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RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase)

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7/17/2008 12:37:21   

Sky? YAYZ! I don't know why I wanted that so much, but I did... Hm. Just realized... Big hole in floor + ability to create ice + fact that ice is slippery... Let's see if anyone is stupid enough to fall for this... (Stupid IC, of course.)
MQ  Post #: 301
7/17/2008 12:41:37   

I have posted. I do apologize, that is not the quality I was hoping for and I know not everyone likes reading long posts. Don't worry, I doubt I'll write a post as boring and long as that again.
AQ DF  Post #: 302
7/17/2008 13:42:16   
The Dragon Knight

Ha! You'll never beat me when it comes to long, boring posts! I am king in that field. See my many pages of text, ye who enter here, and despair!
AQ  Post #: 303
7/17/2008 14:30:26   
Eternal Wanderer

Okay, Silver, just for that, you get my first attack. I hope your guy is a good reciever, then again, most adventurers toting around big metal swords are.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 304
7/17/2008 17:24:17   

Name: "Crusher Jones, (Gill)
Element of Participation: Fire
Class, if applicible: Thief/Axman/Brawler/Ball Morpher
<Edit in a link to your first post here, since that is where you ought to be describing your character>

Vital Statistics: 5'8", youthful, lithe frame, green hair, dark skin
Weaponry: Battleax, knucks, feet, forehead
AQ  Post #: 305
7/17/2008 17:36:56   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...

"Crusher Jones" (Gill) as played by darkgillshadow => Approved.

Get thee to Fountain.
AQ  Post #: 306
7/17/2008 17:38:47   

That's the dirtiest trick in the book.
What kind of evil degenerate would hurt a little kitty-cat?
You made yourself invincible!

Its what I'm counting on.

< Message edited by Kellehendros -- 7/17/2008 18:18:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 307
7/17/2008 17:50:16   

I am actually quite happy I got the Fountain Arena. It is the one I was pulling for. You see, when you stick an energy mage in the arena full of water, you know there is going to be a good EC this year. :P

All the best luck to everyone else competing in the Tournament. >X)|
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 308
7/17/2008 18:08:26   

Ahhh, of course for my first year I get the returning champ. Nice entrance by the way TD, I hope I can duplicate it :P

Well, it would be a lie to say that I am excited and apprehensive all at the same time. With any luck I wont die. :P Thats all i'm pulling for in this :D

(just realized I use the same smiley to much)

Edit: TDK, my post is longer In my mind

< Message edited by Nightly -- 7/17/2008 18:56:43 >
Post #: 309
7/17/2008 19:24:17   

So do we wait for everyone to post an entrance to the arena or do we throw down right away?


I am a person of color. Which color is irrelevant.
AQ DF  Post #: 310
7/17/2008 19:25:55   

Dunno about you guys, but I'm waiting for the rest of our competitors...

Unless someone else makes a move first, of course.
AQ DF  Post #: 311
7/17/2008 19:38:31   

You never know the availability of other people to post. Some people just vanish for unspecified lengths of time. It is far better to start things off if/when you feel ready and your character would be willing. Waiting around accomplishes nothing, on the whole and could well lose you out on a lot of precious posting time. That's why it's usually so important to communicate and work together, especially if absences are expected.
AQ  Post #: 312
7/17/2008 19:42:49   

Advice: Attack when you are ready, but it's good to make sure (through PM or OOC) that the person you intend to attack while be able to respond. Otherwise you may be left waiting for a long time or leave your opponent waiting for a long time and that is going to lessen your chances and the chances of whoever you are fighting (in my opinion anyway).

Got a little impatient and posted. I didn't actually do anything and it seems my promise of shorter and more interesting posts was hollow. Ah well. Also, one of the pouches at his belt has an enchantment on it, but I can't tell you what because it's kind of... well secret. I will tell you this: Jon came prepared.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/17/2008 21:14:30 >
AQ DF  Post #: 313
7/17/2008 21:20:39   
The Dragon Knight

hehe, you can say that he came prepared AFTER he wins the championship. Saying things like that is only going to encourage people to focus on him. Don't forget, the EC is what brings the Old Guard out of the woodwork, so you'll need a lot more than luck to win this.

