They gazed down upon their suffering and the angel’s hearts opened. They both turned to each other, both dressed in golden armour though one was female and the other was male. Tears ran down from their eyes, every ounce of their body wanting to run and attack, their brain telling them that they could not. They stood in a land of cloud and light, a strong light which wrapped everything in a blanket of comfort. The clouds were soft and gentle, soothingly stroking the clothes of the angels.

The others were too occupied to see what these two angels, who were named Gabriel Mana and Zayna Rach, were doing. Instead of merely watching the various sentient races tear each other a part, they broke open the portal to which they watched them, a flash of pure, white light absorbing everyone. The angels recoiled, stepping away from the hole which was just created. Everyone inspected each other, hoping that all the angels were there and hoping to find the person who was responsible for this. Looking back down the hole, one angel screamed as she saw the two angels plummeting towards the earth. “Gabriel, Zayna, what are you doing?”

“Giving them a chance…” Gabriel replied before zooming down to the ground.

The dark clouds which barricaded the light out suddenly seemed to stop moving. Out of the blue, the clouds restarted a weird tremor before the group of clouds directly above the middle of the battle broke. A beam of light shot down and a shout which shook the very air around the soldiers echoed through the wastelands. The air seemed to be ripping a part until the angels slowed down, elegantly standing in the centre of the battle. All of the fighting had ceased, all of their eyes were on these angels. Most of them had blood spattered on them, their eyes engraved with deep fear, sadness of anger.
“We are the angels Gabriel and Zayna,” His voice boomed through the crowd, some even stepping back through its might, “and we are here to help you find salvation.”

“Put down your weapons for even you have no idea what you are fighting for,” Zayna shouted, her voice just as supreme as Gabriel’s. When she said these words, some spat in disgust. However, through their eyes you could see they agreed with her. “Put down your weapons and learn to tolerate each other.”

“Is all this violence really worth it? The loss of generation after generation over some petty quarrel thousands of years ago… Can’t you see your own foolishness?” Gabriel spoke up, seeing that the army slowly began to drop their weapons, his words sinking into them. Though some seemed to be agreeing, one person did not. Bullets flung through the air, nearly all of them sticking the angels. Blood splattered from the holy heads and they collapsed to the floor. While the angels died, the people began to see the error in their ways. While the angels died, a peace began to form.

< Message edited by Recar Dragonlance -- 6/26/2008 17:33:18 >
DF  Post #: 3
8/11/2008 3:01:55   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 2:Changing of the Guard

Silver grey mist swirled around the courtyard, moved by guards pacing the length of the gateway. Four in the courtyard, two in the balcony and a rolling mist that created soft marching shadows, revealing everyone of their moves. Salania adjusted the grey shirt and pants she had put on to help camouflage her movements in the mist and checked her arsenal for the fifth time. She had two loaded handguns, each equipped with silencers and a few extra silver bullets. The countdown started as she watched the manor guards slowly retrace their steps in the never ending walk to protect the hallowed home of Count Drathix von Roch. One more minute and the guard will change.

Slowly and quietly, Salania slid from her vantage point and made her way to the gate. As the new guards came out, the old guards relaxed and turned to the new guys. As both sets of men conversed briefly, one debriefing the other, Salania climbed the tree just outside the gate. She had spotted this tree four days ago when she had first come to survey the manor and its defenses. Now it would be the perfect spot to pick off the guard, one by one.

The guards traded places, the tired and worn ones headed into the manor while the new guard set themselves up in their stations. Salania aimed for one of the balcony guards as he leaned back and pulled the trigger. The silent bullet sped through the air and hit him, boring into his head. He fells backwards into the manor wall, disappearing from sight. She did the same for the other one in the balcony, thus eliminating the defenses above her. She stretched out, mounting the walls, catwalking carefully towards the front door. As the guards turns to switch marching direction, she aimed and shot four times, hitting her mark with ease. The men collapsed, never knowing what hit them.

Salania hopped down, stirring the mist around her and walked into the manor quietly. She entered the guard room on the left first, killing the four men that lay sleeping in their beds after their shift was over. There were three other beds that lay empty in that room and she realized that the guards that used the beds could be elsewhere in the manor. Crossing the hall to the right, Salania found the beds empty and counted six other possible targets to worry about in the immediate future.

