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RE: Mistermafio's Poetry

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9/9/2008 15:04:15   

The spider

Spider on my windowsill
being silent,
sitting still.

Hiding from the predators
while waiting for an unsuspecting fly.
To come zooming by,
for him to eat.

As nature intended.

Spider sitting on my windowsill,
subject of my admiration,
giver of my inspiration…

I dislike you.
AQ  Post #: 101
9/10/2008 13:41:41   

"The end of the world is nigh!"

His voice echoes through the busy streets.

Ignored by all
but heard at least.

He mumbles to himself,
for a little while,
something about listening
when the time is there.

As he finally looks up with a smile.

"The end of the world is nigh!

"Listen you puny mortals!
You'll have nowhere to run!
Nowhere to sail!
Nowhere to fly!

"The end of the world is nigh!"

No looks of understanding befall him,
only a few of hate.
He doesn't blame them,
he was once the same.

He too once believed calling out the word of doom
was simply insane.

He gives it one more try,
as he screams in his loudest voice:

"The end of the world is nigh!
Soon we all will die!"

The response of his crowd?
Just another sigh.
AQ  Post #: 102
9/10/2008 16:30:30   


I hate you,

with your clothes,
and your make-up,
and your stupid poetry.

With your music
and your terrible,
terrible hair.

I hate you,
and it's fair.

'cause you do not dress like I do,
nor do you act,
the way I prefer.

I even hate the music you listen too,
it's so dark,
and stuff.

So please will you just go home and cry
and write poems about how you want to die.


What do you mean
'I do not know you?'

I've seen your outfit,
I've seen your hair,
I've seen your make-up
and I know you're soft.

What more do you expect me to get an opinion out of?
AQ  Post #: 103
9/11/2008 17:42:51   

Hidden in my bubble

I'm hidden from the world
in an invisible bubble.

Nobody can get in.
Which is good,
'cause I would never let him.

See, I'm all alone in my bubble
and my only friend is me.
But at least I'll stay hidden,
but at least I'll stay happy.

I can see it out there,
this place you all call home.
Where disease and misery
freely roam.

But those things cannot get me,
not while I'm hidden in here.
as in here I'm hidden from danger,
hidden from agony,
hidden from hunger,
hidden from fear.

I'm hidden, indeed
from everything everyone.
Completely alone.
No one to bother me,
no one to laugh with
no one to cry on.

No one...

Help! Let me out!
AQ  Post #: 104
9/11/2008 17:43:57   

Thinking about you

I cannot stop thinking about you
when you are not around.
I shattered to pieces
the last time you frowned.

I'm afraid I'd hurt you
by saying how I feel.
But I don't want to be a liar,
I just want to be real.

I want to be able to look you in the eye,
and just ask,
"will you be mine?"

I just want to be able
to do that and smile.

And then,
you'd smile in reply.

Just so I would know
everything would be alright.
AQ  Post #: 105
9/12/2008 15:45:18   

The deal

"A promise is a promise boy."

Slowly he moved towards me,
his look a mixture of hatred and joy.
I tried to back away,
but the wall behind me forced to sway.

"Let me go!"
I yelled.

"I didn't know!"
I cried.

"I'll do whatever you want of me!
As long as you let me go!
As long as you let me free!"
I begged for my life
as I fell upon my knees.

He didn't stop though,
as he took another step.
slowly closing up the gap
between us.

My nostrils filled with the stench
of a thousand rotting dead.
And the hairs in my neck raised themselves
in a desperate attempt
to move further away from him.

Another step he takes
as he slowly begins to change.

First horns sprouted upon his head,
dark as coal,
yet so sharp they pierced a hole
in time itself.

Then wings sprouted from his back,
large and leather-like.
Much like the ones on a bat.

As he spoke
his thin forked tongue played with his teeth.
Seemingly living a life of its own.
And his voice had changed into the whisper
of an almost snake-like tone.

"You signed the contract with your own blood,
that makes you mine to do with as I please.
And I please to take you with me
to down beneath."

Another step and he started to grow,
within seconds he was as tall as a building.
While still he looked me in the eye
as if his face was right next to mine.

I tried to cry,
I called out for help.
But as he took the next step
I knew it was in vain.

I was destined to an afterlife
of horror and of pain.

And all that for a life of wealth.
-Money has no more use for me!-
I much rather had lived my life poor but happily.
Without a fancy car.
Without a private bar.
Not very wealthy,
but free.

