 ArchKnight DragonFable
Special Your weapon special activates on hit. Effect: Applies 'Destiny', a 20% Magic Light DoT effect, to target for 5 turns. (Pop-up: Your foe is infused with Light!) (Rate: 5%) Appearance Other information Special initially applied a 5-5 Magic Light DoT effect to target for 5 turns. Default Activated Also See: Shining DragonStaff of Destiny, Lucky DragonStaff of Destiny, Mighty DragonStaff of Destiny, Guided DragonStaff of Destiny, Brilliant DragonStaff of Destiny, Pristine DragonStaff of Destiny, Binding DragonStaff of Destiny, Pure DragonStaff of Destiny, Key DragonStaff of Destiny, Upright DragonStaff of Destiny, Righteous DragonStaff of Destiny, Wondrous DragonStaff of Destiny, Imbued DragonStaff of Destiny, Penultimate DragonStaff of Destiny, Ultimate DragonStaff of Destiny Thanks to Jay for image and activated image. DemonicDarkwraith for special image and corrections. Windy for original DoT damage information. VHunter for level requirement correction. Sir Plus for Upgrade requirement. Stephen Nix for correction. Ash for special information.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 4/2/2024 19:20:35 >