Staying against the walls, Salania crept down the corridor, senses alert for any possible guards roaming the hallways. Nearing a door, Salania quickly entered the doorway and scanned the room, handguns poised and ready to fire. She stepped in cautiously and checked the corners and any other small rooms that were joined to this one. As she walked the perimeter of the room, a quiet shuffle sounded behind her. As she turned, she felt the impact of someone’s foot in her side and quickly turned to see her assailant.

His pale eyes stared at her in anger, hands clawed and mouth smiling. He lashed out, but Salania was too quick and he missed but by a couple of centimeters. Salania hit him across the face with one of her guns right before she jumped back to get out of his reach. The minor vampire lord brought a hand up to rub the cheek that she cracked her gun across and laughed quietly. He advanced and Salania continued to keep her distance. He lunged at her and she backflipped away from him, one foot connecting to his jaw. He raked his clawed hand across her thigh, ripping her pants and leaving and small open gash. The kick sent him sprawling and Salania aimed her gun at his heart and shot him twice. Her aim was perfect and he dropped to his knees, falling as his life was drawn away.

Continuing on she crossed the corridor into the next room taking three guards by surprise, playing poker. She shot three times in rapid succession, never giving them time enough to draw their own weapons. The corridor ended in a T and Salania chose to go right. As she silently walked down this hall, a light conversation was heard in one of the rooms. A soft lilting voice drifted down the hall and Salania knew that the next room was occupied by a man and a woman, presumably another Vampiric lord and lady. Cautiously, she proceeded to the room and moved into the doorframe, but saw nothing.

Salania breathed deeply and concentrated on the interior of the room. To her left there was a bed, side table and closet. As she looked over the table and chairs to the right, the door was pushed from behind and it hit her full on, throwing her backwards onto the bed. She quickly rolled off the bed and stood, facing the two vampires. The vampiress was already making her way across the room when Salania landed on her feet, forcing her to jump sideways to avoid the attack. She shot at the woman but missed as she slid across the floor. Scrambling to get to her feet, Salania nearly lost the grip on one of her guns. The vampiress took advantage of the situation and picked up one of the chairs form the table and threw it at Salania’s head.

Swiftly ducking down into a partial split, Salania winced as the chair crashed on the wall. Idiots. Everyone will hear that. The throw left the vampires vulnerable as she recovered her balance and Salania shot her twice in the heart. The vampire screamed as he watched his lover fall to the floor. Footsteps sounded in the hallway and Salania aimed one gun at the vampire and another at the door and stood still, eyes widened but glaring. The guard halted in the doorway and looked from Salania to the vampire.

As he opened his mouth to call for reinforcement, Salania pulled the trigger and sent a bullet into his mouth and through his head. The guard fell and the vampire rushed Salania. To avoid him she jumped onto the bed and used it to jump over his head. The vampire spun quickly, recovering from Salania’s move over his head and hit her as she landed. The hit knocked the wind out of her and she bent forward slightly, allowing the vampire to kick her in the face, sending her head over heals towards the wall.

She crashed into it hard and looked up as the immensely satisfied vampire advanced. She shook her head as another guard walked into the room. Distracted, the vampire looked away just enough to enable Salania to draw one of her guns. Turning back to her, she smiled as the vampire watched her pull the trigger, sending two silver bullets into his heart. The guard drew his gun and turned it on her, but Salania was ready for him and shot him easily. The guard’s dead body fell on top of the vampire’s and Salania drew in a shaky breath.

The wall had not made a very good cushion and she could feel something in her back hurt dreadfully. Hopefully this is no more than a few bruised ribs. She slowly stood and listened for the footfall of reinforcement. When there was no evidence that more people would be coming, Salania stretched out her body, wincing slightly as her back reacted to the movement. She checked each gun for ammunition levels and realized she needed to reload. Taking out the extra silver bullets, she replenished each gun, giving her a few more bullets to work with.

Ready to find the Count, Salania left the room and headed around the corner of the corridor and jogged for a minute before being forced to turn once more. The turn thrust her into a large room and two guards to her left grabbed their weapons. But they were too slow and Salania shot both of them before they had any chance of taking her. A roar to her right caused a smile to play across her face and she turned to face Count Drathix.