AQ  Post #: 106
9/13/2008 18:37:54   

Tell me

Tell me,
of whatever you want.
I'm here to listen
for those that can't.

Tell me your darkest secrets,
tell me of life outside.
Tell me and I'll listen.

I'll listen to tales of times you laughed,
and tales of times you cried.
Tales of long lost friends,
and tales of men who died.

What I'll do with all your secrets?
With all the things you don't want them to know?
I'll share them with the world of course.

So everyone will know,
so everyone will laugh
and everyone will repeat
the secrets you'll soon be speaking of.

So go ahead,
I'm sure I'll listen.
Just don't be sad
when people know more about you,
and the good (and lesser) times you've had,

then you've ever wanted.

AQ  Post #: 107
9/14/2008 12:02:25   

Ode to a hunk of junk

For many years you served me,
most of those you served me well.
But in time you've become old and slow,
you are struggling with even the simplest thing,
trust me, I can tell.

You've brought me enjoyment and friendship,
in these last eight years.
You've shown me the world,
you've taught me how things work,
and gave a face to many of my deepest fears.

Through you I met some good people,
through you I met some friends.
Through you I met some idiots,
and learned they can predict,
the day the world ends.

You've been a gateway to the world for me,
all those eight great years.
But the time has come
for you to be replaced,
finally you're done.

Go and enjoy your rest,
my trusty old pc.
You old lump of junk,
that never seemed fast enough for me.

I'll miss you.
AQ  Post #: 108
9/15/2008 15:27:25   

You speak

A million thoughts roam through my head,
a billion words,
all centered around what you just said.

Is she screwing with me?
This cannot possibly be the truth!
I didn't deserve this,
did I?

The three words
that she just said to me.
Three words out of the blue
from a face smiling happily.

Is it true?
What she just said?
Or is she toying with my head?

My thoughts did not provoke my mouth,
flabbergasted I forgot to speak.
Her smile turns into a frown
as she ask:
"Well then, don't you love me?"
AQ  Post #: 109
9/16/2008 16:57:28   

Love poem

sometimes I wonder
what this world would be like without me.
Don't you have this too?

I can't answer this question for myself,
but I can answer it for you.
As I ought to know.
-At least partially.-

In the world without you
my life would be a whole lot more boring.
Nobody to talk to til the middle of the night.
Nobody to look at and smile to in utter delight.
Nobody to be my shining light.

In a world without you,
I would not be complete.
Love would not exist for me,
and I
-to my great regret-
would be still able to eat.

In a world without you,
I would cry every single day.
I would cry every night.
I would cry,
without even knowing why.

In a world without you,
I would be miserable.

Would you be that too,
in a world without me?
AQ  Post #: 110
9/17/2008 17:05:32   

Writing a feeling

It is hard to express a feeling,
it's even harder to do so in words.
Because no matter how much you try
it never really works.

So you try and try,
fitting words together in the most interesting of ways.
But still there is that feeling of incompleteness,
that feeling that always stays.

As my pen crawls over the paper,
slow at times,
fast at others.
-but never truly steady-

Pauses fall in it's movement,
at first they are short and far away.
But soon enough I can't write a word.
in whatever imaginable way.


It is hard to express a feeling,
it is even harder to put it into words.
I just hope I'll succeed
the next time I feel the need.

AQ  Post #: 111
9/19/2008 15:32:56   

Dreaming of you

Today I dreamed the perfect dream,
the dream of life eternal
for every man and woman and child.

The dream of peace, global
between every race and everyone of every kind.

I walked through a field,
on a sunny day,
while in the distance
the wind caused the trees to slowly sway.

I walked alone,
for many miles.
-without those trees ever coming closer-
When on the horizon a figure appeared.

This figure was you..
With you you brought rainclouds,
great big clouds,
that blocked out the sun.

I frowned,
as I imagined living like that could never be fun.

As I neared you
the weather turned from bad to worse.
Rain hit me in the face
and every now and then the thunder burst.

I ignored that though,
as I walked further with a smile on my face,
'til I got to you.
This is where I slowed down my pace.

You looked up from staring at your feet
and looked at me.
On your face nothing but utter defeat.

We stared at each other,
for I don''t know how long.
It could be a minute,
it could be an hour
it could be even more.

Not a word was said,
not a muscle moved,

you smiled.

And I smiled back,
and I closed the gap,
and I gave you a hug.

Then, there was no more rain
only sunshine.