Also, if you're going to either forget or overlook one of your competitors, then you're DEFINITELY in trouble.

< Message edited by The Dragon Knight -- 7/17/2008 21:28:03 >
AQ  Post #: 314
7/17/2008 21:28:31   

Well actually that statement may have to be retracted, because I'm not actually sure my idea is fair. Anyway, focus on Jon, by all means. My primary objective is to have fun, not to win. It's just that winning will be more fun than losing. I was referring to him being prepared for the arena choice, not the whole thing anyway. He isn't prepared for (as an example) massive axes that manipulate gravity (not that there are any of them knocking about).

I'm glad both TDK and TD are in this arena, it was the only way we were going to see them duke it out. However, it does seem quite scary for me. TD is champion, GoN was a finalist, TDK is just plain scary and Rational has a guy with a long name (terrifying, trust me).

EDIT: To above. Maybe you just didn't make much of an impression *hides*.

Actually that was a cut and paste error, I do apologise. I deleted the word file though so if you'll excuse me I'll have to go edit it in now.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/17/2008 21:30:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 315
7/17/2008 21:30:01   

A couple questions for future reference. Ok first one is: Are there any openings in the arena, like the roof perhaps? and second is: What is the floor made of? Like is it dirt or tile. Dont think I saw anything in the arena talking about it.

BTW, I am talking about the Spike Arena.
AQ DF  Post #: 316
7/17/2008 21:31:05   

It is open I do believe (no roof I mean) and the floor is made of metal. There is no earth in this arena.

From the first post:


both floor and slightly tilted spike-covered walls made completely out of a cold blue metal,

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/17/2008 21:32:33 >
AQ DF  Post #: 317
7/17/2008 21:32:15   

Ok, that helps A LOT. Now I know how I will get my weapons...
AQ DF  Post #: 318
7/17/2008 21:36:00   
The Dragon Knight

One thing, though: While there is no roof, there is, according to TD, an invisible barrier over top of the arena to prevent things from entering or exiting. Can't have a random fireball go flying out of the arena and into the city, now can we?

Although, there may be a few contestants that will test the boundaries of that barrier as they are forcibly ejected from the arena.....
AQ  Post #: 319
7/17/2008 21:37:10   

I'm pretty sure each and every arena is protected by a warded enclosure of some kind in order to prevent outside interference and also to protect the spectators from errant attacks. You likely want to check with Ronin on that, but I do believe Spike has its own enclosing dome of spell work.

Edit: I seem to have been just slightly beaten out in this response. :P
AQ  Post #: 320
7/17/2008 21:40:10   

Thanks guys. But, I still do know how I will get my "weapons". Though it might be a bit "out there", but it'll be worth it in the end... for me... haha Im jking.
AQ DF  Post #: 321
7/17/2008 21:41:48   

This is what I assumed also. However, there are other ways to get earth into the arena, Jon's method being a rather useless one as the amount of dirt he now has is still pretty pathetic.

Also, I edited the missing section back in to the post (the bit where I mention TDK's character). I have no idea how I didn't catch it the first time I posted, it just goes to show I've got to proof read more than once.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 7/17/2008 21:43:05 >
AQ DF  Post #: 322
7/17/2008 21:46:30   
The Dragon Knight

Oh, don't worry about that, Gedd. You're not the only one who has apparently overlooked my presence. Apparently Nightly believes that I can be ignored as well. We'll soon see if that is a wise decision or not. :-P
AQ  Post #: 323
7/17/2008 22:09:51   

Yo, Demonhunter, I'd like to claim you as my opponent in the cellar. Just letting you know whilst I write up a post.

< Message edited by Ralor -- 7/17/2008 22:10:13 >
AQ  Post #: 324
7/17/2008 22:21:32   

TDK, I ignored you to be a gentleman. In doing so I get attacked. Thats the last time I be nice. Can I ask for Jon's assistance?

Post #: 325
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