Count Drathix von Roch sat upon a large chair akin to a throne, made of cherry and onyx. His fingers drummed out a rapid cadence upon the armrest as he assessed his current situation. Salania raised an eybrow, having to admit to herself it was such a shame to have to kill such a remarkably handsome man. His face was chiseled perfectly as if a sculptor had spent a lifetime perfecting his countenance. The shock of ebony hair balanced the perfection just enough to reveal a wildness to the Count, a wildness she almost found intoxicating.

Count Drathix looked down upon the young woman that just walked into his throne room freely and armed. He ceased the drumming and gripped the armrests of his great chair, flinging himself violently towards her, bloodlust rising as Salania raised one of her guns, pointing directly at his heart.

“Stop, my love!” Countess Siana called out to her husband. “It would be so unfair if you get to have all the fun.” His wife, Siana del Karie sat next to him in a similar seat, just slightly smaller. The vampiress’s delicate features hid a ruthless temperament beneath rich red lips and green eyes. Her reddish brown hair cascaded around her beautiful face, relaxed ringlets playfully bounced as she moved her head. Standing slowly, she walked towards her husband, taking her place beside him.

Running her hands across his shoulders, the countess whispered in his ear. “Let me try. I think I can do something here, something absolutely wonderful for both of us.”

Drathix felt a shiver run through his body, “But you are risking yourself, my love. What if she resists?”

“None have ever resisted me.” She smiled as she ran her hands down his chest. “Think of the fun we could have once I have her in my grasp.”

Drathix inhaled sharply as Siana’s hands made their way up his chest and caressed his throat. On her toes, Siana kissed Drathix passionately and the Vampire Lord shook slightly, running his hands through her hair. He gripped a handful and pulled her head back and gazed into her eyes. His other hand lazily caressed her bare back and she closed her eyes, smiling. “Yes, then, do as you please. I await your move, my darling, and our enjoyment.”

Siana smiled and slowly walked around Salania, looking her up and down. “You are a beautiful woman…”

“Salania,” she replied, eyeing the vampiress.

“Salania. Perfect name. With a name so close to my own…” The vampiress stood behind her and lightly touched Salania’s shoulder, allowing her hand to slowly travel down the arm., “…this could be fun. I love your hair color, golden as the sun, shimmering as the reflection of light on the water’s surface.” Siana ran her fingers through Salania’s hair and breathed deeply.

“You do?” Salania smiled, forcing her mind to take the comment seriously. She thought of a man she left before this job and that last night…and she blushed. She relaxed her shoulders somewhat, and Siana took the bait.

“Oh there is much I like about you. “ Siana walked around Salania, brushing her body against Salania’s, making as much contact as possible. “You are young, strong and supple. I desire those qualities very much. They bring me much joy, especially when given freely.”

“Given freely, my lady? How could one deny you?” Salania breathed deeply as the countess’s body touched her, partially as show, and to her disbelief, partially in reality. “Do I please you that much?”

“Yes, my darling you do. I can make you very happy as you can for me.” Siana stood in front of Salania, mere centimeters from her face. “Your eyes are the clearest blue. One could get lost in them for days while enjoying life. Let me show you the joys of life, Salania.”

Siana slid a hand up Salania’s throat; the gentle touch made her pulse quicken. Siana leaned in as she closed her eyes embracing Salania, lips but a whisper from her own. Siana’s proximity to Salania disturbed her on many levels and she squirmed slightly under the influence. She gripped the guns in her hands and stared into the eyes of Siana, feigning admiration and lust. Siana touched Salania’s cheek, exhaling deeply and moved in closer to make the beautiful woman her own. Looking deeply into the eyes of Siana, Salania raised her guns up and pressed them against Siana’s chest and pulled the triggers on both guns, sending rounds of silver bullets into the countess, exhausting the supply, but guaranteeing the death of the beautiful woman.

Siana jerked backwards, eyes wide, staring at Salania. The disbelief that spread across her face was nearly too much to take and Salania realized that the countess had more of a hold on her than she wanted to admit. The smell of blood and discharged bullets tainted the air with a subtle metal tang, and Siana's hands clenched at her chest. She looked into Salania's eyes, heartbroken and slowly the life faded from her eyes. With one hand she reached out for Salania, grabbing her arm, trying to stay on her feet. But at last, her brilliant green eyes faded totally, dulled by death's grip.