AQ  Post #: 112
9/19/2008 17:01:03   

I'm not sure any more

I don't know...
It came as a shock to me
when I realised this.
But I did,
As I discovered that,

I just don't know any more.

I used to know,
at least,
I think I did.

Come to think of it.

I'm not sure about that either any more.

Sometimes I long back,
to the time life was still simple.
But the more I think of it.
the farther away that time seems to be.

Or is that just me?

I'm not sure any more.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/19/2008 17:06:56 >
AQ  Post #: 113
9/20/2008 7:00:07   

Its rare: unusually happy

I'm feeling very unusual today,
like I've rarely felt before.

I'll try to describe it,
though it's hard.

I feel like getting up from my chair,
and calmly walking outside.
Then searching for my cats,
all of whom will probably hide.

I feel like petting them,
for a good minute or ten,
and then,
I'll just get up.
-cat in hand-

And run around in circles for a good ten minutes more,

While laughing in galore.

til my throat is sore.

That's how happy I am.
AQ  Post #: 114
9/22/2008 11:41:09   

My day

Every day I do the same,
I get up,
I shower,
and quickly check my mail.

I eat,
and brush my teeth.
I get on my bike.
And leave.

I travel way to many miles,
before I get to my job.
Where I work way to many hours,
practically non-stop.

Every day the same,
never even a trace of change.

It would be unbearable,
-impossible to do-
if it wasn't for that brilliant speck of light,
that is you.

Before I get up,
I dream of you.
And when I shower,
I hope,
that when I quickly check my mail,
there will be one from you too.

When I eat,
I hope you'll eat with me one day.
And by the time I brush my teeth,
the thought of you can't possibly sway.

I travel my many miles,
and work my many hours
with a smile on my face.
Because I know,
when I'm done,
I can come over to your place.

AQ  Post #: 115
9/22/2008 12:14:51   

Strange behaviour

Why do you rain on me?
don't you see
me smiling upon you?

Why do you blow against me?
Stormy wind,
I'm on my route to be free
don't you realise?

Why do you try to trap me?
Forest of old,
don't you want me to be
where I've always wanted?

Why do you work against me?
Forces of nature,
this could've all been so easy
if it wasn't for you

Now I'm at my destination
tired and beaten
confused and sad.
And I'm sure
you didn't want that.
AQ  Post #: 116
9/22/2008 15:09:41   

In love with an idea

I'm in love with the idea of being in love.
It's a strange feeling,
a strange thing to be in love with, even.

But I think it might well be the truth.

I don't know what it is,
perhaps the time of year?
-October is nearing
that's the month of love, ain't I right?-

Or maybe it's just me,
being what I've always been.
just differently.

In the end I couldn't care less,
I'm happy.
And whatever it is caused by,
being happy can't ever be bad.

Can it?

AQ  Post #: 117
9/23/2008 15:12:29   

Walking through a dark room

We're walking through a dark room,
my heart
my mind
and me.

A room so dark
it's impossible to see.

I know they are around though,
my heart and my mind .
As sometimes they crash in to me,
or in to each other.
And that hurts,
or so I find.

I'm torn between which one to follow,
through this dark, invisible maze.
My heart knows where it wants to be,
but my mind knows the better ways.

And it seems they cannot find each other.

Sure, sometimes they are close,
then my mind tells my heart how to walk,
and my heart tells my mind where to go.
But even at those times,
the darkness makes things very slow.

And in the mean time
I'm just trying to figure out
where I myself want to go.

I just realised,
all I really need
is a simple flashlight.
AQ  Post #: 118
9/24/2008 12:32:58   

I asked myself a question

Every now and then
I try to ask myself a question.
One that I cannot possibly answer,
just for the fun of thinking about answering it.

These questions used to be simple,
and rather quickly I got tired of thinking of them.
"How big is the universe?"
"Is there life outside of earth?"
Can't keep me busy for more than a few hours.

But some weeks ago I asked myself a question,
and I've been thinking about it ever since
Every second of every day
it is on my mind.

This question?
No, it's nothing complicated,
not about life nor about the world.
It's about me and goes like this:

"What do I actually feel?"

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/26/2008 16:06:42 >
AQ  Post #: 119
9/26/2008 13:56:09   


Sunday is warm sunny weather,
with a gentle cooling breeze.
While laying in a hammock
only moving when you please.

Sunday is sleeping in
til the afternoon.
A breakfast in bed
just forgetting the Monday will come soon.

Sunday is children playing in the park,
having a picnic with friends.
Sunday is starting a travel
and not knowing where it ends.

Sunday is a lazy day.
Sunday is a fun day.
Sunday is a free day.

I wish Sunday would enjoy us as much as we enjoy it,
maybe then Sunday
would be kind enough to stay.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/26/2008 13:58:56 >
AQ  Post #: 120
9/26/2008 13:57:47   

Laying here

I see you laying next to me,
the smile on your face as wide as mine.
I'm happy laying here with you,
forgetting about time.

Up above shines the first star,
up there,
way too far.
But it doesn't matter,
as I have all I want
right here with you.

It's getting colder
but I don't want a jacket to wear.
I'll just crawl closer against you,
that's all I need,
I swear.

I could lay here all night long,
without even making a sound,
and I'd be happy
just knowing you're around.

So will you lay here with me all night long?
You don't even have to make a sound.
I'll be happy
just having you around.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/26/2008 14:00:26 >
AQ  Post #: 121
9/28/2008 16:26:32   

Another collab poem. This one by me and Firefly (be sure to check her Poems of Fire. They are awesome) I'll be writing in my normal colour, though unbolded this time and Firefly will be writing in this funky shade of pink. We hope you enjoy it.

Breaking free

Life used to be hard on me,
it used to enjoy laughing me in the face.

People telling me what I should be.

While I had to listen
or fall out of grace.

I question the reason for all I do,
am I living for myself, or is it all for you?

If I would stop listening to your blabbering
and started being the way I wanted to be,

then maybe, maybe I'll find a way out of the blue.

When times grow rough, I wonder, who do I turn to?
When I gather the pieces of myself, will I still be me?

When I finally break free,
will that even make me happy?

Can I live without the cycle
bestowed upon me?

The cycle of listening to the lies,
and acting accordingly.

The day deceit walks away,
what will be left in my life to hold the sway?

For years I questioned,
and for many more I will.
But today something changed,
as today I didn't keep still.

I can't take your words,
for freedom is my thirst.
I can't listen to your lies,

so you listen to this.

I'm taking back my life,

I'm getting out of here.

Shedding away the pain inside,

throwing out that awful fear.

Locking away your talks
and throwing out the rusted key.
I hope you know this:
you'll never again haunt me.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 9/29/2008 13:56:04 >
AQ  Post #: 122
9/29/2008 16:38:35   

Another collab, this one is between me and my good friend Ana_Maria... Whom you all should know by now as this'll be my third collab with her. I'll be writing in my awesome green, unbolded and Ana will be writing in this lovely... Eh, crimson red. (look up to find out why that's funny to me. :^P
Anyway, enjoy

STOP: Enjoy

I have always been fascinated
with a whole lot of stuff
I used to be able to stare at a simple pen for hours
and still not feel like I'd seen enough

I have always been amazed with the simple things in life
Some find it boring "watching paint dry" or "grass grow"
but if ya dont take time to stop and look
life might pass ya by

Most people don't agree on this
They tell me to hurry up
or they just simply sigh
I just smile and ask them why

while things like the paint dry
or the grass grow might be slow
Seems the steady connection of my dial up beats their iffy faster one
any day

I have come to learn that the easiest way to get rid of stress
is not to stress at all
If things seem to go wrong just smile
and everything will sort itself out after a while

and so what if it takes longer to walk the mile
than to run it and miss the best
Ya know they say "best things in life are free"
but rushing past, its hard to take the time to see

So, take my advise
enjoy the journey, not the destination
and life will soon grant you
a much greater kind of satisfaction

AQ  Post #: 123
10/2/2008 14:24:32   

Answer me this

Death will you take me?
As nobody will take me.
Death will you hold me?
As nobody else will.

All you'd need to do to get me
is say you love me.
love you back I will.

As everyone else I asked to love me,
replied by keeping still.

will you tell me
what nobody else dares to tell me?

It doesn't even have to be the truth,
I'm evenly content with a good lie.

I just want someone to love me.
Or at least have that illusion,
before I die.

< Message edited by mistermafio -- 10/12/2008 19:22:56 >
AQ  Post #: 124
10/6/2008 17:51:56   


I got myself a mobile phone today,
one of those dandy small things.
Thought it'd be fun,
grinning when it plays a tune
and laughing when it rings.

Things went horribly wrong,
I could explain how,
but I don't have that long.

There's one thing I can say at least,
and hope it says enough.
Six six six,
it's the number of the beast.

And he ain't the type that likes to laugh.

AQ  Post #: 125
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