Drathix roared in disbelief as he watched his wife fall slowly, blood slowly spreading, staining her gown. Salania stepped back to allow the body to fall completely to the floor. The sound of the countess’s body hitting the tile echoed through the room and Drathix lunged at Salania, claws raking across her arms, opening wounds on her biceps. Blood pools in the gashes and Drathix inhales deeply, smiling as he lunges at her again. He attempts to grip her arms, but she spins just out of his reach and lands a hard kick to his side. He back peddles and looks at his hands. He admires Salania’s blood on his fingers and licks them, savoring the taste fully.

Drathix attacked with more vigor, the taste of Salania’s blood on his lips invigorated him and he slashed at her multiple times, connecting twice, resulting in injury to her face and shoulder. Salania scrambled out of his way, trying to stay out of range of his hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a sword of silver mounted on the wall. She bolted for it, surprising Drathix and he laughed heartily. “One man tried to kill me with that sword. Pity he died quickly while trying. But be my guest.”

Salania grabbed the sword off the mounting and held it in her hand, moving it through the air as she moved around the room, testing the weight and balance. Perfect in every way, the sword moved as if a genuine extension of her arm and she smirked. “Perhaps the man just didn’t know how to handle this work of beauty.”

Drathix lunged at Salania, baring his fangs and he attempted to sink his claws into her flesh. She dove sideways to avoid him and rolled back onto her feet in time to use the sword as a shield. Drathix leapt into the air, a well aimed kick came straight for her head. Salania drew the sword up and braced herself as Drathix’s foot met metal. His kick drove her backwards, her feet sliding ten feet, but she stayed up. With one last push, Drathix leapt off of the blade and landed on his feet.

Salania sliced the sword through the air, aiming at his side. Drathix parried the blow with the cuff of his suit jacket and Salania spun around bring the sword arching through the air and down into his back. The blow met body and Drathix called out in pain. Pulling the sword across his back, Salania cut deep into his body and Drathix arched his back in pain. Conscious of only his desire to see her die, Drathix swung his arm back, hitting her hard across the face, drawing more of Salania’s blood. The iron tang of it filled Drathix’s nostrils and he breathed deeply once more and moved swiftly as if he was never hurt in the first place.

Salania did all she could to parry and block every swipe and slash of Drathix's as he pushed her further and further back towards the wall nearest his throne. The closer they got the throne the harder his hits became. Quickly changing directions, Salania pulled Drathix along a path that would lead to his throne. In one final, gathering, thrust of his clawed hands, Drathix attacked Salania full on and she ducked at the last minute.

The attack was so powerful that Drathix's hands became embedded in the cherry wood of his throne. Pull as he may he could not get free and he saw his demise. Salania thrust the sword deep into his heart and pulled it up with all her strength for good measure before sliding it out of his failing body, slick with blood. Drathix swallowed convulsively as his body began to shut down, his breathing choppy and shallow. He tried one last time to free his clawed hands from the throne he had sat on for so long, but he was too weak. Salania sat upon his throne, above him and looked own on his prostrate form. She held the sword, the fateful sword he had so arrogantly displayed on the wall, in front of his face. Salania placed the end of the blade under his chin and forced it up, sop that the last thing he saw was the satisfaction on her face. Drathix looked into her eyes, sword flashing in the candle light and died on his knees before his throne, occupied by a human woman.

Salania watched the life ebb away from his eyes. Once they had lost the luster of vitality, she allowed his beautiful face to slowly fall, chin resting against his chest. She carefully stood and climbed over the armrest of the great thrown, avoiding Count Drathix's body. Briefly, she regretted to see such a handsome man, vampire or not, die in such a manner. Then, as if a string had been pulled, the thought shook itself from her mind and she smiled. At least he gave me a fight. Salania stepped closer and cleaned the sword on Drathix's suit until the silver shone again with an almost ethereal light. She examined the sword in all its intricate beauty and decided to keep it. Besides, what good would such an awesome sword do in a place like this?

Holding the sword to her side, Salania left the great hall, stepping over the countess's body nonchalantly. She stopped in the doorway and surveyed the room. Shaking her head, she continued down the halls, passing by the rooms of the dead without so much as a pause in her step. Her eyes adjusted to the grey mist once she stepped outside the manor and proceeded to leave the manor behind, cold, dark and quiet.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
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